Happy Birfday To ME Fools!!!


Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

Crescendo Audio FTMFW!!!, AA Havoc 15 ... Your Mom FTW!!!

Post Number: 3590
Registered: May-04
Yup its officially my muthafuckin birthday!! July 22nd FTMFW!!!! I am 25 years young today but I feel about 35 and act 17 lol!! Im takin it easy tonight so I can prepare myself and my poor liver for the devastating events that are to come tomorrow night! I hope I dont do anything stupid and end up in jail lol. My plans for tomorrow you ask? Well,beer,beer,probably a little liquer more than likely it'll be Jeg,some pharmacutical products ,beer,beer,liquer,liquer,beer,more pharmacuticals lol,and did I mention beers? And then some birthday head,then a ham samich,then off to sleep where ever my FUBAR azz ends up sleeping. The next day is going to be horrible tho,thats gonna suck azz but it'll be worth it!

New member
Username: Antennas

Post Number: 6
Registered: Dec-09
Wish you a very happy B'day, hope you enjoy and think anything else except beer beer and beer.

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

Crescendo Audio FTMFW!!!, AA Havoc 15 ... Your Mom FTW!!!

Post Number: 3592
Registered: May-04
lol Thanks!

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 24978
Registered: Jun-06
Enjoy but don't over indulge.

Wait. Just who did I say that to?

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4932
Registered: Oct-06
You sound like you have a drug/alcohol problem, but I don't know you personally so have fun and be safe, I guess.

Gold Member
Username: Wolf_hound

Phoenix, AZ

Post Number: 1401
Registered: Sep-05
Dont fall asleep and get banged in the butt by ur friends dog like last year.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4933
Registered: Oct-06
I guess "ur friends dog" is Julian's nickname for his d!ck.

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

Crescendo Audio FTMFW!!!, AA Havoc 15 ... Your Mom FTW!!!

Post Number: 3593
Registered: May-04
"You sound like you have a drug/alcohol problem"

I really dont drink near as much as I did back in 06-07ish but I still enjoy a couple 24oz Buds evry other day or so. As far as drugs go,yea you're probably right. I been doin prescipt. pills for 5+ years. Its one of my many demons but it is what it is until I hit my rock bottom I guess.

"I guess "ur friends dog" is Julian's nickname for his d!ck."

I would welcome that with open cheeks!! lol

Well my b-day pretty much sucked azz! I ended up sleeping all day and night. I actually didnt even get out of bed til about 1am. By then it was too late to do anything. So I just sat home by myself ate some hot wings and some cake. I did catch my "pharmacist" before he went to bed tho lol. So I did catch a lil birthday buzz. Oh well birthdays dont mean as much when you get older,its just another day.

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4425
Registered: Mar-07
"I really dont drink near as much as I did back in 06-07ish but I still enjoy a couple 24oz Buds evry other day or so."

LMAO. Happy Birthday Twiz

Get off the pills though.

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

Crescendo Audio FTMFW!!!, AA Havoc 15 ... Your Mom FTW!!!

Post Number: 3594
Registered: May-04
Thanks Steve! Trust me I wish I could but people just dont understand how hard it is to do that. Thanks for your concerns tho.

Gold Member
Username: Wolf_hound

Phoenix, AZ

Post Number: 1402
Registered: Sep-05
I dont really make a big deal about birthdays either its just like anyday. plus i party every weekend like its my birthday lol.

And wtf Steve get off the weed....

Gold Member
Username: Wolf_hound

Phoenix, AZ

Post Number: 1403
Registered: Sep-05
Oh and Happy birthday i didnt say it before lol

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 153 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 17020
Registered: Jul-05
now seeing this - happy belated b\d ....

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 17164
Registered: Jun-04
same here but get off the pharmies I had an aquaitence I know die from doing that stuff

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4934
Registered: Oct-06


Its one of my many demons but it is what it is until I hit my rock bottom I guess.

Tried to make him go to rehab, but he said no, no, no.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 24984
Registered: Jun-06
Dude, it's always better to catch yourself on the way down than see what you became on the way back up.

Assuming you're lucky enough to see it. Don't wait until you're in your late 30's to realize you threw your life away.

Ok. Enough preaching. You're a big boy.

Silver Member
Username: Cheap_trick

Post Number: 342
Registered: Oct-09
popping pills is for clueless nubile teenie boppers.
be a man... grab yourself a piece
and get it over and done with.

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

Crescendo Audio FTMFW!!!, AA Havoc 15 ... Your Mom FTW!!!

Post Number: 3599
Registered: May-04
Thanks for the happy b-days eveyone!

This thread wasnt suppose to be about my habbits but thanks for your concerns I guess lol.

"popping pills is for clueless nubile teenie boppers.
be a man... grab yourself a piece
and get it over and done with."

lol Ok will do! I guess Im a clueless teenie bopper and have been for a long time lol. Thats Ok I dont wanna grow up cuz Im a Toys-R-Us kid........!!!!!!!

Gold Member
Username: Jbpitt

Pittsburgh, Pa. Usa

Post Number: 1261
Registered: Jul-09
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