Open Links in New Window... PLEASE!


Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes...

Post Number: 10720
Registered: Aug-05
every time i click a link from this site in the forums, it takes me to that page in my forum window, so if i start to explore the website, i have to spam the back button to get back to ecoustics.

can we have a feature added that opens all links in a new tab (like Firefox and chrome and such?)

Username: Admin

Post Number: 7157
Registered: Dec-03
The forum formatting code already exists to open links in a new window.

Using the format \newurl{link,title}

\newurl{,Google in a new window} => Google in a new window

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes...

Post Number: 10728
Registered: Aug-05
damnit, alright.

i was talking about typing a URL, and having it automatically hyperlinked, and that hyperlink opening in a new window. but you have hyperlinking disabled.

Bronze Member
Username: Dj_lives

Post Number: 11
Registered: Jan-10
Look in here thread "URL links no worky"
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