I have a jvc gr-d72 got new computer lost the software that came with my camcorder. what are my options? (not that I was too fond with that imagemixer program anyway) and why does it only make mpegs? I hear people talking about video capture cards ...ect let me know
Do more research on video capture cards and see if it is something that you want to do.
Basically it is a device that will accept the video output from your camera and capture it on your computer's hard drive for editing and re-recording on another digital media.
Why are you hating JVC? It is not their fault that you have no idea what you are doing when it comes to transferring video to computers. It has firewire and usb streaming. Everything you need to transfer to the pc. You just need more knowledge and perhaps reading of the manual.
You really don't need a video capture card. You need a good computer with lots of RAM and a good processor. You also need a good video editing program instead of that cheap freebie program that came with the unit.
What kind of computer do you have? How much money are you willing to spend for a decent video editing program? How much real knowledge do you have when it comes to video editing on the PC? These things all come into play, video editng (at least a decent one) is not for the faint of heart nor for the amateur without a real working knowledge on the subject. With the information you supplied above, you don't seem like you have much experience with this type of video work. It takes a good deal of experience, so get started with your reading and learning and stop your hating about things you absolutely have no idea.
thanks for the imput.... I got a slower gateway bout 500mghz but it has 320 mb of ram and Its runnin on windows xp I have studio 8 editing program but havnt been able 2 edit any of my footage with it yet for some reason. I hope 2 be investing in a new computer soon but thanks for your help I dont hate the jvc...but Im not having fun learning all these new tricks with it
There is your problem right there. The computer is not capable enough to do any of the massive memory it needs to edit such a massive file. Your OS is fine it's your computer's capability to process a lot of the infromation needed to accomplish what you is what's slowing you down.