With all the smart phone games (iPhones, Droids, Symbian) and the gaming handhelds/smart phones (PlayStation Phone), I was wondering who is still considering going for the new Nintendo 3DS. Read that they're releasing it upcoming spring, and it got me excited! What's gonna be the future of gaming handhelds, if there still is one?
My guess would be that smart phones will keep improving the gaming experience until at one point indeed all gaming handhelds will be redundant. Face it, except the younger kids, you hardly see any teenagers or tweens gaming on PSP or Nintendo handhelds anymore. IMHO it's a dying trend.
My brother wanted a Nintendo DS lite for Xmas, and was ECSTATIC when I got him one.
He works at a law firm downtown and he just turned 30 years old, lol. In my experience portable gaming seems more popular for older gamers. Gone are the days when you can come home from school every day and play for hours. But a 20 minute train ride? Or a 15 minute wait in the lobby at the dentist? Or even at the bar early in the evening when you're waiting for more people to show up. Portable gaming is great for people who don't have long periods of time at home to sit and play xbox or playstation.
As far as cell phone games being a replacement, they aren't even remotely close yet. I have a droid incredible, it's right there with the iPhone (which I also have plenty of experience with) in terms of apps and games. Honestly there are only a couple games that are even worth a sh!t, and even those you'll burn thru in an hour or two of cumulative play (i.e. angry birds or something).