New member Username: IwoniakPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-05 | I just had a look on the posts about transfering from mini DV to PC. It seems really complicated and lots of people have problems with it. How doeas it work with DVD camcorders? Is there a way to transfer movies to PC without wire commection (like entering the DVD from the camcorder directly to the DVD station in the PC?) And how to transfer without losing quality of the movie? I still havent decided what to buy: mini DV or DVD camcorder. The most important is that I need something easy to work with, even if it's slightly more expensive. I'll appreciate any help... |
Silver Member Username: GromitPost Number: 302 Registered: Mar-05 | Iwona, Unfortunately, there isn't a completely straightforward answer to your question. It is certainly true that a lot of people have posted on these pages reporting difficulties with firewire, and no doubt more will continue to do so. However, you also have to rememeber that for every person who finds themselves finishing up at these pages, there are probably 1000 who just plugged it in and it worked first time. DVD camcorders have the great advantage (as you pointed out) that you don't need a wire connection to the PC. Plus, you don't need to install any hardware, plus the PC doesn't have to recognise the camcorder itself when attached. Plus, there is no risk of the interface on the camera getting blown up when you connect it to the PC. But, of course, there is a price to pay. Firstly, DVD camcorders only record using mpg rather than native digital video. The compression used is much higher, meaning that (although the file sizes are smaller, which is good), you can never get the same quality as you would with DV. If your primary way to view your videos would be to connect the camcorder to the TV, then mini DV is definitely a better bet. Secondly, because mpg video has something called interframe compression, editing it is more unwieldy (and time consuming) the standard DV, where each frame exists in its own right. Balanced against this is the fact that normal DVDs use mpg, and converting large DV file to mpg can take several hours (although it runs as a background task). This conversion normally happens just before you burn the DVD. So, if high quality TV playback and ease of editing are your objectives, then definitely go for mini DV. Conversely, if you are not looking for perfect quality, don't need to do much editing, and want a very simple experience, then a DVD camcorder might be better for you. Make sure your DVD drive is compatible with the mini disks if you follow this route. Let me know if you need further help or advice. Cheers |
New member Username: IwoniakPost Number: 2 Registered: Jun-05 | Gromit, thanks for your fast and detailed answer! I have one more question. I know that DVD camcordes record on small (8cm) DVDs, but someone told me that there are also camcorders that record on a standard size (12cm) DVD's, is that right? I must say I didn't find a camcorder like that via internet (or there is no info about it on web pages). If it's truth, will there be any difference in the quality? I must say I'm a bit lost cause technology is not my strong side. Thanks in advance... |
Silver Member Username: GromitPost Number: 307 Registered: Mar-05 | Iwona, If you look at the size of a standard DVD and the size of a typical camcorder, I think you will find your answer. Of course, one can't discount a tardis effect: I'm sure that any manufacturer who cracks the size problem would certainly offer DV-25 (this is the "official" term for mini-DV encoding) recording onto DVD direct. I would buy one immediately! Cheers. |
New member Username: IwoniakPost Number: 3 Registered: Jun-05 | Thanks Gromit, Heh heh, I'll buy one too. I guess for now I'll try mini DV, I hope that the sound recorded on mini DV isn't worse than if recorded on DVD camcorder, do you know anything about that? Thanks for your help... |
Silver Member Username: GromitPost Number: 311 Registered: Mar-05 | Iwona, Sound quality will be the least of your problems. Good luck! |
Unregistered guest | Hi, I just bought a Sony DVD92. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to copy what I have filmed onto my computer to make copies for others (burning). I have a CD/DVD burner installed in my computer. I think it may have something to do with the Formatting of the DVD in the camcorder and 'Finalize' option -- If I 'finalize' the dvd and place it in my PC it will let me view, but not let me copy. If I don't choose the 'finalize' option then my computer won't recognize the disk at all. I just want to copy the movies I am making onto my computer and I can't seem to figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! thanks. |
New member Username: VinivPost Number: 2 Registered: Jul-05 | Good questions Beth i am wondering the same thiong since i now have a handycam. ALSO Gromit you mentioned above(Make sure your DVD drive is compatible with the mini disks if you follow this route). Welp it just so happens i am unable to view my miniDVD on my computer, TV yes fine with the DVD player or stright thru the jacks from the cam, so how do i go about figuring out why i can't view them on my PC? Thanks for all you're help here tons of great info. |
Silver Member Username: GromitPost Number: 352 Registered: Mar-05 | bethanb, When you say "view", do you mean watch the video, or take a look at the directory of contents? I am not at all surprised that your computer will only recognise the disk if "finalised", so don't worry about that. Try opening "My Computer", right-clicking on the DVD drive and choose "Explore". Does that allow you to see and copy files? Cheers. |
Silver Member Username: GromitPost Number: 353 Registered: Mar-05 | vince, Either yourself (if possible) or by providing me with the model number, check out the spec for your DVD drive in your computer. It should mention whether it supports mini DVD. For example, I do not believe that my LG GSA-4081B supports mini DVD disks. Hope that helps. |
New member Username: VinivPost Number: 3 Registered: Jul-05 | Gromit thanks i found this info on my DVD nowhere does it mention Mini DVD this player is about 4 years old, The following table illustrates the SD 612's specifications, as provided by Samsung: SAMSUNG DVD-ROM SD-612 , Data Transfer Rate: DVD 12X (16,200KB/sec), CD 40X (6,000KB/sec) , Burst Transfer Rate: PIO Mode 4 (16.6 MB/sec), DMA 2 (16.6 MB/sec), Ultra DMA supported , Average Access Time of 110ms (DVD) and 90ms (CD) , MPEG Compatible with various Soft MPEG players and MPEG II cards , 512kb buffer , 128kb FLASH memory , Permits for both horizontal and vertical mounting , Supported Media: DVD ROM, DVD R, DVD Video, CD ROM, CD R,CD RW,CD DA, CD ROM/XA, Video CD, CD I/FMV, Multisession Photo CD, Extra CD, MixedCD, CD Text , S/N Ratio > 75dB |
Silver Member Username: GromitPost Number: 361 Registered: Mar-05 | vince, Here is an interesting quote from a tech tips website: "I agree with Ben. I have yet to come across a DVD burner that can burn both formats (+ and -) that doesn't support 8cm. The reason is because an 8cm DVD-R disc is part of the DVD-R spec. Therefore any dual-format burner that claims to support -R must also support 8cm discs." URL: I see that DVD burners are now available under $50 so it might be worth just buying a new one (after checking with the store about 8cm disk compatibility) and giving it a go. Cheers. |
Unregistered guest | Hello Gromit, I asked a question in the "Mini DV Movie capture and conversion" pages but for some reason I can not view them since then. Not sure why?? I can go to other pages as this one but can't get that one to come up so I'll ask another here. I'm a newbie to camcorders as we just bought a Sony DVD 203 for vacation. I can edit and make movies using the Sony software but it will only allow me to burn back to my camcorder (not to my CD-RW on the PC). So using the files I loaded using the Sony software I started to play around with MS Movie Maker and was able to burn them to the CD-RW but I want to watch them on our TV and the DVD player will not play them?? They look great on the PC but I want to send movies to family so they can play them on their TV and I don't know what software will do this for me. HELP! Thanks in advance for any help! |
Silver Member Username: GromitPost Number: 366 Registered: Mar-05 | dipswitch, Here is your previous Q&A: "dipswitch Unregistered guest Posted on Saturday, July 02, 2005 - 08:39 pm: Please help me! I'm a newbie, my first camcorder is a DCR DVD203 Sony Mini DVD. I missed all the fun of VHS/HI-8/DV etc.. I don't know what to do. We got this camcorder the day we left for vacation and using it was fun and we have about 10 DVD-R and RW's. The software that comes with it will only allow me to burn back thru the camcorder to a Mini DVD and I would like to put these on big disks. 1.) Is there a reason I can not find software so I can drop the recorded Mini DVD into my DVD-Rom drive and bring it into my computer to edit it and burn it back out to my CD-RW? This would seem to be better than running my camcorder to death. 2.)What software will be easy for a non-tech person of age (52) to understand and use. I don't want to copy real movies I just want to do light edit and compile my home movies onto big CD's or DVD's. (because they hold more and are cheaper than these Mini DVD's!) 3.) I don't want to go and trust some of the sales people as to what I need because they have already had me making returns on stuff that will not work with this camcorder. Gromit Silver Member Username: Gromit Post Number: 332 Registered: Mar-05 Posted on Saturday, July 02, 2005 - 09:10 pm: dipswitch, Have you tried placing the mini-DVDs in your computer and seeing if Windows Explorer can read them? Not all DVD drives support the mini disks so you might want to check before trying this. If your computer DOES read the disks (or you have a spare slot to fit a second drive that will), then from there it is just a matter of choosing editing software (e.g. Ulead VideoStudio or perhaps Moviefactory) that can work with the MPEG files generated by your camcorder. Please let me know the outcome. Cheers." Regarding your new questions: 1) try burning a DVD rather than a CD-RW if you want your DVD player to play them back through a TV. Use a DVD authoring package such as Ulead MovieFactory. 2) Once you are set up to produce DVDs, your other objective of sharing with family is trivial. Post again if that doesn't set you in the right direction. Cheers. |
dipswitch Unregistered guest | Thank you I will try a DVD-R and see if it will work. It looks as if I may buy a external DVD burner and try that. The ones I have done look great on the PC but as I said .... I had a Uncle that passed last year and he taped many VHS tapes of family stuff so as soon as I get this mastered I will be making copies of VHS to DVD and I'm sure I'll be asking questions on that can of worms! I can tell everyone that I have sent e-mails to SW companies for help and many don't answer or do not really help but one company has helped me the most and that was ( They have some great SW for making movies quick! And have FAQ pages and get back to e-mails fast! Thanks again. |
Silver Member Username: GromitPost Number: 367 Registered: Mar-05 | dipswitch, Some advice I will give you concerning converting old (precious) VHS to DVD: 1) Never throw away the original tapes. Always consider them to be the master copy. Store them in a climate controlled environment (NOT the attic, etc) 2) Make sure you always make at least TWO copies of everything. Once a year (minimum), get the DVDs out and make sure they still play. If one of them has gone defunct, make two fresh copies from the remaining good one. Cheers. |
New member Username: VinivPost Number: 4 Registered: Jul-05 | Thankyou again Gromit i'll be purchasing a burner soon that info will help, sorry i seemed to have disapeared my video card went out few days back and its taken this long to figure out what exactly died on me here, several trips to the tech shop they finally narrowed it down, nice new fat video card now ![]() |
Silver Member Username: GromitPost Number: 379 Registered: Mar-05 | Vince, Thanks for the feedback and good luck with the new burner! Cheers. |
New member Username: ArtfulUK Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-05 | Interesting stuff about using mimi DVD's from camcorders in PC's. Has anyone had experience of transferring data from these into Adobe Premiere? Any probs? Trying to decide whether to stick with firewire or move to DVD's for simplicity (would be used by school kids) |
Unregistered guest | Guys, for the most part, you cannot edit dvd movies. There are only a few editing programs that work with dvd cams. I have not found out which ones work though. If your editing, mini dv is the way to go. Also, if you just want to copy the dvds, just get dvd x copy. It should allow you to rip the ifo files to your pc and then copy them to a disc. |
pablo your friendly neighborhood circuit city employee Unregistered guest | also, if you were thinking dvd and wanted to edit easily, my personal mini dv choice is the panasonic pvgs65,150, and 250. Those offer 3ccd technology so you get better video than dvd and standard dvd camcorders. Only thing is that the low light mode on panasonics arent too great. But, they all have light attachments for external lights |
New member Username: AsmussenjrRiverview, FL United States Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-05 | Hello. I am currently stationed in Afghanistan right now and will be here for quite a while. Well my girlfriend went to NY and used a Panasonic MultiCam DVD Camcorder VDR-M53 to record her trip now she cant seem to view and edit the DVD on here computer. It was a DVD-RW disk so not sure if you have to finalize the disk or if their is software we may need. I would like to see a video of my family and this is rather disheartning. If anyone can please help that would be great. You could even email me the response also. thanks ~bobby |
Silver Member Username: GromitPost Number: 514 Registered: Mar-05 | Bobby, I do believe that it is necessary to finalise the disk before it can be viewed on a computer. If your DVD drive supports DVD-RW (which most do), then it shouldn't be too difficult to view the material. Editing might be a tad tricky because DVD camcorders record in MPEG-2, whereas .avi is standard for video editing activities. Programmes like Ulead Moviefactory can manipulate MPEG-2 files, but it is more clunky as most frames only contain relative, rather than absolute, information. Cheers. |
muffin man Unregistered guest | hello gromit, or anyone who can answer my off topic question, i am a click away from buying a FireWire PCI card 3 port IEEE-1394 for my dell pc(desktop) i know u plug it into the back of the tower, but is there anything else i should know about installing it, and is installing it difficult? sorry fo changing the topic, but an answer would be great. gratsi |
Silver Member Username: GromitPost Number: 516 Registered: Mar-05 | Muffin man, Fitting PCI cards inside a computer is not difficult but is rather daunting to do the first time, especially if you are not nerdy by nature. Can you get one of your friends to help you? If you do decide to have a go yourself, this is what you need to know: TURN OFF YOUR PC. Make sure you are not carrying static. Touch something metal that is grounded, for example your PC case while the mains cord is still plugged in. Don't wear shoes or socks while you are doing the job, and keep your feet on the floor. If possible, use a static-grounding wrist strap (I never have and and never had a problem yet) You will have to undo the screws on (at least) one side of your computer case to get access to the inside of your PC. On some Dells, there is a simple clasp you just press down to release the side. Try to avoid dropping anything, but particularly metal things like screws inside your computer. Not only do they get lost easily, but even when the power is off, there is some power from a battery on the motherboard. That means shorts can happen and cause damage. On your motherboard, you will see a number of white slots, close to, and perpendicular to the back of the computer. One of more of them might already be filled with cards. These are called PCI slots and you'll see that they will fit your new card. Choose a slot (any one will do, but keeping a gap with other cards as much as possible) to put your new card in. Break off the perforated rear panel blank adjacent to the slot so that you can fit a cable from the outside. Sometimes, you will break off the wrong piece. This is not a disaster. Lay the computer on its side to prevent it escaping across the desk while you are trying to fit the new card. Have a good torch or desk-lamp set up to illuminate the inside (just pretend you are a surgeon: good lighting, and a hygenic environment are the esentials). Take the new card out of its protective cover, and WITHOUT TOUCHING THE ELECTRONICS push it firmly into the white slot. It is keyed so you can't fit it the wrong way round - but it's pretty obvious which way it goes as the connectors obviously go at the back of the PC. Use the fixing screw to secure it into place. Put the side of your PC back on and turn it on. The new hardware will be installed by XP. That really is all you have to do. You probably just saved yourself $100, so long as you didn't blow up the PC. Note, there shouldn't be any dangerous voltages inside the PC, even with the power on. The inside is designed to be worked on by nerds and normal people alike. But be careful anyway. Cheers. |
muffin man Unregistered guest | thanx alot,if anyone reading this needs a pci card, i got one on ebay for 99 freekin cents, the S&H was $10, but they sellthem for $100 a pop on dell, so use ebay, again thank you so much gromit |
Silver Member Username: GromitPost Number: 523 Registered: Mar-05 | Wow! Way to go! (unless you are a vendor!) Cheers. |
tfulks Unregistered guest | Hello: I recently burned a slide show done with muvee software 4.1. I tried to burn a vcd and svcd from the source edit on cd-r but the program stated unable to burn so I put in a dvd+r and had no problem with the burning process but it will not play on my television dvd player, it plays fine however on the computer dvd player. Just wandering why I could not burn vcd's or svcd's and why the dvd will play on my computer but not on my television dvd player. Thanks, Tony |
Silver Member Username: GromitPost Number: 559 Registered: Mar-05 | tfulks, Re your CD-R problem: check that the file size does not exceed the CD capacity (700 M). Also, test your burner and software with a simpler job. Re your DVD problem: your set-top box may not be compatible with DVD+R, especially if it is old. Check the spec. By the way, I'm assuming you did use a DVD authoring package, rather than just dump a file onto the DVD. Cheers |
Unregistered guest | I m thinking of buying a DVD recorder to use a training aid. Can I film for 10 minutes or so, extract a DVD RW disc, play it on a PC and then add more to the disc without deleting the original material? |
Unregistered guest | Hiii I have bought a Sony DVD cam coder,i shot a dvd already, done the finalizing, but unable to see the view the DVD on my computer, do i require any software to view the DVD and which. plssss. advice Brgds V |
Unregistered guest | Hiiiii I have a Nikon coolpix Digital camera, i had the software original dowloaded into my computer, reecently my pc was formatted thereby lost all the software, and the original CD which came with the camera is lost, now i have too many pics in my camera , how do i dowload the same, plsss advice, it will be of great help. Brgds Bangera VS |
New member Username: Vsheen99JeddahSaudi Arabia Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-05 | Hiiiii I have a Nikon coolpix Digital camera, i had the software original dowloaded into my computer, reecently my pc was formatted thereby lost all the software, and the original CD which came with the camera is lost, now i have too many pics in my camera , how do i dowload the same, plsss advice, it will be of great help. Brgds Bangera VS |
Unregistered guest | how do i watch and copy or burn a dvd i recorded on my dvd player on my computer. I recorded from VHS to dvd. |
dragonx Unregistered guest | I own a Samsung mini DV digital camcorder.(VP-D31i) My IEEE 1394 pci card is working and detected by the system. when i try to connect my camcorder to pc (through the 4pin to 6pin cable) my system detects a new hardware but fails to install it. when my camcorder has been plugged in the device manager appears a 61883 DEVICE CLASS under which appers an UNKNOWN DEVICE I have windows XP professional 2002 running on my computer Any body have any suggestions PLZ.... |
Unregistered guest | can someone tell me when i load all my pictures into my muveeproducer 4.1 only some will appear and others i have asked to be included are eliminated? this is driving me insane as I want all the pictures i've requested to be shown in the movie. |
New member Username: CarmeloPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-05 | I've just bought a Sony DCR DVD92E, using mini dvds of 30 minutes, and used it widely while on holiday in Austria. In fact I used four different dvds (-wr). I discovered that the files are in VOB format. I have now transfered the four discs onto my PC and would like to edit them, because there are scenes which I can do without, and turn the whole lote into a single movie which i can save on a dvd. Is there a way how I can go about it? And which editing tool would be the best to use? |
Unregistered guest | Carmelo, I am using VirtualDub-MPEG-2, version for editing |
New member Username: CarmeloPost Number: 2 Registered: Sep-05 | With reference to your reply could you please tell me how I can use virtualdub? Does it joint the clips (45 vob files in all) and then author them into a dvd movie? Thanks once again for your help. |
Unregistered guest | i was think of buying a Sony DCR-DVD653E Digital Camera. i want to know is there any dvd camera that uses a 12cm disk because i have some research and a 8cm disk can only save 30min and i want to use it more than 30min. and what do u think about this camera. if i am recording for 1 function and i press the stop button and start again will it delete the previous i need a firewire PCI to transfer my videos to the pc. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 4416 Registered: Dec-03 | Does it have to be disk? Why not look at camcorders with hard disk drives. You wouldn't need tapes or dvd or any other media. It is well within your price range. |
Sandeesh Unregistered guest | I have a sony dvd handycam and i can watch the movie on my computer...but i can't edit or even get the movie into the editing software. I have tried everything..and i read through a lot of posts and i didn't really find any answers. PLEASE HELP! Thanks |
Unregistered guest | I have recorded movies on my sony d653e handycam in -RW (video)format and finalised and now want to transfer them to the pc and to larger dvd's can someone please help with how I do this and what software to this nero 6 or MS or the sony software. Do I save the movies to the hard disk of the pc first and then burn to the blank dvd?? and help or intsructions appreciated. thanks |
Unregistered guest | Dear Snake and others, I have bought Sony DCR-DVD653 PAL two days ago and recorded movies. I now need to edit the movies so I can remove some parts remix scenes from different CDs. I have installed software accompanying the camera on my PC but still could not do it. Can you help me? I am not good in this technology and rarely understand the jargons so please tell me in simple plain English. Warm Regards. |
Anonymous | Hi I have a panasonic video camera nv-gs33 model. can you help me, that is, is it possible to transfer the video cassette direct from the camera to my pc or burn to my dvd writer in my pc. |
Unregistered guest | Hi, I got one Canon DC20 DVD Camcorder.. I would like to edit the videos I have taken in the mini DVD disk... Can anyone help me to give the list of software that can help in capturing the video to my PC via USB or direct.... |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 5460 Registered: Dec-03 | Do not capture video by using USB. First lesson, you need to learn. |
archveentron Unregistered guest | Hi I am just thinking of buying a HDD camcorder (either the JVC or the new Sony which will be available soon). I understand that it is having 30 GB hard disk. I was wondering that if I want to convert it into a DVD, which is only 4.7 GB, then how will it possible as the recorded material will be 20 to 30GB. Can a HDD camcorder video be edited as i finally may not like to keep all that is recorded. Which software will be needed for this. I will appreciate answers. Thanks. |
New member Username: Kerry99Australia Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-06 | Hi, I have a miniDVD digital video camera. When I plug it direct to my TV the picture quality is good, When I try to capture it through my computer using a fire wire I lose quality is this normal. I have used Nero and Sonic. I have P4 with XP. any suggestions |
New member Username: Sony_userPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | I have recently bought a Sony Handycam DCR-HC14E. Has anyone any idea where you can find the burn vcd button on the camera. Any help appreciated |
New member Username: DagPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | F. Garland I just found that out ..whew.. in the Play/Edit mode on the right you will see a "FN" button on the touch panel... touch it and go to "page 2" tab...and thats where the "burn vcd' button was.. good luck |
New member Username: ZaskarboyPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | Hi guys, Read and re-read the posts in this thread, but I still haven't got it. I am using a Sony DVD605. I copy - open up CD/DVD drive in windows explorer, select all the files in the appropriate folders and copy. Paste into a folder on my desktop - and eject the disk. I then go to my desktop and click on the IFO extension file (my Thinkpad cannot open the rest of the files which are either of VOB or BUP extensions) to view my video. Unfortunately there is an error and I am asked to insert the original DVD disk. Can anyone please help? Many thanks in advance. |
New member Username: ParantapuduPost Number: 4 Registered: Feb-07 | Hi All, I have a sony camcorder DCR-DVD201. It records the media to a DVD-R/RW disc. The product was shipped along with its USB driver and Imagemixer Version1.5 for Sony DVD software. Unfortunately i lost the s/w CD and adding to it my harddisk also crashed. Can some please let me know where i can get this software from? Any pointer's on this would be helpful. Thanks Anand Vardhan |
New member Username: BalaHYD, AP India Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | Hi All, Still i have problem with connecting my Samsung SCD103 Camcorder to PC through Firewire. Through USB its works good but problem with DV port. My Campaq V6000 note book detects the camcorder through fire wire but during driver installition system gets restarted with blue scree warning message. Pls convey the feedbacks. Thanks in advance. |
New member Username: ShortcakealexPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | i am stuck can anyone help me. I have a Hitachi DZ-MV3000E. The problem is i have finalized my disc and my computer is reading it. However it is reading as Vob. file and when i convert it to mpg. The sections are not divided and my footage is lost. How do i divide the Vob. into the sections to convert. Can anyone help??? |
New member Username: AvinashkolluriPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-07 | hi there, can someone please provide me with the software for Sony DCR-DVD403E PAL. and also can someone tel me how to use it to transfer the movie on DVD to write on a CD please some one help me i am desperate please |
New member Username: IknownothingPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-07 | hello all, I,ve just bought a dvd camcorder and managed to transfer a video to my pc.(which is a big achievment for me as i know absolutely nothing about camcorders or pc,s)My problem now is that when i try to open this file i get a message saying windows cannot open this file:video_ts.vob. I,ve figured out i need to dl some sort of software but have no idea how to do this. Any help would be much appreciated, ty. |
New member Username: Rakesh1611Bangalore, Karnataka India Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-08 | hi All, I own a Samsung Mini DV VP D361i camcorder.I didn't get any capturing software and wire with this . I am looking for driver and software to transfer my video to my laptop. I have 1394 fire wire . I am facing problem to transfer my video. Any help would be much apprechiated , In advance Thanks By |
Platinum Member Username: Project6Post Number: 15113 Registered: Dec-03 | "didn't get any capturing software and wire with this" There is your problem right there. You expect things to be given to you. Go to the Samsung Website and ask them for tech support. If not you really have to think about buying your own software and wire. |
Bronze Member Username: Ieee488Post Number: 50 Registered: Dec-07 | You don't need software for Firewire. Use Windows Movie Maker 2 which is part of Windows XP and Windows Vista. |