I bought a Sony handy cam MINIDV- DCR-HC38E,Last week of this month (August), Unfortunately I didn't have common supplied accessories with that Pack. not even USB Cable. Whenever It Clearly mentioned which things customer get with this pack. Finally with a lots of effort when I got an usb cable and supplied Cd Software. That Ware didn't perform! No Response ! No Driver Found! No Link Discover! (Of course my PC is quiet steady. I use to prefer Micro soft windows xp professional (Servise pack 2) What I'll Do with that spastic Handy Cam? If Supplied ware with that HandyCam doesn't work yes better to say corrupt . Then what I can do with it? with that Spastic Cam.!? Could you please tell me What was my Fault ? I prefer that Company? I had have a faith on Sony ? My full confidence remains about their product? Now I'm really burning in hell. What I will do with that spastic handy cam? Where your recognize dealer says it's another dealer's fault your another dealer says it one other dealer's fault …… my merry-go-round days been gone many years ago. One person spend 16,999.(Rs) for net Conference? Live Chat? Haaaaaaaaaaa }