RT | which is better? what are the advantages and disadvantages of each? i need help. |
Anonymous | 8mm runs circles around vhs-c. You get better audio (more frequency range), and more stable video. The tapes are far less prone to atmospheric problems (sticking). vhs-c must have an adapter for playback within a vhs deck and those are notorious for bad problems. My advice: avoid both. buy mini-dv. there simply is no comparison. |
| Try "Digital 8" its Digital with the convenience of ordinary 8mm tapes!! I believe it has high potential, with real cheap prices, and high quality. ![]() |
Elimination | get something digital...dont make the mistake i did by buying a 8mm camera, and now cant edit anything... (im taking it back, paying 70 dollars more for a mini dv) |
Anonymous | do 8mm tapes have adapter tapes like the vhs-c tapes?? |
Derek | No. The only other advantage 8 mm has over VHS-C is that it can copy copy-protected movies. I have an old Sony Hi-8 and it copies VHS and DVDs with ease. I would go D-8 though. Sony just introduced the 250 at it only costs $399 and has the same picture quality as DV. It is 20X optical, has optical image stabalization and can see in the dark. |
| I have a problem I hope someone can help me out with.. I have a VHS-C tape and when I try and play it in my VCR there is alot of snow and the picture jumps really wild. I can get sound but it's going so fast that I cant make out anything. Dose anyone know how I can fix this?.. I've tried the tracking but that dosent do much of anything.. |
Unregistered guest | Looking for an adaptor for an 8mm tape. Haven't been able to find one anywhere and wondering if anyone out there knows where to find one. It is the thinner 8mm tape. Any suggestions welcome. thanks |
manololova Unregistered guest | How 8mm/miniDV Is Different From VHS There are several reasons why 8mm (or Hi8 and miniDV tapes) cannot be physically played in a VHS VCR: 1. 8mm (Hi8, miniDV) is a different format with different technical characteristics than VHS. These formats were never developed with the intention to be mechanically compatible with current VHS technology. 2. 8mm/Hi8 tapes are 8mm wide (miniDV is 6mm wide), while VHS tape is 1/2" wide, making it impossible for a VHS video head to read the taped information correctly. 3. 8mm/Hi8/miniDV tapes are recorded and played at different speeds than VHS, so even if the tapes could physically fit into a standard VHS VCR, the VCR still couldn't play back the tapes at their correct speeds. 4. 8mm/Hi8/minDV audio is recorded differently than VHS. 8mm/Hi8 audio is recorded in AFM HiFi mode, while miniDV audio is recording in 12-Bit or 16-Bit PCM digital audio format. So, even if the video could be played back in a VHS VCR, the audio could not be read properly. 5. 8mm/Hi8 video is of higher resolution than VHS and is recorded in a different bandwidth length (miniDV video is recorded digtially), so once again, a standard VCR still could not read the information correctly, even if the tape could fit into a VCR. Now, lets get back to the "Jersey Cousin". He owns a VHS-C camcorder. The tapes used in this camcorder are essentially smaller (and shorter) VHS tapes, but are still the same 1/2" width of a standard VHS tape. In order to play these tapes, there are adapters available to play them in a standard VCR. |
MicheleInTexas Unregistered guest | I really want to find a company that will start making a 8mm vcr adaptor...like the vhs C adaptor....can anyone help me? Please leave me some kind of feedback |
Michigan Railfan Unregistered guest | I use 8 Millimeter. I have a rather new SONY camcorder. The advantages over VHS-C: Better sound, better picture quality, longer tapes. The adapters are annoying, but mine has an LCD screen that I can watch. If you are getting a camcorder, I too, would recommend digital. But if you can't afford digital, 8 millimeter. |
Anonymous | I have an old sony 8mm can't get it to take a tape, but if i try to close it with out the tape it closes fine does anyone know what the prob is... thanks |
New member Username: SmpandyaPost Number: 1 Registered: May-05 | I have some old 8mm video tapes that have a problem. When I play them (on the camcorder itself), the audio is there, but no video. Interestingly, if I press fast forward or rewind, I can see (the rewinding or fastforwarding) picture, but not in play mode. These are some very important video, and I am willing to pay good money if somebody can help me. |
Unregistered guest | I am looking for an 8mm adaptor for my VCR. It would be similer to the VHS-C adaptor. It would allow me to play my 8mm tapes in my VCR.If anyone knows where I can purchase one, please contact me at: stevieman271@yahoo.com. Thanks |
Xrrider1031 Unregistered guest | Is there any way to put miniDv video on to the compuetr without using a camcorder? |
New member Username: Lpcvideo1Chicago, IL Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-05 | Sanjeev, It's been a while since your post, so I hope this isn't too late. I have the same thing happening on my 8mm camcorder. I am not entirely sure what is causing the playback problem, but I have a good suspicion it is the tracking. It could be that the tracking on the camcorder was thrown off at some point, making the original tapes unviewable. This happened to me--my brother dropped my camera and it never played the older tapes, but recorded and played new ones fine. I got a new camera, and it would not play the ones the broken one did (if you can follow the convolution...). A simple test would be to take another camcorder and see if the tapes play. If they do, and a recently recorded tape DOES NOT, you may just need to get another camera. They are pretty cheap on ebay nowadays. Or, see if the camera can be re-tracked at a repair shop. However, be sure you have copies of your most recent tapes recorded with the bad tracking... -Chris |
xrrider1031 Unregistered guest | Mark Kemple There is no such thind as an adapter because vhs has a 1/2 tape and of course 8mm's tape are 8mm wide. But, sony has a digital8, Hi8, and 8mm tape player. The Model# is GV-D200 or GV-D500 (which has an lcd screen). Hope this was of help to you. Mike |
Unregistered guest | Maranio Lopez, I have the same problem - the later poster is "right" about tracking if you have dropped the thing - although if it was a VHS format then I'd expect a "domestic VHS machine" to have enough range (of alignment) to cope with tapes from different sources. This is what happens when you rent a video - or swap between machines. However, let me define my problem - see if it matches yours - I have some family tapes I took about 10 years ago on SP using a top quality JVC m/c with TDK VHS-C tapes. The tape appear in unused condition and will record/playback on a domestic machine in excellent quality. (even on LP). However, the old recordings are a mixed bag.....some playback OK then the picture will break with smears across - oddly the sound is also affected, yet I'm sure this camcorder recorded sound twice - once on the mono (edge of tape) and in some strange FM system which I believe is common to all "stereo" VHS formats (since the edge track was mono only). Is this just like your problem? Explain the difference and anything you've done to fix it. I suspect if the tape is ruined (loss of binder, physical damage etc)then recovering the image will be well nigh impossible. However, I'm hopeful my problem is "level" as the re are some tapes with the effect only at times - I remember the camcorder had "rotten" battery-life and wonder if the supply voltage was too low to get a decent recording - yet they played back ok - but now they don't do that "in the camera" either. \\regards. It really is annoying that a trusted manufacturer (JVC) has allowed my memories to become a pointless exercise - why did I need to buy their machine if I would never get to see the results as the family grows up - isn't that what was the implied promise? That's what I thought I was getting; as it is, it seems to be a weighty piece of junk. |
Unregistered guest | Just noticed the dates - your vhs-c problem was 2003 - still maybe you're still on-line and can help, etc. It must be a common problem as I have dozens of them similarly affected.....Best regards |
Unregistered guest | harry, I am having the same problem with a JVC camcorder vhs-c, I purchased a vhs-c cassette adapter and all I get is Audio and static for a picture when played through the VCR. The VHS-C tapes are brand new and I just bought the adapter last week and the same thing happens whether I record at SP or EP. I have tried to change the speed of my VCR and still no luck I even tried different VCR's and still had the same problem. I am now looking to buy a new camcorder (one with DVD recordability and SD card compatibility as well) but I would still like to be able to play these VHS-C tapes that I have so maybe I can transfer them over to DVD with a DVD recorder. Email me with your answer or fix at crash99@cox.net thanx in advance |
Unregistered guest | I also have play back troubles with my 8mm comcorder. Thinking about saving my pennys and buying a 8mm player to use to transfer all my tapes. My next camcorder will be a mini- dvd format. |
Unregistered guest | I also have play back troubles with my 8mm comcorder. Thinking about saving my pennys and buying a 8mm player to use to transfer all my tapes. My next camcorder will be a mini- dvd format. |
Unregistered guest | Hey all, I just baught a JVC VHS-C with stereo, video, and S-video outputs, But how can I get these images to my computer? Is there a cord out there that goes audio/video to my computer, or am I doomed to buying a vhs/dvd burner? |
New member Username: Lpcvideo1Chicago, IL Post Number: 2 Registered: Jul-05 | JVC owner: Your computer needs a card that will process the analogue signal and change it to digital. There are a ton of options for doing so, and it depends upon what you will do with it. Pinnacle makes several products that will do that. Check out http://www.pinnaclesys.com/PublicSite/us/Home/ for some options. This will get you started! Have lots of fun. |
Unregistered guest | I have read here that a copy protected VHS tape can be recorded to an 8mm or Hi 8 digital camcorder??? If that is possible can that be transferred or recorded to a DVD recorder??? Thanks Gary |
Unregistered guest | Where can I find a PDF user manual for a Panasonic PV-DV701 MiniDV camcorder?? Please send help to: joshnpowell@hotmail.com |
Unregistered guest | I have some VHS C tapes of family events which I treasured very much but all I get from them now is snow. Can these images be recovered? |
Unregistered guest | i have several 8mm tapes from my old sony camcorder. the camcorder doesn't playback any tapes anymore so i can't use the camcorder itself to transfer video from the tapes. does anyone know of any other means of retrieving the video from the 8mm tapes. Converters? please e-mail sassykat49@hotmail.com |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 5005 Registered: Dec-03 | You are going to need another 8mm camcorder. No converters. |
Anonymous | As for the 8mm tape only getting audio. I have the same problem. I had the camera checked and it needed a new capacitor kit. $250.00 Canadaian. Only payed $150 for camera. Stuck with 20 tapes and no way to view them. |
Anonymous | As for the 8mm tape only getting audio. I have the same problem. I had the camera checked and it needed a new capacitor kit. $250.00 Canadaian. Only payed $150 for camera. Stuck with 20 tapes and no way to view them. |
Unregistered guest | By mistake my daughters wedding VHS-C tape was recorded over. Is there any way this tape can be recovered. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6559 Registered: Dec-03 | Sorry, but no. |
New member Username: Laras2000Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | I have a VHS-C tape stuck in my cassette adapter. I've changed the battery, but it still won't open. Anyone remember or advise me how to open this? |
New member Username: RoanokebarryPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | It seems the tracking does get off on the 8mm handycams but does anyone know how to adjust it?? I have a Sony ccdF201 and the tapes I made 15 years ago need tracking but on the new tapes the image is great..... so where is the adjustment or is it a fixed head.... thanks |
New member Username: BmilosSheffield Lake , Ohio USA Post Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | I have many 8mm video tapes made with our stolen Olympus nondigital camcorder...Our new Sony camcorder will not let us view any of these tapes. Camcorder illiterate me wants to get the hubby a birthday gift so we can view these tapes..is a new camcorder the only route..help..need to know today>>> |