LMAO - They are officially back!


Gold Member
Username: Mrskullz1

New York

Post Number: 1763
Registered: Feb-07

High five!

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3190
Registered: Jan-06

lmao at the last clip.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 23314
Registered: Jun-06
I'm excited. Pizzing my pants so to speak lol

Gold Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego, California

Post Number: 5793
Registered: Dec-06
Both Jackass 3D and Zombieland 2 are being filmed with the cameras that James Cameron hand built and designed for Avatar. Dude is making a mint off rental and licensing fees and pretty much every new 3D movie will use them.

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4340
Registered: Mar-07
I dunno about everyone else, but I'm getting sick of all these 3D movies. The glasses make it a couple bucks more at the theater.

Gold Member
Username: Mrskullz1

New York

Post Number: 1765
Registered: Feb-07
I absolutely agree with you. Most of these movies do not even need to be shown in 3D. One recent one i saw listed at the movies is Step Up 3D - like wtf??!!? Does the audience really need to experience dancing in 3D??

Its just a gig to make an extra buck

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3191
Registered: Jan-06


Its just a gig to make an extra buck

and it's working well.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 23323
Registered: Jun-06
I have yet to see a movie in 3D (in today's standards). Doesn't appeal to me really.

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4342
Registered: Mar-07
It's not worth the extra money.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4591
Registered: Oct-06
I hate this 3D crap. I have no desire to see any more movies in 3D. It pretty much ruins the movie experience for me.

Gold Member
Username: Mrskullz1

New York

Post Number: 1769
Registered: Feb-07
I dunno - like i said earlier, not every movie should be seen in 3D. With that said, the few that should be seen actually come out very nice. The experience is great! I've seen Avatar, Harry Potter, and a few others in 3D and it was amazing. I guess it also depends on your theater or how the glasses fit your face. My friend said he gets a headache every time he watches a 3d movie at the theaters.

I guess YMMV.
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