I've been looking around the net to see if the problem I'm having is normal - but here seems to be the best place for some info. I had a look through your forums, but couldn't find the info I was after, maybe someone can help.
I've had my d70s for almost 2 months, but I've noticed I'm getting heaps of noise in my dark photos. I get these bizarre lines that streak across all my night shots.
Here - I'll attach a pic for you.
This was taken in Dubai, where I was working at the time, and the shot was shot at ISO : 200 S : 1.5 sec F : 3.5
I deliberately boosted the mid-tones to highlight the problem, but as you can see it's a huge amountr of noise for such a short exposure. And what is with the Dark lines?
The dark streaks are a bit of a concern. The noise I see there is about what I'd expect of a Nikon at 1.5 sec (not really a short duration) of a night sky. I would expect a light touch with a noise-reduction tool should eliminate that nicely.
Remember that noise shows up first in shadow or dark areas. That large expanse of night sky is going to show noise pretty easily, especially when you start boosting the exposure.
Those streaks are not normal. I can understand noise but not streaks. There are times when the heat of the internals bleed on to the sensors but it usually produces a purplish bloom looking much like light fall-off.