Politics.....Just Cause


Platinum Member
Username: Nyyfan13

Northern VA

Post Number: 12153
Registered: Jul-06
I know we are going to get a bunch of Ron Paul supporters in here...ahem Steve and Ehren but I'm interested in who everyone is leaning towards as their favorite candidate. Btw, in no way was that a knock on RP.

If Herman Cain somehow gets elected, I'm leaving this country asap. I hate him and I hate pretty much everything he stands for. I think his 9 9 9 plan is one of the biggest jokes I have ever read. I have harsh feelings for this guy.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25154
Registered: Jun-06
Because I think Obama was the worst decision in YEARS I have to side with republicans on this year's run. Herman? He keeps ranting over his experience in the restaurant business. America isn't a pizza shop. You'd have to do better than that to take the most important seat on this continent.

The whole Perry/Romney debate? What a scam. The media gobbles up everything about those two it can to keep the camera off the true front runner (and usually crowd fav). Perry's "strengths" are also his weaknesses and Romney loves pointing them out.

Bauchman? Again the country isn't ready for a feminine leader. With so many devastating issues plaguing our country I doubt even the most liberal female voters would chance it. We're a country of firsts, but not ready for this one yet imo.

Newt? Like I said before, from experience he knows what to say and when. He can rally a crowd like anyone. I simply just don't trust him. He's a politician, can you blame me?

Rick Santorum? Nah. Not old enough for me lol. I just don't care for his responses. Like Cain I also don't believe he has the resume to fill the void.

O course I'm for Ron Paul. I liked him 4 years ago when he took Youtube by storm. The media got wise to him quick and tried ever so silently to mask his exposure and influence on the voting public. I wonder just how far they will go however. He's got the resume. He's got the facts. He's also got the balls to do what every candidate always promised to do. I think he WOULD make a difference. I'm for his military spending plan, views on liberty and how life in America should make you proud instead of ashamed, and above all isn't afraid to tell us what we NEED to hear, not just what we WANT to. We don't need another salesman.

So yes, all I want for Xmas in 2012 is Ron Paul.

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4448
Registered: Mar-07
Ron Paul is really the only candidate that you can trust. He has the best voting record out of of any politician, never flip-flops, and will obey the constitution. I don't consider myself a Republican or Democrat, I try to stay out of the false left-right paradigm and its labels. But anyone paying attention, knows Ron Paul is the way to go.

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4449
Registered: Mar-07
And I can not stand listening to Cain and his ridiculous 9-9-9 plan. Did anyone watch the debate on Bloomberg last night? Paul asked him about why he doesn't support an audit of the Fed, and he flat out lied. Then later on he said he wants to bring back Alan Greenspan.. that was pretty hilarious.

Just as Paul said last night, "Spoken like a true insider"

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25155
Registered: Jun-06
Sounds like to me the kid with the cookie in his pocket doesn't want the dog that witnessed him take it to be interviewed!!! Lol.


Gold Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego, California

Post Number: 6016
Registered: Dec-06
A Mexican woman with eleven fingers will be President before there will be another black man in office. Been there, done that.

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

Crescendo Audio FTMFW!!, AA Havoc 15 ... Your Mom FTW!!

Post Number: 3730
Registered: May-04
Im for whatever guy will lower gas prices and cigarette prices. And is for the legalization of pot (even though I dont even smoke). Other than that,I dont care lol,sorry politics never interested me. Hell Im not even registered to vote. Should I not have said that? Is the government gonna track me down and force me to register now? lol

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4451
Registered: Mar-07
Ron Paul wants to end the drug war.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4958
Registered: Oct-06


My loyalty is to reason. And as a reasonable person, I reserve the right to change my mind when presented with new information that alters my perspective.

Brilliant. You know where that quote comes from? The dog character (I don't know his name) on an episode of family guy guest starring Rush Limbaugh. I caught that little bit while flipping channels the other day and watched the rest of the episode even though I don't normally watch the show.

Unfortunately, I feel like the majority of people's loyalty is NOT to reason. Instead it's to things like religions which they've probably never questioned or thought about very deeply, meaningless political labels like democrat and republican, and just generally unintelligent, illogical, stale ways of thinking.
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