Hi A week ago I used the camera outside took lots of good pictures , that day I took out the memory stick to view pics on the PC and the camera was stored and kept properly in case . Today I placed the memory stick back and prepared to take new pictures ,... when I notice the LCD display image was out of focus ,... but still visible and distinguishable image ,... I turned off - and on again ,... now the image on display is completely not distinguishable ,... Please tell me what can be the problem ? I will send You attachment - the picture taken of the room and window ,...
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do you have it on manual or auto focus its on the side of the camera take alook you might have switched it by mistake?
Thank You for responding ,... this model do not have manual/auto focus on the side ,... sorry I tried to reset the camera too ,.... and the same - bad ,... completely out of focus ,... everithing else is ok,...