How To Get To Heaven When You Die


New member
Username: Xfrodobagginsx

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-10

There are some things that you should know:

1. Realize that you are a sinner and in need of a Savior:

Ro 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"

Ro 3:10 "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:"

This all began with the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. God created them perfect, there was no death or sorrow. God told them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They disobeyed God and as a result, sin entered into the world. The pain which this world sees is the result of sin.

2. Because of our sins, we die both spiritually and physically, but God sent His Son to die so that you can have a chance not to have to go to hell by accepting what He did on the cross for you:

Ro 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Ro 5:8 "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. for us."

Every person who has ever lived is a sinner and is not righteous because we do bad things. A sin is a crime against God, just as if you steal something at the store, it is punishable by going to jail. It's the same thing with sin. Even if we lie one time, the punishment is hell, which is a prison for those who commit crimes against God. No matter how well you live your life from then on, you have already committed a sin which will be punished if you are not pardoned. If you commit a crime, and then live as a good citizen you still will go to jail for the crime you committed. Right? Just as the president can pardon a crime so you won't go to jail, Jesus can pardon your sins so that you do not go to hell, and can go to heaven when you die.

3. If you will confess to Jesus Christ that you are a sinner and in need of a Savior, accept Him as Lord and Savior and believe in your heart that He died on the cross and rose from the dead you will be saved.

Joh 1:12 "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name"

Ro 10:9,10 "that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.."

You cannot get to heaven by being a good person, going to church, baptism or any other way other than by turning to Jesus and asking Him to forgive you for your sins and save you. While these are good things to do, some people believe that they will get to heaven if they do these things, but the bible says that there is only one way to heaven and that is through receiving what Jesus Christ did on the cross for you.

Will you do that today? If you will, you can be 100% sure that you will go to heaven when you die.



4. If you are willing to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior please humble yourself before God and pray this prayer to Him from your heart:

"Dear LORD JESUS, I believe that You died on the Cross and Rose from the dead for my sins. I ask you to come into my heart and forgive me for my sins, save me, take me to be with You when I die. I now receive You as my Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me. In Jesus holy name, Amen."

If you prayed that prayer to God, and meant it with all of your heart, you are now a child of God and will go to heaven when you die.

Now that you are on your way to heaven, you should attend a bible believing church and follow in baptism.


Gold Member
Username: Stryvn


Post Number: 1223
Registered: Dec-06
well, sure, but can you get there on roller skates??

New member
Username: Xfrodobagginsx

Post Number: 2
Registered: Apr-10
Please read this first post and pray that prayer at the bottom of it to God from your heart.

Silver Member
Username: Skdooley

Roanoke, VA Usa

Post Number: 585
Registered: Oct-09
So what have you been up to after destroying the ring?

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 22712
Registered: Jun-06
Man, is there going to be a pop quiz?

I hate them.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4417
Registered: Oct-06
Worst !@#$ing thread ever.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

I compensate...

Post Number: 9611
Registered: Jul-06
I heard if I die in a Jihad I can still go to heaven and receive my 70 virgins. This still applies during suicide bombings correct? Do I have to yell "FORGIVE ME FOR MY SINS ALLAH!!!1" right before blowing up or do I do this the night before?

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 22715
Registered: Jun-06
If you guys want insanity, just Youtube Westboro Baptist Church.

THEY are a bunch of loons.



Even if we lie one time, the punishment is hell, which is a prison for those who commit crimes against God.

I suppose the whole world is damned then?

Who, on this planet, hasn't fibbed about anything?????

I say live your life like you want to be remembered, not under the constant fear of judgement by a god or religion we have no physical evidence of.

At least not until it's on Youtube.

Platinum Member
Username: Nyyfan13

Northern VA

Post Number: 11873
Registered: Jul-06
Dude ,Paul, the WBC is unbelievable lol. They came to my school to protest last year because my school elected a guy as our Homecoming Queen. Yes, a guy was our Homecoming Queen. So they came to protest against gheys and our school in general. Those people are so insane. I don't understand how they haven't know lol. They make money off lawsuits when people hit them though. That's how they fund all of their trips.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 22718
Registered: Jun-06
Yanks, if you investigate into them you'll see that the family cultivates "lawyers" and that's how they fight the system. They are also required to forfeit I believe 20%? of there salaries to the church. The cult is so incredibly ludicrous that even though there have been death and bomb threats against them and their children they continue on with their "demonstrations" against everyone who simply isn't a member of their church. Mind you their "church" is mainly made up of their family (70 ppl?)

The biggest BS of it all is the hypocrisy they live under. Shirley Phelps, daughter of Fred, had a child out of wedlock. Yet she is exempt from her own preachings and rules of her god??????? If you watch or listen to Fred and what he says you wonder how he is still alive. It's far worse than the KKK EVER was or is. He is sick to the 20th power, and it's infected far too many ppl and children. On some of their Youtube vids there have been silent approvals. I shudder at the outcome of it all.

The whole clan should, and probably will, suffer the same fate as those in Waco. Yet I feel for the children who know only what they are taught. There have been a few who chose to leave the family out of I assume common decency, who have been out-casted by the remaining family. THAT is a cult and not a religion based on love but hate. It's so sad to see a 5 year old holding up a sign of hate that even he doesn't know the meaning of. THAT'S brainwashing.


Silver Member
Username: Skdooley

Roanoke, VA Usa

Post Number: 590
Registered: Oct-09
What's even worse is the organization is mostly their family and isn't that large really. These people raise their children into this and its a cycle of life for them. Rather sad.

Platinum Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 16337
Registered: Jan-06
Never did like the Koolaide..I'm staying w the beer..

New member
Username: Xfrodobagginsx

Post Number: 3
Registered: Apr-10
Jim Jones was a wacko and didn't follow the bible, that's the difference.

Silver Member
Username: Skdooley

Roanoke, VA Usa

Post Number: 655
Registered: Oct-09
The rapper?
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