Sony cybershot


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Username: Teresamax

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-05
I have a sony cybershot camera and I put the camera in a case and left it in my car overnight whilst the weather was cold. the next day I took it out and it would not turn on I think condesation may have got in I tried to keep using it but would not work, changed batteries etc. How will this be fixed or is it broken because of condensation it has been in a warm room for 24 hours and still not working when I switch it on HELP- Its only 5 months old I have a guarantee will be returning it or is there anything I can to make it work

Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 4431
Registered: Dec-03
Just return it and save yourself the hassle and worry about when it will finally give out. But make sure that it dries out completely for at least a week before returning it for warranty work. Sony will find a way to make it look like it is your fault that the camera malfunctioned such as neglect and what not.

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Username: Jada

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-06
PLEASE HELP My Sony DSC-40 LCD screen just went white one day, I cant see anything on it, it's still taking pix and movies though, u can track those on a PC, BUT I CANT SEE ANYTHING ON THE CAMERA SCREEN!!

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Username: G8asw


Post Number: 1
Registered: May-06
Hi folks
Is there a reset on the Sony DSC-40, I have just
down loaded pictures to the computer and thought I followed the procedure to cancel the
usb link on switching back to Camera position the lense cover opens then it switches of with cover open
I have already sent one camera back to the
supplier (Amazon) with the same problem what am I doing wrong and how can I rectify the situation

Regards Roy

Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 8102
Registered: Dec-03
If it already happened twice, that should tell you something.

Do not buy the same product again.

For transferring pictures from camera to the PC. Use a memory card reader instead of using a direct camera to PC connection.

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Username: Lakemama

Many, La Usa

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jul-06
i have a sony cypershot w/ 5.1 megapixels and it shoots all pics that way. i don't have the manual and i want to know how to change it to take pics in 1 or 3 megapixels, thanks

Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 8408
Registered: Dec-03
Go to the Menu and look for Picture Quality or Image Settings. From there you can change the size of your pictures.

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Username: Lakemama

Many, La Usa

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-06
ive searched all over the menu on every setting that little dial has on that damn camera andi don't recognize a place to change the image settings.

New member
Username: Lakemama

Many, La Usa

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jul-06
i know how to resize a pic once it's been taken but can't seem to figure out how to set the camera to just take pics in smaller pixels. and the manual i find online i can't get in english. imagine that!

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Username: Lakemama

Many, La Usa

Post Number: 6
Registered: Jul-06
i just got online support and someone showed me how to do it. you have to set the camera to the "take pic" icon and press the "trash" button and then u choose what size pic u want to use. how stupid do i feel. but he also gave me the web site to get the manual in english if anybody needs it.

New member
Username: Lakemama

Many, La Usa

Post Number: 9
Registered: Jul-06
i'm having the same problem with my cybershot too. the lens wont go back in and stay in but i also have another problem. it'll let me look at the pics but if i turn it to take a pic, the camera tells me to "turn the camera off and back on again". the battery is fully charged and i tried thumping the lens and also tried using it with the power cord plugged in but no luck....please help!

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Username: Jj3000

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jan-07
I have a sony cybershot 6.0
Does anyone know how to shoot pictures in black and white?????

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Username: Papiinnyc

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jan-08
Sony Cybershot DSC-P51 Black Screen of Death. JoeFunVA called it right... one good smack on the side of the camera, and my display came back, good as new! I had to smack it pretty hard, on the right end of the camera.

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Username: Project6

Post Number: 14357
Registered: Dec-03

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Username: Onlinegadgeteer


Post Number: 2
Registered: Dec-08
I am using Sony Cybershot camera the picture quality the this is too good. When go to picnic i always take it.

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Username: Danibabez

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-10
Hi i was given a sony cybershot 14 mp camera. At the begining nothing was wrong with it but now when i go to look at pictures i have taken a blue screen appears sayn file error however saying this i can still look at the pictures when i remove the sd card... Is this a fault with the camera or memory card?? please help and if it can be fixed, how??
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