Anybody out there? Once a year type guy,weekend warrior type guy, depression type guy, anxiety type guy? Or are you like me,burn one after work to relax and get a peaceful nights deep sleep type guy? Or are you a straight up pot head type guy?
Non-smokers please tell us any thing about experiences etc. Smokers just give me a +1 before your post. What are your beliefs about maryjane, how do you think weed legalization or decriminalization would effect us?
How much do you really know about this wonder drug we call mar*juana?
I'm a firm supporter in N.O.R.M.L. , I appreciate the truth/reality, not lies and bs... Norml is calling out the gov. and supporting common sense. Please share your opinions on this subject. No sarcasm or dumb fu*king comments. Whats the word?
With that said, I don't think it should be decriminalized one bit. Personally speaking, I have seen far too many friends ruin their lives from marijuanaa and other drugs but it all began with marijuanaa for them. The occasional smoker, that's fine. I don't mind one bit. For the guy who does it everyday and has to to get by, I have an issue there. I'm a Criminology major and have been a part of this debate 100 times so far so it gets bit redundant for me but for me, the "positives" of legalizing/decriminalizing marijuanaa aren't close to the negatives that play out from it.
Yanks if you can bring yourself to make it one hundred and one, I have a couple issues with that argument. If you've heard all of this before, I'm just curious as to what your rebuttal is.
I'm sure we can agree that alcohol shouldn't be made illegal. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'll assume for now that you're okay with alcohol being legal, and being used responsibly.
So my first problem with mar!juana being illegal is, when comparing the two, alcohol is almost (i'll get to the almost shortly) inarguably the much more dangerous substance. Alcohol comes with a much stronger mental and physical addiction. The list of destructive behaviors people engage in as a direct result of alcohol addiction and/or abuse is a scary one. Spousal and child abuse, unprotected/unsafe sex, unwanted pregnancies, drunk driving and manslaughter of innocent drivers... and so on.
While those are all things that people can and will do even without alcohol, we all know what a strong role alcohol plays when it is involved and how much less frequently these things would happen in a world where people only used alcohol responsibly. You could also argue that mar!juana addiction or abuse can cause people to do these same things, and I'm sure it has on some occasions. But again I think we all know that it doesn't play nearly the role alcohol does in these destructive behaviors. You don't frequently hear about or encounter scenarios where peoples lives are torn apart by mar!juana use. Have you seen the show Intervention? It's pretty scary stuff. Have you ever seen an episode centered around a mar!juana addict? I haven't.
So here's the "almost". Based on what you said, it sounds to me like your primary issue with mar!juana is this "gateway" theory. I've lived and experienced the gateway thing, not just witnessed it or heard about it, and I honestly believe the gateway effect of mar!juana would change completely were it legalized. Or, similarly, if alcohol and mar!juana switched roles, you might see a much greater gateway effect with alcohol. What I mean is, I think the gateway effect is really more a product of the illegal culture that comes with mar!juana. Mar!juana causes a number of chemical responses in the brain, like alcohol, but it's not like a switch flips that makes you want to snort blow and shoot heroin. Legalization would go a LONG LONG way towards being able to encourage, monitor, and enforce responsible use.
I tried mar!juana for the first time when I was probably 15, and my friends and I were hooked. It was all we wanted to do. But the underground, illegal nature of having to acquire it and use it inevitably led to opportunities to try other things (think of meeting your pot dealer to make a purchase; "here's the weed you wanted, and oh I also have some of this other stuff.."). So as young, reckless, experimental kids, we tried other things. I'm not proud of some of the stuff I tried, and looking back on it I am very aware of how dumb we were and how dangerous it was. I was one of the lucky ones, or smart ones (depending on how you look at it). When I tried harder things a couple times, my reaction was "okay, I see exactly how dangerous this sh!t is, I'm never doing this again". Unfortunately some of my friends didn't see it that way. The less responsible reaction some of them had was more like "this is fun, and I don't feel addicted at all, you just gotta be smart about it!!" And of course in the following years some of my closest childhood friends became junkies, betrayed their families and friends, have been in and out of jail and rehab, and their lives are forever damaged.
With that said I don't blame mar!juana one bit for the decisions they made. They are to blame, no one else, nothing else. Mar!juana's only involvement is that it happens to be sold at the same store as coke and heroin. Alcohol is sold at the same store as... bread... and milk...
Mar!juana belongs in the category with alcohol, not the others. It can be, and IS, used safely and responsibly by millions of people every single day. To take away a person's right to it because some people abuse it, isn't right.
Sorry for the speech. I don't think any of that was groundbreaking argument, I'm not the first to voice those opinions, but those are my feelings on the matter.
I'm doing a final right now so I won't respond to all of it but I will tomorrow. I do want to bring up questions for you.
Hypothetically speaking, if we do legalize it, how do we control it? How do we tax it? Who sells it? How do you get the license, if any would exist, in selling? Do we sell it like liquor but at a "Marijuanaa Store"? How old do you have to be? Do we make it illegal to sell privately in terms of your everyday dealers or do we allow anyone to grow and sell? If so, how do you control people not tampering with it making the effects harmful?
Can it be legalized? Sure. Do I think it will ever be legalized? Not a chance in Hellll.
does this thread seem way off margin to any one else, why are all the posts halfway across the page. Gregraf wtf dude, your username glitches the entire thread bro, wtf....
Ehren, no need for apologizing that was a very useful and intelligent post! Just wish more people were somewhat as wise as you. People are so brainwashed and blind (thank the u.s. gov propaganda commercials)about mary jane its pathetic. Watch the documentary (The Union) All I have to say.
That list, while impressive, is a bit misleading. After all most ppl only indulge themselves on what's currently legal to consume. I'm grabbing this out of my azz but I remember reading somewhere that pot has MANY times the carcinogens as tobacco. Something like 40%+ more. Also pot smokers tend to inhale and hold it in more, thus exposing their lungs even further to them. Lung cancer is still lung cancer regardless of the cause. Just ask my late Grandfather who died of LC at a young age. He was 100% Italian and a coal miner who grew his own grapes and made his own wine. Died because of the job he took to support his family.
I smoked pot in my early 20's. I liked it. It took me places that I was always fond of. Growing up though forces you to make the decisions that you pat yourself on the back for later. Also working for a corporation today being subjected to randoms doesn't help the hobby. I need to keep my job in order to pay for what keeps me and my son alive, not just in a better mood.
Cigs never did squat for me except the occasional mellow feeling but the coughing and smell quickly out weighed any benefits. Good thing too cause they are like $8/pack today.
I tried LCD ONCE. I say that because I remember experiencing absolutely nothing out of the ordinary for the first 12 hours after taking it. It was the NEXT 12 hours that sealed my fate with the drug. It was a bad trip and one I will NEVER risk going through again.
Yup I tried a line of coke before. Again only once and again never again. It must be an acquired habit as I see so many drawbacks as opposed to any benefits. Bleeding nose, Anxiety, paranoia and restlessness, psychosis, overdosing, life of crime, ect. Just not my cup of tea.
Alcohol. As with anything, in moderation is the answer. I knew a guy who loved milk. I mean REALLY loved it. He drank so much he developed kidney stones on a regular basis. Calcium deposits all over his body too. It took his doctor ORDERING him to stop drinking it. Imagine that. Now I'm not saying drinking a gallon of milk a day is the equivalent of a fifth of jack and a 12 pack but there are repercussions to everything we do. Biting the inside of your lip as a constant habit will force your body to develop blisters. Can't stop? Those blisters will progress into something worse. Eventually over the course of time your nervous habit will cause you great physical harm that may not be reversible.
Ask anyone who has suffered through cancer of the mouth due to chewing tobacco. It's a habit I'm glad to see baseball is turning its' back on. Although it appears roids has taken over that spotlight in the game.
Taxation of legalizing said "illegal" drugs? Huge potential. With it also comes a huge flipside that no politician wants tagged with. The financial benefits of the country as opposed to the physical well being of its' members. THAT'S why we have the balance we have. Tobacco and booze are legal because they are more socially acceptable to tolerate. It's also what half the country indulges in and has enjoyed for the last bagillion years. Then there's the diplomatic side to it. Can you imagine the world wide smuggling that would occur if it were suddenly legal to grow, sell and smoke weed in the US, even if regulated? Forget the recession or even the global economy, all boats would be bound for the US. We would be ostracized as the "drug" country looking to make a $ off dependency.
Funny how we do that everyday on booze and tobacco but somehow we're ok with that due to that tiny little surgeon general warning they print on the package.
you have to have your medical card, but theyre practically giving them away. all advertisements claim $199 for your card. You are only charged if, and only if you actually get your card. if you are denied of the card, you get your money back
as for toking or non - i would be a non toker
i have no problem with weed whatsoever, i just feel that my money is better spent elsewhere
Been smoking weed since 1965...heavy at first and now on ocassion...the key to anything is moderation....weed has some well known good things and purposes, but can also be bad for some ppl with addictive alcohol, it can be used in a good or bad way....
Many states have basically decriminalized small amounts, under an OZ, which makes perfect sense ($100 fine in Mass, like a traffic ticket)..I been a member of NORML since 1968, and smoked weed while in the military as an officer for 30 years, and functioned quite well with keener senses sometimes.......IMO, course weed should be legalized, regulated, and government taxed for small amounts..
ppl are gonna smoke weed no matter what and for easons of their own...why waste millions of dollars to stop something that never will be, is not harmful in moderation , and turn that waste into a revenue for more important things like stopping coke and junk, doc shopping for pills, things that are much more serious and lead to death or serious costly health issues (physical and mental), unlike weed..
we all will never agree on this issue..but I put it in the exact same category as every aspect...
Well the weed that dominates the market these days Paul, is nothing like the weed from 20 years ago... It's exponentially more potent and can be engineered to have all types of different flavors and subtle differences in effect (although a lot of these features are more bull@#$% marketing than actual differences).
Typically around here (the midwest), "dank" or "kush" goes for $20 a gram, or $50 an 1/8 which is 3.5 grams. But it's much cheaper in other parts of the country. I guarantee someone in say California would get a much better deal. That nastly old stuff you guys had 20 years ago would actually be harder to find around here, but it'd be dirt cheap.
Hey Panama Red and Acapulco Gold was some pretty good $20 an OZ/lid etc or 250 a pound..or 475 a kilo was an average price most anywhere in 1970-75 (40 years ago)...and good ole green bud Mexican was $10 an OZ, and $240 a kilo, but not nearly as good as the Red and Gold bud.....its true, most weed today (except Mexican) is hydro and/or grown in grow houses , very more sophistacated and way more expensive , not to mention that the THC content is alot more stronger and a few hits and the buzz is more bogarting the whole joint..cost varies now based on which weed and who ya know but is nowhere like years anything inflation and supply and is business...and Uncle Sugar (government) needs to pull their head out and see the light and generate revenue for good causes, not waste our monies on a useless venture to stop harmless weed....if they wanna stop weed, then bring back prohibition and stop liquor too..and may as well add cigarettes to that also because alcohol and cigarettes kill ppl, weed doesn't..
eric..when ya know ppl and certain things , you manage to avoid "golden flow" and random testing, but still manage to pass with flying colors....and thats how the real world works in both civilian and military life..
I smoke quite often now a days, back when I played football was a different story. Never during the season, or when we thought randoms were coming. (it's pretty hard to beat a NCAA drug test, they watch you go). But I know many of our players who smoked regardless, some were caught, but many slipped by. Now that I don't play, not too many days will go by that I don't smoke.
Being a college student what do I do when I'm not in class? Work a little, play video games, watch a movie, party, see a girl, etc. All of which are made more entertaining with weed. I think I should be able to sit in my living room, roast a bowl and play CoD.
I have never been addicted to anything in my life, so weed for me is just as dangerous as booze or women. You can get addicted to anything, pretty safe to say most people here are addicted to car audio :-P. So what's so dangerous about weed? There's been no known overdoses. Yes, it can make you do something stupid or drastic, but so can booze and women.
I love me some kush, because I love me some food :-D.
I'm not going to spew facts or anything, just my little blurp here.
"I wish they would legalize weed, then the stoners wouldn't have anything to talk about" -Daniel Tosh
Well the "substance" of addiction is always evolving. Alcohol has been around dare I say the longest, with even use back in biblical days and beyond. Wine has been accepted in so many cultures and even religions. A trip to Italy today wouldn't be complete without tasting a local wine. It's favored by millions+.
Tobacco. What can anyone say? It's the number 1 documented killer of any drug. Of course, like I said before, if pot were legal lung cancer deaths would multiply. Even if a user only smoked pot they would ultimately die from "lung cancer" not pot cancer. It's funny when most ppl hear "lung cancer" they automatically assume tobacco. There are many causes of it. Tobacco, asbestos, coal dust, pot, ect.......
Then we have chemically engineered substances like pain killers, roids, ect. Science has allowed us to bypass nature in supplying us with or fix.
IMO, if you can grow it in your back yard or brew it in your basement for your own consumption it should be legal. Politically that is where it's a problem because then they can't tax you for it can they?
Just like our friends over in the sat section in regards to FTA. If I can receive and use a signal being sent to my backyard without paying for it why shouldn't I? I didn't ask for that transmission, I simply "watched" it. Who here hasn't listened to any CB radio cross talk? Think you should have been charged for it?????
THEY are the ones transmitting the signal onto your backyard. Why should you be punished for being able to "listen" to it without paying them?
Next you'll be charged for actually looking at a billboard on the freeway.
I'd just like to add, people that really like smoking weed still get it illegally. People that don't smoke weed don't have to. I can't say I've ever known anyone that ever struggled badly to purchase m ari juana. It still magically gets into the states in abundance but yet we have no clue how or no method to stop the importing. How can that be?
I'd also like to say that Ecoustics is by far the worst board I use and I'm all over the place on the net.
The government ships it in, banks launder the money, Hollywood promotes it to make it look cool, then you get arrested and sent to a private prison working for 20 cents an hour... pretty much sums it up haha