I've had an old ipod mini but I just got a 60gb photo. It worked fine the first two days but all of a sudden, I put it on shuffle and it wouldn't get out of shuffle mode. It kept playing songs for like 10 seconds and skipping to the next one. It wouldn't stop playing even after I had turned it off, with the hold switch! Then, I connected it to my computer and it stopped playing immediately but it erased all the songs off the ipod. The weird thing is, it tells me that all the songs are on the ipod and it shows that space is taken up! I tried clearing and re-uploading all the songs from my library back onto the ipod, but it does the same thing: it tells me that the ipod is fully updated and shows the list of songs but when I turn it on, there are NO songs on it. It kept all the photos. Any idea what could be causing this?