Can someone please help. I bought an NTSC Panasonic DVD camcorder in Japan using RAM minidisks. When I play the disks in my multi-system DVD player it shows a perfect picture. I then load the disk back into the camera and hook it up to my (Australian) computer and download using the Panasonic software that came with the camera.
I upload the MPEG movie into my files on the computer and then transfer them into my movie making software (Cyberlink Powerdirector). I have to specify in Powerdirector that it's NTSC files to import otherwise I get a warning message. None of this is a problem except that once I burn my movies, I get a vibrating, jerky motion especially when filming my son playing soccer, it seems to be worse on moving objects.
I understand that this is probably because I have filmed with an NTSC camera and dowloading onto a PAL system computer but is there anything I can do to stop this without buying a PAL camcorder. I have tried putting the RAM disk straight into the computer but it won't read it.