Inception (Spoiler Alert!!!)


Gold Member
Username: Mrskullz1

New York

Post Number: 1730
Registered: Feb-07
Has anyone seen this movie yet? I'd like to hear what you guys have to say about it.

Personally, I think its a great movie. Its super fast paced and has a LOT going on. Missing a minute can really have you lost. Once again, Leonardo shows some great acting. The ending however, leaves you guessing again just like Shutter Island. What do you guys think?

There is another thread about this movie in Movies section which is spoiler free for those who wish. I thought we would get more hits here so that why i'm posting here.

So here's a few questions on my mind about the movie:

1 - Do you guys think the spinning totem falls or does it just keep spinning?

2 - Is he really in limbo in the end?

3 - If he is in limbo, how does Cobbs meet Saito in limbo?

I got some more questions but lets see if this thread gets started first

Let the discussion begin!

Gold Member
Username: Philly306

Sorry, I have a new 20...

Post Number: 1573
Registered: Apr-07
1 & 2 i think that was the point. To let the audience decide whether the totem fell and whether cobb was in limbo or not, leaving the audience to question their own reality.
3. Multiple times in the movies characters didn't know they were in a dream that was in another dream and if its true that cobb was stuck in limbo this could be an explanation as to how he met saito. A fuzzy explanation that isnt very specific but an explanation nonetheless.

I agree best movie ive seen this year by far. Acting was incredible from all parties and the plot...well i don't even need to describe how great it was.

Gold Member
Username: Mrskullz1

New York

Post Number: 1731
Registered: Feb-07
for number 3 - i thought only Cobbs and his wife (Mal) was in his limbo only? During the movie, we were told that Cobbs limbo consisted only of him and his wife. Thats what I mean - where did Saito come from? Was it something other than limbo?

Platinum Member
Username: Nyyfan13

Northern VA

Post Number: 11930
Registered: Jul-06
I've seen it twice now and I think it's one of the best movies I've seen.

Here's a question for some of you who remember it, half way through the movie when he first meets Yosuf for the potions and stuff and goes downstairs to see the 12 people asleep down there, he himself goes under to try it out. He should have been asleep for hours but was only asleep for 30 seconds tops and I BELIEVE he dreamed of Mol and him getting hit by the train. He went straight to the bathroom to spin his totem and during the spin, it fell off the sink after Saito disturbs him. My question to you, is it possible that he was in limbo throughout the movie and everything was part of his projections? Because we find out later during the start of the inception on the plane that if you die under that potion, you fall into limbo. I know, it's a long shot but it is worth thinking about imo.

To me, if the above isn't true, then it's up to the viewer to decide whether the totem fell or not. There isn't much evidence either way EXCEPT for the fact his kids are wearing the same clothes as his dreams BUT they have on different shoes from his dreams to the end of the movie.

Gold Member
Username: Mrskullz1

New York

Post Number: 1732
Registered: Feb-07
Wow...great thinking Yanks. I do recall Yosuf telling him that he will only give him a very small dose of the potion (or whatever it was).

Its also quite possible that the whole movie was about him in limbo and everything we see is his projections.

Or maybe that girl he hired to be the artist screwed him over for some reason beyond our imaginations and imaged everything as if it was real for him. After all, she DID know his totem.

OK....maybe that theory was a bit of a push lol

Silver Member
Username: Skdooley

Roanoke, VA Usa

Post Number: 948
Registered: Oct-09
I think at the end he was in limbo. It was a world he created, something he desired. He had moved on from his wife and knew she wasn't alive and would never come back. All he really wanted was his kids and that is the life he was going to have. He didn't get the kick at the end in the 4th level and so he was left behind, to remain in limbo. I was reading over and someone asked a good question. If they died in the deep sleep state they were in during the end of the movie, they would go to limbo. What happened if they were to die in limbo? Where would they go then?

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 23192
Registered: Jun-06
This thread gives me a headache lol.

Honestly though the grace of the film is exactly what the director wanted and his intention in peeking the viewer's imagination. Ppl like us contemplating over the plot and questioning our own interpretations of the story and ending is what makes a good movie. It's as close to a book as you can get. It forces you to extrapolate the facts and ultimately derive at your own unique conclusion to the story.

Everyone gets a different slice, based off your experience with it.

And IMO, that damn totem was going to fall in the movie lol. Yet, I didn't want it to because I wanted him where he wanted himself.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4547
Registered: Oct-06
I haven't seen the film yet, so I just scrolled all the way down without reading anything so I could say that I'm really frustrated with not being able to participate in this discussion.

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3165
Registered: Jan-06
excellent movie.

i think he was in limbo at the end.

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3169
Registered: Jan-06
i retract my previous statement. lol. went to see the movie again tonight in an imax theater. i now more so believe he got out of it. i was confused at the beginning and end with the old man scenes but understand them now.

Gold Member
Username: Mrskullz1

New York

Post Number: 1734
Registered: Feb-07
what exactly do you mean he got out of it?

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3170
Registered: Jan-06
he managed to escape limbo. after everybody got kicked up from level 3 in the end, he stayed in level 4/limbo. he went searching for Saito since he died from the bullet wound and got sent there (he really didn't have a choice in the matter if he wanted to return stateside). after he found him as an old man he reminded him of the agreement they had and they escaped. he had been stuck because he was unable to realize it wasn't reality and had no totem to deduce so.

Silver Member
Username: Finish22

Post Number: 263
Registered: Mar-10
no he didn't.......
you can check the novel or look at the last frame of the film :

Life is but a dream...

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3197
Registered: Jan-06
"A: The fact that the film cuts away before we know for certain suggests that they want us to keep guessing. But we think it kept spinning. Here's our reasoning: Note that at the end of the film Cobb's kids haven't aged. They match exactly his memory of them. A memory which must almost surely by now be out of date, since he's been away from them for many months. Though he finally sees their faces, otherwise they look exactly as he envisioned them. They're even wearing the same clothes. In reality, his kids would now be older and different than his memories of them. This could suggest that Cobb is still in the dream and the top does indeed keep spinning after the credits roll.

Alternate Theory Aaron points this out in our comments section: "In the opening moments you get a glimpse of Leo's hand. Specifically, he's wearing his wedding ring. Now, if you follow the rest of the movie keeping an eye out for this you will notice that he only has the ring on when he's in the dream world. At the end of the movie he isn't wearing the ring." If the ring only appears when he's in a dream and he's not wearing at the end of the film, that could be confirmation that in fact, the top does stop spinning after the credits and Cobb is at last in the real world.

New Information Even though Cobb's kids appear to be wearing the same clothes at the end of the film, according to Inception's costume designer here they are indeed wearing different clothes."
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