So long to that 38.00 a month cell phone bill


Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 17133
Registered: Jun-04
My cell contract runs out in a few days. On to magic jack....I had magic jack for 2 years before and was pleased with it and its only 20 bucks for a year of service with free local and long distance. Thats $1.67 cents a month. Ahh how sweet.

Gold Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego, California

Post Number: 5994
Registered: Dec-06
If they ever make a Magic Jack Portable, I am so in. I just can't NOT have a phone with me when I am on the road.

Gold Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego, California

Post Number: 5995
Registered: Dec-06
Does it work ok Sean? I read so many bad reviews when it first came out.

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 17134
Registered: Jun-04
Yes it does work. In two years I had one problem with dropping calls and after i spoke to magic jack tech online they did something and the problem was fixed. They are coming out with a magic jack plus said to be out this month to 90 days from now expected cost $49.99 with free 1 year subscription like the old one. The plus works without a pc up and running the old one doesnt unless you get a pc that is magic jack ready (old pcs). My parents had it for like two years too with xp and had zero problems. I have vista home premium.

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

Crescendo Audio FTMFW!!!, AA Havoc 15 ... Your Mom FTW!!!

Post Number: 3508
Registered: May-04
What Im wondering is what cell provider you are using to only have a $38 a month bill? Thats very cheap.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 24909
Registered: Jun-06
That all depends on usage. There are extremes. I myself have a crappy motorola boost mobile phone. Prepaid. No plan. Considering how much I use it I put like $20/month on it and I'm good.

Now if you have a smart phone or one of the newest out there with unlimited data, airtime, internet, ect, you can drop $100/month easy. The fugger will consume your life too. They're like crack. Businesses are starting to limit their employees' usage of them because they can check email, watch movies, listen to music, surf the net, shop, check sport scores, ect, all on company time. No need for that company wide internet filter.

Gold Member
Username: Jbpitt

Pittsburgh, Pa. Usa

Post Number: 1237
Registered: Jul-09

You cant beat the plans straight talk has. Its not $38 a month but mines $52 a mnth unlimited everything. Depending on the phone its either ran off of at&t,verison or t-moble towers too. There phone selection kinda sucks tho. They only have two smart phones availible atm but it beats paying $100+ a mnth.

Platinum Member
Username: Nyyfan13

Northern VA

Post Number: 12109
Registered: Jul-06
$38 a month....that'd be a dream come true to pay a month lol.

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 17135
Registered: Jun-04
My cell phone plan was with team mobile which was good service where im at. The only complaint is some of my voice messages were coming in days late. I had the basic plan for 500 anytime minutes free 9 pm and after calls and weekends free. No other extras. Honestly I just got a cell phone to keep up with the joneses. So I got rid of it. How many of you can say the same????? Be honest with yourself before answering that question.

Platinum Member
Username: Nyyfan13

Northern VA

Post Number: 12110
Registered: Jul-06
No way in hell I'd live without a cell phone. I'm using it right now to type this lol. I send/receive anywhere in the ball park of 125-175 texts per day and a handful of calls a day. I can't go more than a few hours without my cell phone. It's always on me. That's how 95% of America is this day.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 24914
Registered: Jun-06
And that's where the providers intend to keep you, in the palm of THEIR hand.

125-175 texts a day Yanks? That's like 11 every waking hour. Wow is THAT an addiction lol.

I will say this about hand helds. Never has current events or even tragedies been so quickly uploaded to the net. Seems everyone has a phone that takes good quality pics and vids.Today when something ground breaking happens there are at least 45 phones staring at it. Imagine 911 with today's technology. There would have been 50X more camera angles and video shots available to be analyzed. Sporting events? Seems even pro athletes are caught tweeting and texting during their own games.

When even millionaire sports figures can't put something down for a couple of hours while they "earn" their $ it shows you who is in control.

Gold Member
Username: Mrskullz1

New York

Post Number: 2045
Registered: Feb-07
125 - 175 texts is probably about a third of the amount of texts that girls send/receive.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 24918
Registered: Jun-06
I'd have to agree Skullz. My ex felt generous and decided to put her at the time boyfriend's 2 daughters on her cell plan. 2 teenage socialholic girls. At the time it was $.10/text? Needless to say between the two of them in one month racked up a $1000 phone bill.

$1000. You do the math but anyway you slice it her provider was like..........


Platinum Member
Username: Nyyfan13

Northern VA

Post Number: 12111
Registered: Jul-06
Well. Yea, I have no excuse for that. I like to text and so do my friends, bosses, co-workers, etc. It adds up quickly. Thank God for unlimited texts lol.

Gold Member
Username: Mrskullz1

New York

Post Number: 2046
Registered: Feb-07
yea i hear ya. I pay $10 a month just for unlimited texts. I text a lot too (or at least more than the amount of calls i make). Although it may not sound true, texting seems easier and more convenient than phone calls for me lol.

BTW, you can save a lot of minutes by texting instead.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 24922
Registered: Jun-06
Cheaper? Yup. Frustrating? Yup.

My phone has the tiniest buttons and its' layout sucks. I thought I'd try something different than my usual flip phones but boy do I miss them now. Flip phones protect the buttons from dust and accidental pressing, which in my case is very prone. I can't tell ya how many times I accidentally set off a ringtone or begin dialing random numbers just by taking the phone out of my pocket.

Plus texting is far more dangerous while driving as opposed to hands free speaker phone.

Gold Member
Username: Freezeman_7


Post Number: 2590
Registered: May-06
I love cell phones. I actually deal in cell phones now for Best Buy Mobile.
I have an Infuse 4g on ATT, and an HTC Thunderbolt 4g on Verizon. I got that verizon unlimited data just before they shut it off! Im an android freak!

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 24928
Registered: Jun-06
^^^^Monster. Lol.

Platinum Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 16496
Registered: Jan-06
Metro PCS cell is just $35-40 a month...billed monthly....unlimited calls, text, internet etc..and now have expanded and are almost great in all ways with great coverage..

Magic jack, I've had for 4 years and love problems on old or new computers from windows 98 to windows 7, it doesn't matter...its (portable size of a lil zippo lighter) and plugs right into the USB, laptop or desk..I own some houses in different states and use it everywhere, and never have to get a new phone # when on the road or at new location. ..and I did the 59$ ( 5 year deal)...only thing ya can't do is keep a whole bunch of windows open all the time..
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