Let's Get Dicey With A Debate - Evolution or God


Platinum Member
Username: Nyyfan13

Northern VA

Post Number: 11890
Registered: Jul-06
I got lazy with the weekly debate topics but let's get it back up and running. Gonna be running three debates right now just for kicks and giggles.

So here's the first one. How did human life start? Did we evolve from another species? Is the Theory or Evolution correct? Or did God create us? Or did our species evolve from another life out there in the solar system?

I hope this topic gets as heated as I want it to lol.

Gold Member
Username: Freezeman_7


Post Number: 2566
Registered: May-06
God created us. Simple.

Gold Member
Username: Wolf_hound

Phoenix, AZ

Post Number: 1195
Registered: Sep-05
And who created god?

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14019
Registered: Jun-04
if you use that logic there will always be who created him/her/it

the answer Julian is hes the Alpha and the Omega (the beginning and the end)

and to answer your question Yanks Fan gen. chap 1 v 27" So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

"Or did our species evolve from another life out there in the solar system?"

you didnt happen to watch the sci fi channel recently did you Yanks Fan?

Platinum Member
Username: Nyyfan13

Northern VA

Post Number: 11897
Registered: Jul-06
I'm not questioning anything, I'm merely trying to stir things up and get a heated debate.

I do watch the History Channel and Sci FI channel. I do think it's possible that we are a form from aliens. Now with that said, that's not my personal belief. I do believe in God and do believe he created life and do believe he watches over all of us. But I do think there is some truth to the evolution theory. I think it's almost a combination of both. I just think there has to be some sort of science behind the creation of life.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes

Post Number: 11160
Registered: Aug-05
Agreed. You said it for me.

Silver Member
Username: Skdooley

Roanoke, VA Usa

Post Number: 699
Registered: Oct-09
Tough question to answer, and really, there is no right or wrong answer. No one knows the exact truth, it is all in what each of us believe and that is what makes it real to us. Faith. This question dabbles in Philosophy and in life we each have our own, on everything. After taking a semester of philosophy in college, it opened my eyes and mind to a lot of things.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 22807
Registered: Jun-06
Well it's easy to see, read and believe the theory of evolution. There's just too much evidence to back it. You can compare it to how plant life has and always continues to adapt to its' surroundings to survive and thrive. People today, being the last 100 or so years, have needed science in answering the questions religion can't. Yet being a conscious being we will always need religion to answer the grand old question of what happens when the lights go out for me on this blue/green marble?

The answer? If you believe in God you already know. If you don't you have nothing to fear correct?

If you're like me you play both fields. I'm a confirmed Catholic and Godfather of 2. Yet I didn't get married before the eyes of God and don't go to church today unless it's for a funeral. What will happen to me when I pass?

I'm dying to find out.

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14023
Registered: Jun-04
I will reply but its to early for me to think right now.....just woke up out of sleep

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 152.5 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 16291
Registered: Jul-05
have u all ever looked at this show on the history channel : ANCIENT ALIENS

its a EXCELLENT show that gives incite into some different ideas about how things on earth may have came to be

u might have heard of the theory that earth cud have gotten its water from ice\moisture on meteors landing here from out of space & on this show they are looking into the idea of bacteria from space may have also come on those meteors & thats what started life on earth

the concept behind this is show is they do not really just accept the religious idea alone that god made everything full stop - they look at other scientific possibilities ...

Silver Member
Username: Skdooley

Roanoke, VA Usa

Post Number: 703
Registered: Oct-09
I caught this show the other week, not sure which channel, maybe History or Discovery, but it was about the alien theory. It may have been the same show you're talking about. They were saying that what people could have considered God and Jesus, were actually aliens that came from the "sky" and they experimented and had s e x with humans here on earth. They were saying how there are stories of how women would black out after seeing a light or something out of the ordinary, then end up pregnant. Like with the story of how Jesus came to be born. It was interesting, how true it may be is questionable.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 152.5 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 16292
Registered: Jul-05

on another episode they were looking at how in alot of cultures the gods the ppl worship all seem to come from the heavens so scientists were wondering if its really aliens that they saw & considered them to be gods ...

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14024
Registered: Jun-04
yanks fan...."I do watch the History Channel and Sci FI channel. I do think it's possible that we are a form from aliens. Now with that said, that's not my personal belief. I do believe in God and do believe he created life and do believe he watches over all of us. But I do think there is some truth to the evolution theory. I think it's almost a combination of both. I just think there has to be some sort of science behind the creation of life."

While I dont think we are a form of aliens or that their are aliens at all I do believe that some things can evolve over time and sometimes science is a good source to bring more understanding to how God made the earth and how things do or can change. One example my friend and I brought up tonight in discussion is how the solar system changes over time or even our sun and its process begins and ends or will end in this case.

Paul...." what happens when the lights go out for me on this blue/green marble?

The answer? If you believe in God you already know. If you don't you have nothing to fear correct?

If you're like me you play both fields. I'm a confirmed Catholic and Godfather of 2. Yet I didn't get married before the eyes of God and don't go to church today unless it's for a funeral. What will happen to me when I pass?"

I just wanted to touch a little on this as well. Believing in God is one part but you must ultimately receive Christ into your life and heart to enter the gates of heaven Romans chapter 10 verse 9 "That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved". To the second part about not going to church on a regular basis I used to but havent been for the last 2 years id say (maybe a visit here and there) but I can tell you my walk is still just as strong if not stronger because I got to know him in an even more personal way so not going to a church isnt necessarily a bad thing but the bible does also tell us not to forsake the assembley of believers to each his own and as God leads sometimes. The relationship with God is first and foremost.

Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 1177
Registered: Oct-07
The ONLY thing I have trouble with is that WE, the human race, are the only life in the universe. Seems like an awful.....waste of space, doesn't it?

Personally, I believe that life is an inherent property of the universe. After all, if there were no intelligent life, what would the point of the universe BE? Some one (thing) must be there to observe it.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 152.5 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 16293
Registered: Jul-05
i also agree with the view that earth cannot be the only planet that has life in it since the universe is huge so surely there has to be other life on other planets , its just that we havent found it as yet ....

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14108
Registered: Jun-04
I on the other hand dont believe theres any other intelligent life out there. We have been looking for them for how long and found or heard nothing.

Silver Member
Username: Tiki89

Post Number: 377
Registered: Oct-06
You have to be an idiot to not think theres any other life out there other than us....... You know How big space is? I think the nearest star is 4 light years away. With our current rocket technology (~40 miles/sec exiting Earth's sphere of influence), it would take us a good 4500 years just to get 1 light-year away. Intelligent life is most likely out there somewhere (or were, or will be), but I doubt we'll run across one anytime soon. The distances and time are too great.

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14122
Registered: Jun-04
correction you (treo) have to be an idiot to think you no it all....so far my position stands true that there is no life....where's your proof that there is?

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

TC Sounds/DLS

Post Number: 3004
Registered: May-04
Wow this is a endless/pointless discussion. But since Im here Ill give you my opinion,like it or hate it.

In my eyes if you beleive in god or whoever your religion prays too,who ever he/she may be,thats great do whatever feels right to you.

I myself am a Santanist,and for you people that think Santanist "worship" S@tan you couldnt be more wrong. Satanist beleive YOU as a person make your own choices,fate and you beleive in yourself. We do not beleive in a "god" OR a "devil". And we dont look down on or hate people that do go to church and worship whomever,that your own choice and thats fine. What irritates me is organized religion or people who force religion on there freinds,family,kids,ect. And what really really bugs the living sh*tballs out of me is these f*cking bike riding mofos that insist on you joining there religion and try to talk to you for 2 f*ckin hours and hand out pamplets and cards and sh*t. I think you should choose your own beleifs. Like some people think just because they were raised Catholic,Baptist,Jewish,ect their kids should follow their footsteps or whatever. They should be able to pick what THEY beleive in or if they choose,beleive in nothing at all.

But then again Im the type of person that has to see or witness something personally in order to beleive in it. Its just really hard for me to beleive the things that the bible says. Again I am in no way bashing or making fun of people that beleive it that kind of stuff. If you beleive in that stuff then thats great,whatever makes you feel better. I just beleive in proven facts,not some made up stories that have been passed on and on and probably a little elaborated on along the way.

But like I said,whatever makes you feel better or to have some kind of hope that when you die you go to this magical place and everything is great that is perfectly fine.

Bottom line,(IMO) relegion,money and politics are what makes this world a terrible place. I think those three things start/cause all of these wars and riots and fights and blah blah blah. So all these different religions believe in a god,what makes there religion so much better than anyone elses? NOBODY knows for sure how we got here and if there is even really a God or if you do go to a heaven or hell.

I think they should all just join up together and go to one church or building or whatever and all worship together and just be f*cking happy regarless who made you or how we got here or what happens to us when we die. Life is short so i say live every day to the fullist and jus be f*cking happy you are here and have a good time with your short time on this earth!!

////END F*CKING RANT!!!!! Can I get an Amen? lmao!

Silver Member
Username: Skdooley

Roanoke, VA Usa

Post Number: 724
Registered: Oct-09
I can see where you're coming from about the organized religion and money theory. I believe church, though a place to pratice your religion with people who share your beliefs, is also a busniess. They are there to make money. This isnt as bad as it sounds, but in some cases I think there are people who take advantage of it and benefit off other people's misfortunes. Just as an example, my g/f goes to a small church, around 30 people or so, and so the money raised there is what is keeping the place going. It helps to pay the preacher, the lights, etc. Down the road you have the HUGE complex with big tv screens, probably 1000+ people and the whole deal. You know theyre racking in the dough. After all expenses are paid, who do you think is keeping and seeing most of that money? While the world is in hard times, I know in my area and the surrounding areas, there are churches popping up everywhere. People who are having hard times, seek church and god for help and answers, and other people are benefiting from it.

Silver Member
Username: Skdooley

Roanoke, VA Usa

Post Number: 725
Registered: Oct-09
Not to sound like I'm hating on going to church, picture this. Why do people go to restuarants to eat out, when they could just eat in at home? You go out for the experience. Its fun to go out with friends and family and have other people serve you. I think church is the same way. You could sit at home and worship whatever you chose, but the experience of going out to a set place, with other people is what makes the experience better. It reinforces your beliefs. Just like how going to a restuarant, it costs you, so does going to church. The difference is, at a restaurant you have to pay, at a church you dont have to, but its the right thing to do.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 15 = 152.5 DBs ...Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 16303
Registered: Jul-05
excellent point shawn - personally i prefer to do my praying at home & not at some public church\temple\mosque

Twiz : are u BSing us or were u high when u typed all that ...

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 22814
Registered: Jun-06
ANY time $$ is involved it will eventually get corrupted. It's in our nature to want more than our neighbor. Be it a religion, website, biker gang or software company. We all want to get bigger and stronger to squash the competition.

It can be financially burdening to be an active member in a church. They "request" as much as 15% of your income to be offered to them to maintain operations. As a youth I was raised going to church every Sunday and going to church school on Saturdays. It was a normal routine for me. As I got older I grew less and less interested, still believing in God just not as enthused to attend every week. When I looked into getting married in my church is when I saw the dark side. The church (at least the ones here) require a substantial donation at the time of the ceremony, as well as all flowers and decorations to be left as well. Ok, not too left field right? Well to be married in my church they have to have a minimum one years' record of you making weekly offerings before they will allow the marriage inside their church. They don't require your presence however, only that they have your check every week, which most just mail in. The offerings must also meet their predetermined minimum amounts. The same went for baptisms, conformations, ect. Many priests married couples they met for the first time on the alter. It wasn't a religion anymore but a business.

So that's where it ended. The church wasn't about spreading the word of God anymore to me. It was about how much have you financially donated in order to be recognized and blessed by them.

Is that how it's supposed to be?

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4439
Registered: Oct-06
Paul, you're a wise man. That is NOT how it is supposed to be, and in fact, that is downright SICK. There are actually places of worship these days that require a copy of your W2 form before allowing membership.

Religion has, almost beyond debate, poisoned more souls than it has purified. I'm not bashing religion as a whole, there are plenty of good religious people in the world, but I believe they're out numbered by the brainwashed and corrupted.

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14131
Registered: Jun-04
wow paul im glad you left that church.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 22821
Registered: Jun-06
None of it was MANDATORY mind you but strongly suggested. Years ago the collection basket was just passed around and if all you could afford was $1 then it was welcomed. I've seen collection envelopes that they mail to you with such absurdities as credit card info in case you wish to charge your "gift" this week. They even have a website where you can Paypal it to them if you want. Makes it easier for them to track the ones contributing the most. Won't be long before they collect from you at the door in order to get in lol, like some sort of spiritual cover charge.

Can you say 1st class front row pew seating arrangements for the big spenders? Back wall seating for the mis-fortunate?


Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

I compensate...

Post Number: 9621
Registered: Jul-06
Sean, how in the world does your position stand true that there is no other intelligent life forms? You asked treo for proof of other life forms, well where is your proof there isn't? Just because you say your "position" stands true doesn't make it so. Personally I think there is some other forms out there but I'm not trying to say what I believe it is the end all-be all truth. This is why some people shouldn't give their opinion because they feel their opinion is nothing other than factual information when in fact, it is not.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 22824
Registered: Jun-06
I'm with Leo. There are trillions of stars and planets in our universe. To believe that our blue/green sphere is the only one amongst them capable of even a simple biological reaction is just too remote. Life doesn't only mean a human being, which, ultimately is Earth unique, but any entity capable of reproduction. Given the billions of years and the complexity of it all I personally wouldn't bet my neighbor's nickel on us alone in the universe. Given how we've treated not only ourselves but the environment I think Calvin says it best:


Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

TC Sounds/DLS

Post Number: 3007
Registered: May-04
"Twiz : are u BSing us or were u high when u typed all that ..."

Nope I was not BSing or drunk/high whatever. I meant every word of it

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14137
Registered: Jun-04
"Sean, how in the world does your position stand true"

it stands true because they have been looking with technology for a long time now and found no life....so as of now and until they find life its true...im not going to argue with you I like you unlike someone else I posted to

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14139
Registered: Jun-04
ps Rob get online with aim more I look for you but your not on

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4440
Registered: Oct-06
Sean, your reasoning for believing there isn't life outside of our planet is interesting for someone who believes so strongly in god.

Silver Member
Username: Tiki89

Post Number: 379
Registered: Oct-06
Forgot about this thread but......

You know how far technology has come in the last 40 years? If you haven't noticed we are not that advanced yet. There's ton more things we can do and come up with. Not everything is gonna be done overnight....... it takes time. Like rob said wheres your proof that there's absolutely no type of life out there?..... If and when they do find some form of life you probably wont be around to see it... Like Paul said there's trillions of planets and stars that are way beyond our reach... Before you open your mouth again i suggest you research a little bit about what you are talking about instead of worrying about being in the top 10 posters... Get a life.....

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14153
Registered: Jun-04
did somebody say something????

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14154
Registered: Jun-04
Ehren...."Sean, your reasoning for believing there isn't life outside of our planet is interesting for someone who believes so strongly in god."

First I believed in God by faith but as Ive known him since may 2 1996 he's done things in my life that I cannot deny....im not getting into them here

also the bible states he made man and woman in his image and likeness it never mentions aliens....this is in the first book of the bible.....im not bible thumping just giving you more of why I believe as I do

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14155
Registered: Jun-04
I thought these would be useful too

genesis chap 1 v16-17: And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day,(the sun) and the lesser light to rule the night (the moon) he made the stars (stars) also.
And God set them in the firmament (space) of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

im trying to pinpoint when exactly he made the planets but its not clear to me yet but as I showed up there he did clearly make space the stars the sun and the moon

science could pinpoint the need for the planets I think maybe gravitational stuff hence the proof they were here during Gods six days of creation in Genesis ....anyone have any ideas

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4442
Registered: Oct-06


im not bible thumping

I don't know what the exact definition of "bible thumping" is, but I'm pretty sure you're doing it.


I believed in God by faith

That's the only point I'm trying to make. Like those who believe there is life outside of Earth, you're basing your belief on what feels right to you, rather than actual, tangible proof.

Gold Member
Username: Wolf_hound

Phoenix, AZ

Post Number: 1199
Registered: Sep-05
I agree with treo and Pit......

btw heres a pic for you Ehren my new blue pit

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 5310
Registered: Mar-06
I have a very strong belief in my beliefs.

"my Beliefs" What does that actually mean?
To me it means one thing. To others something different. But by expressing my belief i contradict someone else belief in the same ideology. In the context of religion, It refers to that inner voice, that moral compass that was instilled in all of us from childhood. Sometimes it is a resource to be called upon to gain strength in times of need, other times taken in vain to dispel some injustice dealt to us.
But the real question is weather religion is nature or nurture.
Answer that and the truth will become self evidnt.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4444
Registered: Oct-06
Julian I think my brain just melted due to cuteness overload. He looks like a winner. Promise me you'll raise him right? Socialize him, socialize him, socialize him.

Gold Member
Username: Wolf_hound

Phoenix, AZ

Post Number: 1200
Registered: Sep-05
Oh ya i treat all my dogs right, shes always around my little nieces and nephews , and around other dogs. And its actually a she, only thing i might need to do is buy her a chew toy she chews on everything she can get a hold off.

Platinum Member
Username: Nyyfan13

Northern VA

Post Number: 11903
Registered: Jul-06
Good looking dog there Jules.

This isn't a personal attack at all Sean, but do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? I'm going to go on the assumption of you don't. I completely respect your opinions but if science could explain creation perfectly, would you still believe in the religious side and ignore the science? I believe in God and I pray up to him when I need help but I still accept that science can explain everyday life. I wholeheartedly believe that there is intelligent life out there besides us. Granted they may not look like us, talk like us, or even resemble us at all, they still more than likely exist.

Let's assume there are multiple life forms out there besides us. Do they share the same God as us? Or do they have an entirely different God? It's said that God made us in his own image, so going off that logic, would all life forms look like us? Does God rule over all of the universe? If he created everything, then we can say that he does rule it all which would mean that if we do find any life forms, they would be identical to us, right?

This is a never ending debate but I like the enthusiasm people are showing

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14156
Registered: Jun-04
your entitled to your opinion just like i am Ehren....thats all im going to say

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14157
Registered: Jun-04
Yanks fan...."This isn't a personal attack at all Sean, but do you believe in the Big Bang Theory?"

If the big bang theory means creation happened by chance out side of God creating it during the six days expressed in the bible in genesis chapter 1 then no I dont believe in the big bang theory.

Yanks fan...."I completely respect your opinions but if science could explain creation perfectly, would you still believe in the religious side and ignore the science?"

I believe you cannot go against the proof of creation that is in the bible so to ignore that would be in error if you tried to explain it by science only.

as far as aliens that would have been explained in the bible if God created them but the only illustration God gives is the fact that he created male and female

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4447
Registered: Oct-06
Denying science, logic, and common sense because of one's religion FTMFL.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 22827
Registered: Jun-06
We are babies technology wise in the grand scheme of things. We have recorded history for what, 2000 years? Only the last 200 have we been industrialized and many would argue the last 50 or so actually reaching out in space with probes and unmanned craft searching for .......something else. We just recently discovered signs of water on Mars and determined Pluto wasn't actually a planet at all. We are witnessing and discovering new things all the time with the advancements of technology that are occurring inside milliseconds of time when you consider the timetable of it all in ratio to something we as humans can fathom. Heck, we haven't even fully understood our own life giving planet let alone ruling out the existence of others. Mr. Carlin, rest in peace, always had a way with words..........


Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14158
Registered: Jun-04
Ehren...."Denying science, logic, and common sense because of one's religion FTMFL"

No offense but when you learn what the true meaning of the word of God is youll understand Ehren.....plus I never said I denied any of those

The bible is not just a book with stories its also truth holy spirit breathed.

This is my creation belief

genesis chap 1 v1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.

* Was the fourth day of creation approximately twenty-four hours long? Answer

14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

chap 2 v 1-2

1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

I compensate...

Post Number: 9623
Registered: Jul-06
Sean, I give you an A for effort for posting BUT you must understand the difference between your beliefs, opinions and actual facts. I tried explaining this to you long ago when you tried to argue with me on the laws of thermodynamics but I digress. Facts are facts, opinions are opinions. Just believing in something doesn't make it true or false.

Silver Member
Username: Skdooley

Roanoke, VA Usa

Post Number: 735
Registered: Oct-09
Think of the universe as the ocean here on Earth. A long time ago, we weren't able to go but so deep into the ocean. Once technology came about, we were able to venture miles and miles below the surface and what happened? New species of fish and life were discovered that we never knew existed. I feel the same goes with the universe. We have no idea what is out there, because we have yet to discover it. Until we venture out there first hand, we arn't going to know.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes

Post Number: 11162
Registered: Aug-05
This seems to me to have turned into a bashing on Sean to defend his beliefs, which are simply that. But, i do understand how this can be frustrating to those of you who only wish him to accept the facts of science. This debate is one that cannot really be solved, and is pointless to argue. Besides, this is about Evolution or God, not why God doesnt exist. No one seems to be backing anything about evolution. lol.

On another note, science shows one thing, and religion says another, there will always be a divide.
It is up to us to use science to help us understand that which is around us. Man will always believe in a higher being to help us ease the misunderstanding of what happens after life.

and as always...

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes

Post Number: 11163
Registered: Aug-05
A really good question would be:

How does the Bible explain those that walked the earth before us, that looked and behaved like us, shared the same brains and skeletal structures as us, and then....disappeared, only to be found as fossils.

Or how radiometric dating of rocks puts the earth at around 4.5 billion years old, and religion accounts for around 6,000 years old?

These are interesting questions.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes

Post Number: 11164
Registered: Aug-05
Another good question:

If you don't fear a God, if you were to kill someone, does nothing happen when you die? and Where do you go when you die? Do we start over?

or do we fade into nonexistence for an eternity, and if so, then why did we exist at all....?

these are the questions i think of. lol

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3127
Registered: Jan-06
Richard Dawkins brings up some valid points IMO. thats all i'm going to contribute to this one lol.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4453
Registered: Oct-06


This seems to me to have turned into a bashing on Sean to defend his beliefs, which are simply that.

I don't think anyone has "bashed" him. I certainly don't feel I have. I DO however feel as though having a reasonable discussion with him on this subject, is not even possible based on some of the things he has said.

He is claiming that one cannot argue against the "proof" of creation in the bible, when what he is referring to is undebatably based on belief and faith (two things which I'm not faulting anyone for having), rather than PROOF. I agree with Rob, how could someone even begin to discuss this reasonably with him? Belief and faith are fine and dandy, but they aren't proof, or evidence, or fact.

And for the record, I liked Sean before this thread, and I still like him now. So I hope I haven't upset or offended you, Sean. I'm just not convinced it wouldn't be a waste of time to discuss this particular subject with him. Agree to disagree type of thing.

Eric, Richard Dawkins is a very intelligent guy, and I agree with a lot (maybe not quite all) of what he says. I do think many people have been tragically fooled and mislead by their religious beliefs, and it has taken away their ability to think freely and logically and seek out real truth in many cases, which is sad.

And for the record, I do not consider myself an atheist.

If anyone isn't familiar with him, here's a couple vids.


Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14161
Registered: Jun-04
but they aren't proof, or evidence, or fact..... truth is more than a fact it is evidence and proof

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes

Post Number: 11165
Registered: Aug-05
Bill O'Reilly is hilarious in a frustrating way. He refuses to accept anyone's point of view but his own, and even in the face of humility, he simply keeps saying what is his opinion, whether it be backed by any sense of intelligence or not. lol

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4328
Registered: Mar-07
This thread pisses me off. How can someone actually believe everything in the Bible like it was written by God himself. It's a book inspired by God written over thousands of years with 40 different authors. It's not to be taken literally. That's all I'm going to say.

Silver Member
Username: Finish22

Post Number: 156
Registered: Mar-10
This morning I was strolling down the beach
thinking about all these disturbing questions
addressed in this thread.
When all of a sudden, I saw this little kid with a seashell in his hand.
He was bringing water from the ocean and pouring it into a little hole
in the sand.

I asked the kid what was he doing and he answered :
"I'm emptying the sea into this little hole."
and I said :
"Lol, Kid, that's so stupid... It's impossible."
and he replied :
"Well, trying to know the answers to all those questions
going through your mind is even more retarded."

Later I realized that Kid was non other than
little baby Jesus...


Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 22839
Registered: Jun-06
Did you stop to buy him a coke?

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14163
Registered: Jun-04
I still love you stavenmist

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 22840
Registered: Jun-06
But would you buy him a coke?

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14171
Registered: Jun-04
sure haha

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14174
Registered: Jun-04
what kind would you like steve?

Silver Member
Username: Finish22

Post Number: 157
Registered: Mar-10
No,....he asked for a Pepsi.....

BTW.... He instructed me to post the following :

1.- Yes,.... Aliens do exist. but Obama is not one of them.

2.- No,....He didn't create the Universe. It was already made when he got here.

3.- Yes,...We are all gonna die...But there's some sort of recycling going on.

4.- Remember the Seven Deadly Sins?.....Well, He was just kidding. You can go ahead
and have all the fun you want ....


Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14176
Registered: Jun-04

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes

Post Number: 11168
Registered: Aug-05
when i red the last 10ish posts of this thread, i sighed, and then went and watched Gucci Mane - Shirt Off. LMAO

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 14180
Registered: Jun-04
I was serious with steve ill buy him a soft drink of his choice

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4456
Registered: Oct-06
It's Guuuuuuuccccccccccccciiiiiiii


Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes

Post Number: 11172
Registered: Aug-05

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