This is the Samsung/Sony LCD alliance I have mentioned before in other threads. Look at the buildings compared to the cars in the parking lot. MASSIVE structures. And there is another one over the ridge that is out of view. Some stats I have compiled about the Tangjeong, South Korea factory complex named Crystal Valley:
Almost 1 in 3 LCD televisions sold in 2009-2010 use a screen that was made here, including every Sony and Samsung worldwide.
World's first and largest Gen 8 (eighth generation technology) TFT- LCD factory.
$20+ billion annual sales -- $30 billion projected for current expansion up to 2015..
Buildings, land and the most advanced equipment ever assembled cost over $2 billion.
S-LCD is owned by Samsung (50% plus 1 share) and Sony (50% minus 1 share) which means that Samsung has control.