Please help me someone we have a canon mv530i and had no problem dowloading video footage to our windows 98 but now we have upgraded to win xp it doesn't even recognise any device is connected - has any one else had this trouble does anyone know how to fix it - it would be so great if you could help - thanks
some errors may occur during connecting your camera with pc: 1- usb spoilt 2- if usb is ok, you are connecting you camera in "record mode" or "photo mode". Right way is to set the camera with "Playback mode". 3- No software installed.
Help needed! I recently bought a JVC GR-D340E DV camera and need to transfer my recordings onto Windows Movie Maker. I bought a Firewire cable separately and have been trying to transfer my stuff across. Unfortunately, movie maker does not detect my camera. I have tried all the usual - turning it off and then on again etc... but it's still not working. Am I missing some software or anything else for that matter?