A Rant Worth Listening To


Gold Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego, California

Post Number: 6012
Registered: Dec-06
Everyone on E should listen to what this man has to say. Not only is he 100% on point, but he is also freakin' funny.


Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25150
Registered: Jun-06
LOLOLOL. He does have a great point. We ALL should be as mad and disappointed in our elected leaders. Why? Because they haven't been. The last 5 years have set us back 50 in economical freedom as a people and a nation. Far too many are doing without and losing their homes and any possibility of a bright future for their kids while they sit on their highly padded government azzes trying to figure it out (which they can but have it in their best interest not to). Nothing feels better than a highly paid job where the wheels keep spinning in the mud.

We could cut 50% of government jobs and balance the budget by eliminating wasteful government spending on not only military ventures overseas but as a result from an unbiased audit of the Fed by an independent firm.

There are trillions to be recovered.

Remember when we had a surplus and the only scandal was a stained blouse in the white house? Did we go without or suffer as a nation? Seemed to me we prospered, and paid our bills.

Gold Member
Username: Shortysetnies

Andrew Capps, NC US

Post Number: 3632
Registered: Mar-06

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4950
Registered: Oct-06
Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul

Gold Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego, California

Post Number: 6013
Registered: Dec-06
I was driving on the freeway the other day and on one of the overpasses, someone put a huge banner that said "Ron Paul Revolution 2012" wrapped with a flag. I am not really up on his (or anyones) policies and agendas, but I liked that banner and it struck something in me. It had a certain power to the design of it. With all of the unknowns that will jump in, and the others that everyone already hates/fears -- Ron Paul has a legitimate shot at this thing this time around.

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4444
Registered: Mar-07
Ron Paul has a perfect constitutional voting record, he understands the new world order and he's going to attempt to abolish the Federal Reserve. The fact that the media constantly says "he can't win" and ignore him when he wins polls or comes in second but then they headline an article that says "Perry on top, Romney third(can't remember exact title)" then they get caught and are forced to change it, shows you that they are scared of Paul. All the other candidates are stooges. You got Perry who is for forced inoculations, NAFTA Superhighway, Al Gores former campaign manager, attended Bilderberg in 2006, doubled the size of government in Texas, etc. but the media worships him because he looks "presidential" and people love being ignorant. Santorum makes me sick with his propaganda on foreign policy, Romney is heavily supported by wallstreet and would be worse than Obama, Cain is pro torture, pro patriot act, pro national sales tax, and to top it off was Chairman for the Kansas Federal Reserve branch in the mid 90's. He says that Ron Paul supporters concerns are "stupid" and he even wrote in his new book that an audit of the Fed is not necessary and if we have a problem with the Fed then we should simply "call them up."

Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul

End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed!
End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed!End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed! End the Fed!

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25151
Registered: Jun-06
I'm a registered Dem and if I could vote in the primaries for Paul I would. His view on military spending (mind you I didn't say defense) is right on when it comes to what America needs first. Stop the bleeding. I've tried to watch all the debates and I tell you every one of them come off as a run of the mill "say what you want to hear" political windbag. Paul isn't perfect but he hits the nail on the head and his rebuttal to the health care question sparks a deep rooted problem in this country. We lack the proactive motivation for taking care of ourselves now because we know advancement in medicine will make up for our shortcomings. Should a man who chooses to forego health insurance be let to die because of it? Health insurance is the single most important investment in your life (next to responsibly living it). Why would anyone choose to insure their car over their health?

And how on Earth did Perry last this long?

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4445
Registered: Mar-07
Perry lasted so long because the media worships him.


Get outside the ring.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 25152
Registered: Jun-06
Well the shame of it is that because of the media and all its' grand influences too many can't think for themselves and trust and believe everything they read. We get our bits of the world in those ad laced mini articles on Yahoo and CNN. We're too busy with our own lives that we couldn't care less who controls it.

I want a prez that will shake that tree that so many bloated government programs are hiding in. Shake it so hard they HAVE to fall. Then when the leaves have vanished you get to see the REAL culprits of our spending problems. You'll know them because they will be stuck in like an Alabama tick. If you can't extract them, cut the $#!@ing tree down.

It's wishful thinking, and I CAN wish right? They haven't taken that away too have they? Yet?

Sadly there are just far too many sucking off the teet and fat because of it. We probably wouldn't benefit more than a year before someone would off Paul. Too many "important" people getting yanked away from that teet. It would pizz the wrong ppl off right quick. Force some Senator to work in construction and strip him of his pensions, take away at least one of his vacation homes and have him cut his own grass. Show him what middle Americans live like every day. Then tell him his 401K has vanished because of the market, and he and his family have to find a way to live on $20,000/year instead of $400,000. Then have him lose his job to Pedro, because Pedro will work for $4.50/hr with no breaks. Take his house next and refuse a refinance because his credit score is less than perfect. Can we say short sale?

Oh yeah. Don't forget to kick him in the balls and thank him for the bank bailout.

Yeah. That would be cool.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4951
Registered: Oct-06
The vast majority of politicians are motivated only by self promotion. Their policies, their agendas, every word they say, is about advancing their career and creating a very calculated image. They may or may not really believe in, or even be that informed on or passionate about the issues that Stave mentioned above.

Ron Paul to me is one of the few who is willing to stand up and speak the truth, speak his mind, and start making some of the REAL changes we need.

Platinum Member
Username: Nyyfan13

Northern VA

Post Number: 12151
Registered: Jul-06
As far as Ron Paul goes, I used to be adamantly against him because some of his views and opinions seemed a bit "out there" but I've recently been finding him to be more and more appealing to myself.
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