Can you transfer music from your music player back to your PC?


Unregistered guest
I have a Sony Network Walkman, and I recorded and transferred all of my music to my player. I would like to be able to trasnfer the files back because I want to delete the music off my pc and if I ever need to put the music back on my computer I want to be able to. I used to do it all the time. Now when I try it just deletes the files from my player and doesn't transfer the files. When I called Sony they told me it's because the music industry put copyrights on all music so that no one, no matter what brand of player, can transfer music back to their PC from the player. Does anyone else have this problem?

Leslie S
Unregistered guest
yes, I had that problem with my ipod and I used a program called EphPod. It allowed me to copy songs off of my ipod onto my computer. I am not sure what you would need for your mp3 player but I just wanted to let you know it can probably be done.
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