Platinum Member Username: Basshead86Steady as she goes Post Number: 11039 Registered: Aug-05 | I have done this a couple times, but then turned around b/c i realized what i was doing was stupid. lol I would be thinking to myself, i'll show this guy. but wtf would i have done if they stopped and got out?....ran'em over? hahahahaha People drive me nuts on the road though. geezus Muddy lol |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22460 Registered: Jun-06 | Had a guy tailgate me fierce one night. I mean bad. So I'd tap the breaks a bit forcing him to slam on his. He got around and the idiot in me decided to tailgate him! I was young. I also didn't realize there were 3 other guys in the car. Round and round we went flapping our egos at each other until eventually he waved me to stop at the next 7-11 surely to exchange "words". He pulled in and I kept on going. Had I stopped I was sure to be the victim of some crazy sh1t, all started by a careless act followed by an ignorant one. In Jersey that sh1t happens to you about 3 times a week. |
Platinum Member Username: Basshead86Steady as she goes Post Number: 11043 Registered: Aug-05 | damn!! yeah i love to rage, but i have evolved to doing it in my head mostly. i try not to be visual, and definitely dont get aggressive, that just leads to someone who really is crazy shooting me in the face. |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22462 Registered: Jun-06 | Very true.![]() |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Northern VA Post Number: 11848 Registered: Jul-06 | I haven't but I've had it done to me. I was on my way to golf one morning with my dad and I was driving. I get to a 4 way stop and it was my turn to go so I start going and am halfway out in the intersection I slam my brakes cause this BMW Z4 convertible comes around the corner and cuts me off. I honk my horn, he flicks me off and stops right next to me car so he is literally within 3 feet of me. I could almost reach out of my window and touch his car. Being the mature person I am when I'm pissssed, I roll down my window and look him dead in the eye and flick him off and say some very kind words to him. This doesn't sit well with him so I gun it from the scene and he hits it in reverse and turns around and follows me. We end up going anywhere from 60-70 on this windy back forestry covered road for about 5 miles where he ends up turning around. The whole time he was yelling and flicking me off and telling me to pull off. I can only imagine what he was saying lol. Safe to say that was a very unneeded adrenaline rush before a round of golf lol. |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyThe Chicago area Post Number: 4342 Registered: Oct-06 | LOL muddy. I don't follow people, and I don't have what I consider to be road rage. I DO however have what I feel to be justified, genuine hatred for some of the inconsiderate idiots out on the road. I want to murder people who are afraid of left turn lanes. I feel like I see this fairly often. You're on a 3 or 5 lane road, where the middle lane is left turns only. Someone who is apparently scared of getting all the way into the left turn lane, angles into it only halfway, leaving the azz end of their car blocking the left lane of traffic. Wow. Now an entire lane of traffic has to stop and wait, because you're a moron. Also, people who block intersections when traffic is start and stop. Some idiots don't have the common sense to stop at the intersection, until there is enough room to get all the way thru it. You can literally see the traffic stopped for a half mile ahead of you, where does this moron think he's going? |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyThe Chicago area Post Number: 4343 Registered: Oct-06 |
lmao johnboi that made me laugh so hard for some reason. |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22468 Registered: Jun-06 | It's not about being a warrior on the roads today. It's all about tolerance. Road rage only infuriates the monster inside. Step back and laugh at it, it's only going to bite you again someday lol. |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22469 Registered: Jun-06 | Ok, how about light runners? You know, those who obviously ran the light behind 4 cars in front, just to make through the intersection? Problem is the lane isn't moving for them so they, along with the entire intersection is jammed. They sit looking like the bunghole holding everything up(AND THEY EXPECT YOU TO BELIEVE THEY ARE A VICTIM LIKE YOU!!!!!). ![]() |
Silver Member Username: MagfanUSA Post Number: 965 Registered: Oct-07 | Yes, I was riding my bicycle home one nite after midnite. Some JERK tried to run me over so I followed 'em home and unloaded on 'em. Stinking homicidal drunk. |
Silver Member Username: MagfanUSA Post Number: 966 Registered: Oct-07 | OH, and then there was the time I was out for a nice ride and somebody got on my tail honking a lot and I flipped 'em off. I didn't even bother to look over my shoulder. Man, I was nuts in those days. He passed me, stopped about a quarter mile ahead, got out of his car and glared at me as I peddled past. He looked like he was going to have a stroke. What's the rush? |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22473 Registered: Jun-06 | You are a riot Leo. ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 16246 Registered: Jan-06 | I was riding my brand new Harley Dnyna last summer and some dude almost T boned me, and then sped I turned and chased the mofo and pulled up along side of him and kicked in his rear quarterpanel and driver's door ..then he decided he was gonna be a hero and follow me, so I just pulled over, got of my bike, and clocked him as soon as his feet stepped out of his truck...I don't think that dude, will ever again ignore us that ride...ppl think cause their cars and trucks are bigger than us bikers, that they own the road, well it ain''t that way...ppl need to be courteous and respectful of riders, as well as all other vehicles....if not, all hell may break lose...I don't want any trouble, but there's no way i'm gonna allow some dude to almost kill me and/or my passenger when riding...he got a beating for educational purposes, and not for just "I'm a tough guy" simple road rage...he'll think twice, next time he sees a biker riding... |
Bronze Member Username: Finish22Post Number: 39 Registered: Mar-10 | ![]() |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyThe Chicago area Post Number: 4346 Registered: Oct-06 |
Under what circumstances? Like he ran a light or something? |
Gold Member Username: Van_manBoston South, MA Post Number: 5216 Registered: Mar-06 | There was a case in Boston last month, The cars stopped, Guy got out of his porche and shot and killed a fireman with his girlfriend sitting there.. Then sped off. They got him like a week later. He was the son of a wealth local developer. Very sad case. and LK, I hear you about riding bikes. Last summer some chick blast by me on the right of a single lane road. She was almost up on the grassy edge. So I followed her to the ghetto apartment complex where she lived, called the cops and they said, sorry, cant help you...So I took out my screw driver and scratched the side of her car from front to back. |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 16247 Registered: Jan-06 | Pit..we both had green lights, facing towards each other...but the idiot decided to turn left (no blinker) and failed to yield my right of way, as I was going straight through the intersection....if I hadn't gunned her (accelerated very quickly), I would have been hit broadside and road kill... I dunno how lots of ppl, including some cops, ever got a driver's license..and don't have enuff sense to use blinkers, and some common sense and courtesy...I drove 18 wheelers part time too for some years, and seen lots of idiot truckers too...ppl ,have this mentality that if they're bigger, then they own the road..its like the old saying amongst truckers, that somel dudes drive trucks cause its makes em feel like its "an extension of their pe*nis, and makes em feel big" seriously some ppl who are driving bigger vehicles, than ones around them at the time, always tend to think they own the road and can do whatever they want....and bikers are especially targeted.. |
Platinum Member Username: Basshead86Steady as she goes Post Number: 11053 Registered: Aug-05 |
the imagery i had here was Johnny Depp from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas driving with Tobey Maguire in the back for some reason. LMAO dont ask
Ehren, I honestly think the people in my city invented this maneuver. ![]()
yeah, he'll have a sawed-off with salt-rock shells in it wating for the next biker who 'thinks' he gonna get over on this guy. lolol
this, makes me cringe. if i have a problem with someone, i will try not to resort to monetary damage to their vehicle, that is low my friend. lol
i hate these people. it really urks me when someone driving an F-250 starts tailgating me. if i had to slam on my brakes in an emergency, it's all over for my poor economy car. that guy's insurance is buying me a new car. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: ShortysetniesAndrew Capps, NC US Post Number: 3549 Registered: Mar-06 | break check someone in NC and its a careless and reckless ticket. My friend got rear ended by doing that, told the cop he was slamming on brakes to avoid peter cotton tail and got away with it. Pissed the other guy off bad! |
Platinum Member Username: Basshead86Steady as she goes Post Number: 11057 Registered: Aug-05 | LOL peter cotton tail. ![]() lying to the po-po is a much greater offense. |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22475 Registered: Jun-06 | In my state anyone who gets rear ended is considered the victim. They don't care about the details either. You could be driving a $500 POS putting on makeup while texting with your BFF while adjusting your underwear and if the Bentley behind you taps your bumper it sue happy time. Bottom line is if you're not following the 2 second rule it's your azz. That's why so many pull the tap break move on tailgaters. It's of no risk to them. Problem with that move today is when you realize how many don't have insurance or even a license and don't care and flee the scene. Chase them down and now you risk causing yet another accident which would be on you. So you sit there bewildered on what to do. You know you have uninsured motorist coverage on your policy which covers crap like this, yet it will ultimately raise your rates because it is a claim on your account, even if you have witnesses supporting your story. Go after the fagola and risk an even more troubled scenario or take it up the wazzoo and stew in your juices. Insurance companies and their policies are built around ways to r4pe the honest to pay for the ones who aren't. Kinda like politics. |
Gold Member Username: The_image_dynamicSan Diego, California Post Number: 5658 Registered: Dec-06 | I have pulled over and punched a few people through their window before. One time a guys girlfriend (or wife?) jumped out and started swinging on me after I served up an attitude adjustment on her guy. I had another guy go to his trunk and come at me with a hydraulic jack. I grabbed it from him and threw it on his hood. But, you have to be extremely careful with all the bozo's carrying guns nowadays. Just like LK mentioned, I like to think of it as an educational experience for the careless. Just like when I spotted a teenage kid shooting birds out of the trees near my moms house. I took his bb gun and shot him in the legs four times while yelling "you like how that feels bitch???" then broke his gun over my knee. Pretty sure he will think twice about killing defenseless birds from now on. |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22477 Registered: Jun-06 | On the road though you can't always tell who your potential "students" are lol. Today they are psychopathic maniacs with no direction as well as armed. My father taught me the power of guns at a very young age. He drug me out in the woods and showed me what a gun does to an animal. We found a small rabbit and he shot it from a distance. As we approached we realized the rabbit wasn't dead yet, still flopping about. He handed me the gun and told me to finish it, it was only right. I had to look in its' eyes and pull the trigger. THAT teaches you respect for life, to see the desperate struggle and the ultimate end. Thugs on the streets or gang banger's don't care about the meaning of life do they? Just that taking it gives them some sort of stature. Later I realized my father could've chosen a better lesson to convey his message to me but he was a hunter at the time. Today, 30 years later and in his retirement, he feeds the deer, rabbits and squirrels that cross his property, having never picked up any of his rifles in over 20 years. Ironic isn't it? |
Platinum Member Username: Basshead86Steady as she goes Post Number: 11061 Registered: Aug-05 | that is some pretty deep sh1t. you dad definitely should have thought twice on that life lesson. grown-ups dont think things like that mean much to a child, but they can and do. fortunately your ok Paully. ![]() I would love to cold-c_ck someone right after they pissed me off when i was driving, but i have such a bad temper i would be tempted to strangle them. probably not such a good idea. ![]() |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22486 Registered: Jun-06 | But Muddy, what has all that weight lifting taught you thus far? Reward comes from discipline, direction and state of mind, not pure aggression. If you're angry when you lift then what are you doing it for? In the end, really? ![]() |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyThe Chicago area Post Number: 4350 Registered: Oct-06 | lmao^^^![]() |
Platinum Member Username: Basshead86Steady as she goes Post Number: 11069 Registered: Aug-05 | I use anger as a motivator when i lift. It is a release for me. But i also like to prove to myself that i can achieve goals that i set for myself (in the gym), and it feels amazing when you reach them. that and it keeps me healthy(er) |
Platinum Member Username: Basshead86Steady as she goes Post Number: 11070 Registered: Aug-05 | is that guy wearing sweat pants in a theme park? Fail |
Gold Member Username: ShortysetniesAndrew Capps, NC US Post Number: 3556 Registered: Mar-06 | ![]() |
Silver Member Username: MagfanUSA Post Number: 974 Registered: Oct-07 | I used to ride my bike about 5k miles per year. Another time I was nearing the top of a 5 mile grade. I was pooped and soaking wet. This yuppie trash in a Volvo went by me so close I had to take the berm. I peddled up beside the worm and kicked the crap out of the side of his car. He and his passengers didn't even LOOK. THEN there was the time I was passed on a Very Narrow 2-lane road by a truck chassis motor home. It went by so close I felt the pop of the side mirror going past my left ear. I simply couldn't catch THAT jerk. I figure he missed taking my head off by not more than 12 inches. Anybody wanna see my X-Rays? |
Platinum Member Username: Basshead86Steady as she goes Post Number: 11080 Registered: Aug-05 | pics or no proof. ![]() |