Canon? Olympus?


Bronze Member
Username: Salstang00

Boynton Beach, FL USA

Post Number: 20
Registered: Jun-04
Debating on a new digital camera. I am looking at the Canon S400 and S410 or the Olympus Stylus 410? Any real difference in Canon 400 and 410? Which would be better out of the 3 for everyday use? I like to take pics of my car, cars at tracks, landscapes, people, etc.... Any other camera you would recommend over one of these 3? Why? Thank you....

Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 1108
Registered: Dec-03
Canon. Better battery life, faster shutter response.

Unregistered guest
Nikkon lenses are vastly superior. This is an undisputed fact. Anything else is inferior. Check out the Coolpix family.

Bronze Member
Username: Salstang00

Boynton Beach, FL USA

Post Number: 21
Registered: Jun-04
nikkon lenses? so you recommend a nikkon? what kind? whats the coolpix family?

Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 1109
Registered: Dec-03
What is your budget? I take it you are not too serious about control when taking pictures. You want a casual use camera, a basic point and shoot.
If you are looking at Nikon, check out the Coolpix 4300 for the 4 megapixel families or the 5200 for the 5 megapixel family, this is assuming you are within this budget.

Bronze Member
Username: Salstang00

Boynton Beach, FL USA

Post Number: 22
Registered: Jun-04
up to $400 is budget... I found on Ebay a few S410 Canon for under $400 with accessories
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