Offensive Thread


Bronze Member
Username: Devils_advocate

Post Number: 36
Registered: Jul-05

It appears to have no point but to attack an unregistered user that has posted on these boards a grand total of about five times.

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 4624
Registered: May-04

The administrator can remove the thread since it doesn't actually apply to speakers and appears headed into the oblivion of fight. However, I fail to see how the question can be taken as an attack. I was curious whether Pang was employed by SDAT. As I've posted on the thread, I was simply asking a question with no malicious intent. Does someone who is mounting an attack usually put smiley icons along side their thread?


Bronze Member
Username: Devils_advocate

Post Number: 38
Registered: Jul-05
The question could be construed as offensive. But either way, the thread has devolved into a petty fight.

Silver Member
Username: Joe_c

Oakwood, Ga

Post Number: 737
Registered: Mar-05
Devil, although it is good to see you registered, I believe you have started petty fights just like the rest of us.

Bronze Member
Username: Devils_advocate

Post Number: 39
Registered: Jul-05
Fighting is to some extent inevitable on these forums, but to dedicate a thread to call someone out is just asking for trouble.

Username: Admin

Post Number: 559
Registered: Dec-03
Thread removed.
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