Most of you have probably seen the video or heard about it by now, but I had to post this just to make sure. Of all the stupid viral videos that catch on, this one is just cool to me. This guy truly has a gift.
I chuckled as well. I knew the general idea of the story before watching the video, and I was surprised nonetheless by his voice. Really an amazing tv/radio voice.
Yup. At first I thought it was a dubbed voice. He sounds THAT good. He was bound to get the internet hug, all he needed was someone with a camera. Shame it took so long and to see what dirt roads he walked on to finally get where he is now. He has the same charismatic voice as Shadoe Stevens. If you all don't remember he was the voice behind America's top 40 in the late 80's early 90's.
By Nathaniel Uy (Featured Columnist) on January 12, 2011
Ted Williams Arrested: Homeless Man With Golden Voice Gets Into Altercation
Ted Williams, the man with a golden voice that was panhandling in the streets of Columbus, Ohio a month ago has become an instant celebrity.
Williams, previously acknowledged a troubled past and there might a lot history in his life that just can't be forgotten.
Williams was in Los Angeles on Monday, getting ready for a television appearance on Dr. Phil. While staying at the Renaissance Hotel police were called in because of an altercation that allegedly started between Ted and his daughter Janey.
"Fists got to flying, none of which were mine," Ted told ET. "In the process..., I got scratched on my face."
While his daughter, told television viewers of "Dr. Phil" her father had started drinking once again.
Janey said: "He said, 'You, you fat [expletive],' and when he said that, I just got angry."
"He's consumed at least a bottle of Grey Goose a night, at least. That's not including the Coronas he orders, that's not including Budweisers he orders, that's not including the other alcohol, the wines. He drinks -- heavily," she added.
I wouldn't buy EVERYTHING his daughter spits out. He's been homeless all these years and NOW his daughter shows up? Convenient isn't it?
I've seen ppl addicted to booze far greater than what she pegs her Dad though. I was a shop foreman years back and had this one guy working for me, Mike Sweet. Always nervous but a decent worker. I caught on to his on the job drinking and threatened to fire him if he showed up intoxicated the next day. He came to work sober all right but was useless. Hands shaking, sweating and just about all the signs of rabies. The withdrawal was too much for him and I had to let him go. He was sorta relieved because he knew he couldn't go a whole shift sober. I found out later from some other workers that he consumed a 30 pack of beer and a 5th every day of his life. Weekends were a complete blur. His buddy tells me he would force himself to vomit when he felt ready to pass out just so he could prolong the inevitable. He never ate either, only his body getting the calories he needed off the alcohol alone. After a life like that his body went into a mild shock when he stopped.
I never heard of him since.
Today I could've been fired myself by letting him go based off an addiction. There are state funded programs that force employers to offer counseling and treatment for people with addiction problems. Once treated their job is waiting for them.
Today I could've been fired myself by letting him go based off an addiction. There are state funded programs that force employers to offer counseling and treatment for people with addiction problems. Once treated their job is waiting for them.
That's bull@#$%. I'm guessing that has something to do with the "disease" concept when it comes to addiction. You can't just fire them for being an addict, they have a disease!
I'm not claiming to be an expert on substance abuse, but the disease concept has always seemed kind of bogus to me. And if addiction is a disease, it certainly should be looked at differently from diseases which people are just inflicted with undeservedly, rather than because of their own destructive decisions.
With all due respect to your friend Paul, he deserved to be fired IMO, and you shouldn't be obligated to baby him because he's a drunk.
Lol well he was hardly a friend, I was his boss. If he was I would have known about his problems.
I agree 100% that a person's condition which is based solely off his/her own actions should indeed be used in hiring/firing. It's simply in the company's best interest. Addiction, however, is subject to the drug spoken of. Nobody gets physically addicted to alcohol immediately after his/her first beer. 99% of the time it's a social habit that over time takes over into a physical/mental one. Some other drugs on the other hand do indeed have that capability like heroin. While it's still a decision to use any drug one could say it's like speeding. With alcohol, the chances of getting caught(addicted) rise parallel with how often the use. With heroin it would be like getting snagged the very first time.
That's my take on it anyway. We're also not considering family genes have a say also in some alcoholics. Or the sad story of crack babies addicted from birth.
Im a recovering addict myself. I do get the disease concept to a point,but to me its more of a Neurological Disorder. Theres just something in the brain an nervous system thats different in addicts. More like a obsessive-compulsive disorder i guess. It didnt start out that way for me though. Ive done every drug that i could possibly get my hands on,but in the beginning i had a choice. I could do it for days,then stop for awhile and it wouldnt bother me. Then there became a point where i didnt have a choice anymore. Its really hard to explain. Just a complete obsession. Obsession of the mind an alergy of the body. It just totally consumes you. I lost everything i had because of it,but in a wierd way im kinda glad i went through it. Im a much,much better person today because of it.
Bottom line though Paul,you did the right thing in firing him. Maybe something clicked upstairs an he when an got the help he needed. We have programs like that in Pa too. Its different though. If a person would need to go to rehab they couldnt be fired for it,but if they are a potental risk to themselves or others then the company would have the choice of fireing or rehab. Same goes for a drug test at work. You cant go in an take the drug test come out an say im not going to pass i have a problem an need help. Its up to the person,they have to want to get help before it starts effecting there job.
On a side note the company I worked for years ago didn't have a random drug test policy. You took one in the hiring process and immediately following any accident/injury but that was it. They toyed with the notion of implementing randoms but they couldn't afford the loss of personnel as a result, both in the shop AND the office. I mean even plant managers would need replaced. They knew that and their official position on the random policy was that is was too costly for the company to participate in. Shoot at my current job every random cost $60 just to péé in a cup. Multiply that by the 10,000 employees we have nationwide and you can see it becomes an issue.
Yes there's the whole moral issue of what's costlier, the drug test or a lawsuit over looking the other way?
We had one poor sap who got run over by a forklift. Not the small 6000lb Hysters you see everywhere but a huge H210 that's 15' tall and has a heated cab. The guy's leg was destroyed and he was airlifted to the trama center where he almost died from shock. Get this, he was given a drug test, which he failed. The driver of the lift tested clean. The company had a way out of this one right? Wrong. It was determined that the company's maintenance department removed the OSHA required backup beepers on the lifts due to all the neighbor's complaints over the noise at night. HUGE mistake! The guy was too close to the lift at night on 2nd shift, didn't realize it was in reverse and he got pulled under.
The company ultimately won the battle though. In exchange for not filing a lawsuit they agreed to ignore his drug addiction and give him a nice salaried job as the new safety administrator of the plant. Turns out he was so afraid of his "problems" becoming public that he took the job and kept his mouth shut over the removed beepers.
Ironically he disappeared in a year and was found in a ditch, obviously from an OD. His life could've been turned around starting with that horrible night but because of the way corporate handled things he turned up where he was found. Nobody knows if he would've straightened out but at least his kids would've had a better future with the $$ he could've won.