Love this Affordable Health care bill...about time America woke up and followed the lead that the state of Massachusetts took, years ago...and many other great nations have taken regarding health care for all...and the Supreme Court Justice Roberts standing by his convictions and thoughts of the Constitution, regardless of political party wishes...Once implemented I believe the naysayers now will realize they were lead like sheep with eroneous propaganda against this for no reason other than just to be contrary to what Obama and the Democratic party saw as a necessity in America, today and in the future for our kids and theirs,,
People need to get out of left-right politics... It's the Hegelian dialectic, divide and conquer, command and control.. Obamacare is just another step towards more control and more bureaucracy. It sickens me how big of a liar Obama is.. It's truly disgusting. People that like Obama aren't paying attention and are living in a fantasy world. Insurance companies wrote it and the banks own the insurance companies. So it's a direct tax to the banks. Ahh, isn't it wonderful being slaves to foreign banks and the mafia... err IRS? I love it.
Call it a tax or whatever ya want..1% is less than FICA tax (1.5%)...we pay much higher Fed taxes on gasoline and have mandatory car insurance...I believe medical insurance is more important and justified and needed for the people than mandatory car insurance or any much higher gasoline Federal tax..rPeople have no problems paying car insurance or gas taxes, but don't want medical insurance...I'm having a real hard time understanding logic and priorities here...especially when this plan will only affect a very small portion of Americans who can afford a health plan, and eventually lower health care costs currently being paid and shared by the insured for the uninsured.......low income already have medicaid, the rich have private, and the middle class have work related group plans or affordable other available plans, but many choose not to pay any insurance that then must be paid for by all when they use any medical facility....The Gov needed to step up to the plate on thsi....Our private liberties (control and bureacoracies) went down the tubes when the "Patriot Act" came about, long before this sensible overdue long needed afforable heath care plan act was passed by US Congress, the President , and the US Supreme Court....
I personally am not a fan of Obama care. It taxes the paying middle class even further by increased health care costs/premiums and it will certainly force smaller companies to downsize their workforce to avoid the mandatory health care if you employ a certain amount, I believe 50? My copays have already increased and coverage shrunk without the aid of what's to come. My company uses Aetna BTW.
For all those sign holders and those about to benefit from the new plan stop and think to yourselves as to what you're backing. The system will eventually degrade into a government run organization. THAT will eliminate competition and with it quality of health care. They tell us the average working middle class who pays for health care won't feel the pinch. I say to them #@$! off. We will CERTAINLY feel the pinch. You think the fed will just print more $$$ to pay for it??? No, they will lean on the strong to pay for the weak. I'm not spitting on the lower class here at all. I just don't want our nation as a whole to degrade collectively because it's an election year. I believe Obama is playing his Trump card and doing it at every honest American's expense.
Health care is important. No doubt. So is illegal immigration, crime, unemployment, the recession, and the fact that I can't get through one bl00dy day without seeing a GD Kardashian or some other socialite make the news instead of true news worthy ppl. It makes me sick.