1Im from the jersey shore. 2Show is so gdamn retarded it is actually somewhat funny 3we use 2 beet these rich ,staten island dumbfuc.k shoobies up whenever able 4.some of us do talk like them but we dont say smoosh if we wana fu.ck or call dirty bitc.hes grenades we call them dirty bit.ches 5.most of us are italian or irish 6.the show should be reclaimed as a documentary and be renamed(this is how spoiled rich fa.ggets from NY act While on vacation in NewJersey) Any tru muthafu.cka from jerz will agree.
I don't watch the show, but I've seen bits and pieces. I'm looking forward to another season's worth of comedic material for shows that make me laugh like Conan or Joel Mchale's show.
i agree with homeboy from jersey above. i guess only one cast member on the jeresey shore is actually from NJ....the rest are from NY
i moved to NJ back in may, and ill admit, i was afraid of what it was going to be like due to the way TV portrays NJ
after living here for 8 months or so, i have found that it is much different. although i am not a fan of NJ, i will say that it is not nearly as bad as i thought it would be
the only reasons i do not like NJ are:
1) you never hear please and thank you 2) driving here is a trip. roadways are filled too many cars, trying to get to too many places, in too little time 3) the cost of living. it is absolutely ridiculous
im moving back to michigan in a month or two. im pretty excited......its tough being away from your family and what not
I really never watched the show much but the other day they had a marathon on from seasons 1 and 2 and I admit I got a little hooked. I'm still not a huge fan of the show but I did set the DVR to record the first episode of season 3. Have yet to watch it though.
I really don't like watching TV shows for the most part but my cousin insisted that it was worth watching so I gave it 5 minutes and realized that although it's stupid and pretty scripted,it is funny. At least I don't waste time watching it during its normal air time, I watch it online with all the commercials edited out, hour shows=41minutes or so and 30 minute shows become 21 minute shows, PROFIT.
Well, I watched the first episode of season 3 last night I had recorded and WOW, looks like this season is going to be full of drama. I'm guessing the huge mess that blew up towards the end of the episode needed to happen. They had all that built up anger and needed to get it out. I predict after this they'll all calm down and get along, but who knows. From the clips they previewed, it looks to be a pretty wild season, even for the jersey shore.
Ehren, you know I'm a multi-tasker. I blow him while watching Jersey Shore. Not only do I save time but there's more excitement in a shorter time frame.
At first I thought the show was f*ckin stupid. A show about a bunch of guidos? I mean come on. But my girl started watvhing it and I admit Im hook now lol. Theres just something about it that makes me keep watching. I dont think its scripted at all,to who ever said it was. My fav would have to be Pauly,he is funny as hell.