Hey guys so I have my Chrysler 300m for sale on craigslist. Today I received the below e-mail. Hello know you selling your vehicle, but there's no harm in asking My name is Michael, and College student and Security officer, I have been struggling to get a car no matter what dealership i go to can't get approved unless i have a co-signer i don't have one. I don't make enough money to buy a car or make payment cause i help my grandmother out as well sign i stay with her. I know this is sounds crazy but i was wonder ing if u donate ur vehicle to me. I don't mind catching the public transportation but I've been robbed numerous of times so i depend of some of my friends to get me to school, and work. If u can find it in you heart to help me. God Bless Michael
It's actually a common thing. People use Craigslist to line their pockets all the time. They loooove to finish their pitch with the "God bless" bit too.
One ad I saw was for a free home to live in. In exchange the man offered to cut the grass and keep taking the trash out. Imagine that.
Here is a new e-mail I got this morning... -----Original Message----- From: mark donaid <marktradingllc007@gmail.com> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 03:03:15 Subject: Re: 2001 Chrysler 300m - $3600 (OC) Date: 2010-09-07, 4:03PM PDT Reply to:
Hello david , Thanks for the prompt response.. I am ready to buy it for my
dad, i am presently out of town at this moment, I am a Network
instillation manager and due to the nature of my work, It hard to make
a phone calls and visiting of website are restricted but i squeezed out
time to check this advert and send you an email regarding it. I really
want it to be a surprise for my dad so i wont let him know anything
about it until it gets delivered to him, i am sure he will be more than
happy with it. I insisted on paypal because i don't have access to my
bank account online as i don't have internet banking, but i can pay
from my paypal account, as i have my bank a/c attached to it, i will
need you to give me your paypal email address and the price so i can
make the payments asap for it and please if you don't have paypal
account yet, it is very easy to set up, go to www.paypal. com and get it
set up, after you have set it up i will only need the e-mail address
you use for registration with paypal so as to put the money through. I
have a pick up agent that will come and pick it after i have made the
Yeah they have infiltrated trusted online payment forms such as Paypal and Ebay and love to advertise the security of them. Like Chad suggests always insist a person to person cash deal. Any other means is just too risky.
I'd say get the Lexus. If you get the beamer, you MUST get a warranty for it. Also, did you know the rear tires are specialty tires that cost $400 a tire? And you'll be lucky to get 10k miles on a set (that's an automatic $800 per 10k miles). They're also awful in snow (which might not be a problem if you're in so cal). Really nice car but extremely expensive to maintain. My father had one and he would be bankrupt if he didn't have the warranty. The steering wheel column stopped responding and it cost $2500 to replace alone. I was surprised how often the thing was in the shop. And the '06 745li isn't all that powerful for what it is (what, just 325hp in that giant car?). The worst part was the negative attention the car got...my father bought it used for nearly 65% off the retail price, but all the neighbors thought he had paid much more and acted like idiots about it (even though they had likely paid more for their Toyota Avalons and Suburbans). I drove it once and didn't care for how other drivers treated me on the road, either.
Don't get me wrong, the 7 series is a gorgeous and very fun car to own, I'm sure, but there are a lot of factors to take in before moving to a car like that. A better choice might be an M3 (even a slightly older one). Plus the resale value on those drops like a brick off a cliff. haha