Sony Walkman Volume Wheel ... WM-GX788


Bronze Member
Username: Blazingarrow74

Chicago, IL U.S.A.

Post Number: 57
Registered: Mar-06
Hey Everyone ... I have had this portable cassette player for about 2 years now; bought it new, and it's never been dropped or out-of-service ... However, I have always noticed an inconsistency with the sound-output depending on how I turn the Volume Control Wheel: Sometimes the sound is in perfect stereo, and sometimes it just sounds loud with barely any separation ... The dial runs from 0 - 10 ... and from 7 - 10, the separation seems to be fine, I don't even get static when manipulating the wheel, however this volume is much-too-loud for my ears, so I end up usually around 3 - 6 ... and the problem is especially bad from 3 - 5 ... Even with low levels like from 3 down to 0, I manage to get volume much too loud for the range and only with tediuous and gentle movements can I get it where I think it sould be ...

I have listened to a cassette recording of John Coltrane's Giant Steps (Album) to try and pinpoint the problem as John's saxophone is often in one channel or the other ... When the sound seems to be in "perfect" stereo, it sounds softer, more transparent, and even has less tape hiss; it almost seems like a Dolby Noise Reduction System is running ... but it is difficult to yield this result at higher volume ... but I'm not even sure if this is how the walkman is SUPPOSED to sound ... at all other times, the music is very "in-your-face" and stereo separation is much harder to notice ...

I've been frustrated with this ... the local DJ Supply Store I bought it from had this lone model left, so there are no exchanges ... and I'm hesitant to take it in to a shop before I figure out this problem a little more ...

I have noticed this with another (Late 70's/Early 80's Model) Sony Walkman Radio, there is static when the Volume Wheel is moved, but not only is my model a newer one, my volume wheel affects the soundstage of the music ...

Is this a common problem, do I simply have a short somewhere in the Player ? ... is this some weird attempt at Dolby B ? ... Can anyone give me an idea about what I should be listening-for so I may know if it's "set right" ? ... any insight is appreciated ...

Gold Member
Username: Illuminator


Post Number: 3951
Registered: Apr-05
You're being fastidious. It's a cassette player. Yes it was probably way too much, but what do you expect from a cassette player? That or you're probably using crappy tapes.

If you want good sound, get a CD player or an mp3 player that will play higher bitrates.
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