This forum is officially dead... and has been for quite some time. I miss the good old days of looking forward to checking this forum..
After so many years I finally had a chance to install a Pioneer 880PRS. Unbelievable sound quality from this thing. In terms of SQ, it's the best HU I've ever heard. The reviews about it really are true. If only I had it several years ago when I still had my system. Pioneer FTMFW.
Ain't that the truth. I wish I could go back 5-6 years. "Those were the good old days" as they say... so many things have happened in the last 5 years, who knows what the next 5 will bring. I'm guessing I'll just get older and fatter.
i still hang about. dont post much. but see whats up. Still working on a system. just not into it as much. have new priorities. anyway, hows the Fam Paul? hope all is well. And steve, for some reason you are in my phone contacts. idk why..
Just got back from GA Marc. Visiting folks and other kin. 1648 mile round trip drive fro NJ. Everyone is doing ok. I just need to stop my 13 year old son from eating the world! He's a beast already at 5'9" and 150 lbs. He's got 5 years growing left which means he'll be the one looking down on everyone in HS and there will be NO chance of him being bullied lol. Daughter is tall and a handful too. It's their toys today that sink me. Iphones, Ipads, ect.