Ok, I don't recall any thread here devoted to her so why not? What's your opinion of her and her music/political views? Personally I never paid much attention and simply deemed her as a wacko that's been getting far more attention than deserved. My curiosity peeked and I started watching some of her vids. I was actually kinda split once I took in her music. I just don't don't care for the extreme wardrobe and makeup she utilizes. It takes away from what I believe is a very attractive woman. My opinion.
What do you think? Is she just a nut case with good connections and producers or are you an actual follower of her views?
"Born this way" for me is a good song. Putting aside any political/moral issue the song is trying to portray the beat is catchy and the video's choreography is almost spot on. Mind you I come from an era of this genre of music that is best experienced in a club filled with laser lights and black lights, smoke machines and girls in bikinis selling $6 bottles of beer out of a steel tub. "Bad Romance" was also a good song, again IMO. 375 million plus views on Youtube to boot in its' favor.
Radio and club appeal she is a hot ticket. The music is very likable and she has a very attractive voice. She could read me a bedtime story every night lol. I don't care for the fact that she likes to create mini-movies as music videos. 7+ minutes is far too long as a standard length.
So what do you think? Is she just riding the wave of internet stardom or really deserving of her fame due to talent?
She is very talented, plays piano excellently and writes very good pop songs. But much of her shtick is taken from others like Madonna, Gwen Stefani, Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears and David Bowie. Bad Romance is a great song by any standard. What she is doing is not unique at all, but she has a flair for taking it a bit further than those people did, which makes her appealing. As far as singing you to bed every night... yuck. She has an ok body, but her face is objectionable. She is 25 but looks 35. You DO know she was born with a willy, right?
She is 25 but looks 35. You DO know she was born with a willy, right?
No I didn't know this (if it's true). Like i said I am just trying to accurately assess who she is and what she/he stands for. I'm just an internet junky who chose to ignore her.
It was really removed? Like he/she had one but then didn't?????
I'll second what Brad said. She is a talented artist, but most of her appeal is her persona and antics, which doesn't do much for me. Vocally, she isn't all-time by any stretch of the imagination. Madonna is a great comparison.
I like "Judas". Partially because I can't stand the type of religious nuts who would get offended by the song and its video.
Lady Gag-gag is not attractive at all to me. I was shocked when I found out she was 20 something. I thought for sure she was 40. And there is something wrong with her face. The nose? The eyes? Both? I'm not sure but it f@#$s me up.
P.S. If you want a current female artist to just blow you away with vocals, look no further. She doesn't do it for me physically either though (think Prince Fielder but with smaller t!ts).
i watched the Judas video just to see what it's about. the comment below was posted and thumbed up, obviously. if i were to meet the author of it or any of the people who "liked it", i would utterly strangle them.
peoples ideals of "good" music in today's world are incredibly misguided. sure, she does have some catchy tunes and i've found her singles playing in my head periodically, but to consider her legend among music is truly outrageous. i mean, to each his/her own, but holy sh!t, come on.. yes, she is talented, but people act as if she's the second coming of Jesus (see what i did there?). the people who fall under that category, i honestly would enjoy taking a baseball bat to their faces. there are a TON of unknown artists who have incredible musical insight and ability, but since they aren't advertised like her, will never get the recognition they deserve.
Adding on.. lol.. I know that I do have a biased opinion. I personally despise most pop culture. When somebody tells me that their favorite artist is lil wayne/gaga/bieber/the currently popular one hit wonder band, I have to stop myself from freaking out and screaming directly in their face, "YOU AND 20 FKING MILLION OTHER PEOPLE!" I usually just stop talking to the person at that point. I lose a lot of female prospects this way.
Lol nice feedback. Like I said I'm new to her scene and wanted some other opinions. For those misguided 13 year old girls that have put Justin ahead of MJ I say shame on you and for what you have done to the "music" industry. Surely had the Internet been just as available for Michael's career it wouldn't have been an issue.
It is so much easier today for people to steal the show and grab thier 15 minutes it makes your head spin. I resent the fact that people like Justin will go down in music history as one of the all time greats. He's barely coming out of puberty with everything handed/done for him. I hardly think he deserves to f@rt through silk the rest of his life because he was a manufactured teen heart throb for 2 years.
To say Bieber or Gag Gag will go down as all time greats is way premature. Whether you think they're deserving or not, they just haven't been around nearly long enough to gauge what their place in music history will be. There have been plenty of pop sensations that caught on based on things other than pure talent, and after a few years they are forgotten (the boy band craze comes to mind; n'sync, backstreet boys).
Gaga and Bieber don't bother me though as far as getting too much credit. I agree with Brad about gaga she's a decent singer and a great pop songstress, so even if she's a weirdo and i'm not really a fan, I won't hate on her. Bieber I don't know much about but I think he also has decent singing ability and from what I've heard he worked hard to get into the industry, teaching himself to sing and play instruments from a young age. I could be misinformed, but if not, I say good for him.
I get your opinion and partially side with it. Bottom line is if it's what the public wants to see at the moment then all is fair in love and war. I'm just an older fluck who remembers bands/idols having to prove themselves vocally and with stage presence without the help of today's tech. Today they can make almost anyone sound/look great on stage/internet while performers of years ago had to fend without such weapons of mass exposure.
It's like comparing great architects of years ago to todays'. You're only as good as the tools you have to work with, and todays' "architects" have far more tools available to them to do their job. A brick is still a brick, but when you have the tools to cut the design time in half it makes a difference.
Speaking as a person involved in such entities I can say software is replacing talent everyday. The more we develop our technology the more we are removing the human element from it and also our dependence as well.
My professional engineers not only never question its' mathematical outcomes but have now depended on it. Meaning they themselves have allowed themselves to become "stupid". If the computer says it doesn't work it must be so. I say if the computer says it doesn't work and you always agree then why do I need to pay you to certify it then?
In 20 years no one will evan acknowledge the fact she was evan an artist. Just another pop ku*t with bs music for teeney boppers,kids, and pure dipsh*ts to feel hot to.
Ide still hit it, girls a freak and probably freakier in the bed.
Man am I at a crossroads. I've been doing a LOT of research into this whole "hermaphrodite" issue and I keep getting more and more evidence that she really WAS born a woman and the whole "willy" controversy was staged/fake. Interviews with Barbara Walters where she claims she isn't a sausage packer, managers claiming the story is "ridiculous" and soooooooooooo many fans on Youtube claiming the thing was a hoax. Read some of the responses I got from fellow Gaga worshipers who read where I claim she was a meat packer:
"@wingmanalive If you honestly think that she has a penis then you are fucking dumb. I mean, look at her Much Music Video Awards 2009 outfit."
"@wingmanalive Its FAKE you bitch! You are soooo fucking late! Are you like 2 years old???? Even in the Telephone video she admits it was just all fake! you are probably a fucking kid! Idiot Asshole! Grow a dick! You probably a weak, puny Ass white boy with a 1" dick worried about fake Ass hating rumors that are like years old on GaGa! Get A LIFE! Bitch!"
"@wingmanalive Bitch! there is NOTHING wrong with my grammer! This is not a Goddamn university and I am not writing a thesis paper you diseased Kunt bucket! I spell & post the way I do with "Intent" but you wouldn't understand that you Pussy boy bitch! You the simple fluck that thinks the woman had a PENiS......Whatta bl00dy, smelly Tampon you are."
For the mystery I won't post my responses.
Let's just say there are a LOT of Gaga followers out there who are kinda low on the food chain lol.
First off, Ehren, you have even more of my respect for bringing up Adele. I don't care how ghey I might sound but that woman blows me away. She has a great voice and I won't lie, I listen to a few of her songs and am not one bit ashamed to admit it.
As for Bieber, yea I have listened to a lot of his songs. I don't regularly but it's catchy. I'm not a fan of his music per say, but hey, I can't knock a kid who has managed to do what he has done.
Now on to Gaga. Where to start. Personally, she makes some of the most catchy songs of this age. She has mastered the pop culture and much like Brad mentioned, she has adopted the same ideas many before her have used to become an even bigger sensation by being very "out there." I'm glad to see her standing up for the whole ghey community and bringing awareness to it but at the same time, I feel she might be placing another negative connotation on them with some of her ridiculous actions. All in all, she's a great pop singer but she won't be remembered forever and ever like the legends.
^^lol. I know it's a played out subject but it's new to me. Since her inception into the music industry I NEVER gave her a chance. Quite frankly it was due to her choice of fashion as extreme as it is. I chalk those performers up as extreme splash performers grabbing attention with the shock and awe angle. Marilyn Manson is another prime example. Shock the hell out of your audience and a good majority follow along waiting to see what you'll do next.
Well I started listening to Gaga with visual blinders on to her extreme fashion and off stage antics and I see well written and produced music. I suppose with so many angry people in the country/world performers like these tend to become surrogates to an escape of their lives. Wishing it were them screaming back at the world in protest.
And what better way to grab attention then wearing a dress made of raw meat????
She actually, IMO, had a very attractive/innocent look in "Poker Face". However soon after that she quickly derailed her appeal and took her fashion and style to an extreme level. It's been said before that she has aged her appearance by what seems like ten years in only 2-3. I don't care at ALL for her outlandish outfits as meant as simple attention getters either. She admits she uses her popularity as a platform for her political opinions and her shock and awe routines only add to it.
I say if your music is "That damn good" in the first place then why all the antics?
In my opinion, the second pic is what she REALLY looks like. I don't think it's a matter of her looks being ruined due to the weird makeup. If you've seen her enough times on tv in live appearances and whatnot, that is really what her face looks like. Like I said before I'm not even sure how to describe her ugliness. Ghoulish? I dunno.
The first pic is a complete fluke. I have to believe it was altered. Her face is hideous.
Well like I said she's nothing like her first album. Watching her Poker Face video makes me think of her as a just out of high school cheerleader with bouncy energy and such a youthful and flawless appearance.
No matter I suppose. In a couple of years she/it will fade into oblivion, along with her billion+ Youtube views, comfortably safe sleeping on top of her mega millions she's earned.
I know it's not just me but I always pondered over what I'd do if I stepped into REAL $$. No mansion or Rolls Royce, fancy bling or Rolex watches. Just a very comfortable lifestyle with my kids' future set.
With my time? I'd probably spend the $$ and build ball parks for baseball/football. Nice ones too. It's a shame what some kids are forced to play on due to lack of options. Manicured fields, ample lighting, full concessions, top of the line dugouts, bleachers and field equipment, ect. I'd even employ about a dozen or so to help with the maintenance. You guys know me, I'd be the one raking out third base before a game, while 95% of the crowd would have no idea it was being done by a millionaire.