Need Purchase Advice Please


New member
Username: Bahb

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-05
I'm considering an Olympus Camedia C-765, or Casio exilim Z750, or Canon Powershot 550. But I started researching this so many days ago, and have read so much stuff pro and con, I'm now confused as to why I chose those 3. I know squat about cameras or photography, just want grandkid's action pictures and my old Fuji 250 (I think) takes too long to get started and too long between shots. I'd love any advice.


Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 4455
Registered: Dec-03
I only have experience with the Casio and the Canon. And both are great cameras. I prefer the Canon's sharpness and slightly better color rendition. The Casio has great portability and very quick response but still takes great pictures. If you are like me with bad eyes, you will prefer the bigger screen of the cAsio.
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