LMAO... you think that's aggressive? Come to Chicago and you'll see what hardcore panhandlers are REALLY all about. I've been in several tense confrontations, one of which turned into an actual fight. I promise you if that skinny old mother fu<ker talked to me like that I woulda knocked him the fu<k out. No tough guy internet talk, I feel for the poor and homeless, but that brotha was begging for an azz kicking.
Yeah that guy was just a simple mental case. Knowing full well he was on camera and threatening him is not the act of a sane man. We have those in Philly who race up to your car to wash your windshield at intersections, whether you need it or not. A fast spray of dirty water and two swipes of his equally dirty rag and out comes the hand. Should you choose to ignore him the spitting comes next.
And $2 is pretty cheap. On a trip to Boston one year led me through a NY city bus terminal. THERE you will find some desperate fellows. Guys eating out of trash cans, offering to carry your luggage (yeah right), even those demanding $5 for directions.
Ironically some professional panhandlers can make a VERY good living. In AC they can pull in $80,000/year on the boardwalk. They come in very early and park several blocks away all dressed up in their rags. After 10 hours of begging they can clean up a couple hundred $$$. Then they get back into their car and go home.
"I make motion pitchas...space movies, do you like space?"
His company name:
Bellamafia Quakafella Records Incorporated by Rhyme Syndicate Three Yellow Men Trillionaire Club.
"You got to think big, three trillionaires, cuz this is a trillion dollar industry."
The other label:
"Butt Necked Wonda, Big brotha thunda, and the Master Blaster to cut off the little boy's weewees, the despicable ones, for little boys cant get puzzy off they minds, they gonna lose they d1ck and nuts, and God gon' make the little boys to take the puzzy and the b1tches, you know with alcohol. so you gonna tell me the pain you feel when you birth your first baby."
"the fu*kin monkeys is comin, eat our sh1t, and suck our d1ck, you ho azz b1tches!!"
They ask because enough give, mostly to avoid a confrontation. When in NY you have to expect and prepare for it. That's why I hate inner city life. Too many beggars, too much violence and crime, too much over priced....everything. I'm related to some who claim they spend $50/day just for the commute, tolls, lunch, parking and related BS of working inside a major city inside their time there.