D50 Focus Question


New member
Username: Pixeldroid

Madison, WI USA

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-06
Hey all:
When I was shopping for a digital SLR last Fall, this forum was very helpful in chosing which camera to buy. I ended up the Nikon D50, which has been a lot of fun, so thanks for all the posts.

Perhaps someone could help me with a problem that occurs periodically. Sometimes, when I attempt to do take a picture of something I am holding in my other hand (the hand not holding the D50), the camera will focus, but will refuse to take the picture when I fully press the button. This happens in automatic mode. I think it is a focus issue, but I would like to override the camera and just take the darn picture with the best focus it can get. I think that even when the subject is in focus, the camera "thinks" its not.

Anyone know of a workaround?


Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 8109
Registered: Dec-03
A workaround would be to put it in the sports mode, manual focus or full manual. But really, the reason it won't fire is probably because it is not in focus. That usually happens when the camera is aimed at subjects without a lot of contrast.

The reason why it won't fire just at your leisure is because it is on automatic. It is programmed to take the best possible shot out of the situation it is given. Now, if it fires on automatic while it is out of focus, you will hear a lot of complaints that the camera does not take sharp pictures.

There's a lot of features that your camera can do. Take the time to read the novel/manual for the camera and experiment:-)

It's a tough read but it will be worth your while.
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