Holy sh!t guys. It's coming. I am more excited than Lil Jon at a shouting match right now. I figured we should start gauging interest earlier rather than later.
1. Who's interested in playing? We only want people who are going to actively participate for the ENTIRE SEASON, even if your team struggles, you play to win.
2. Brad would you like to commish the league again? If Brad is too busy I can do it, but otherwise he has done a great job the past few seasons.
3. Anyone interested in putting some money on it this year? It adds some extra fun to things, and keeps people much more motivated to be active even if they're struggling. We could do any amount, $10, $20, $50, whatever, I'm up for anything. There are websites like leaguesafe.com that can handle the money since it can't be handled locally. If you guys don't want to put $ on it, that's cool too.
4. To those who have participated in years past, would anyone be interested in changing up the scoring a bit? Again, I'm up for anything, but I would consider ditching a few categories like doubles and triples in exchange for slugging %, and also ditch wins and losses for quality starts. Let me know what you guys think.
I can't remember the scoring changes we decided on from last year. I took off hits, which was one -- but there were some others we were thinking about too. I am personally in favor of keeping doubles, but could go either way on triples. These stats are a reward for having a couple quick guys that can also steal bases. Kind of evens things out a bit as opposed to teams that choose to go with more power. We will figure it out after Reece and the others chime in.
I wouldn't be opposed to throwing some cash down but I just think all the hassles of actually doing it and getting every single manager to agree would be more trouble than it's worth.
Brad I know im not on here much ne more .. but i just signed up man you know im down ... i think triples is worthless ... doubles is more of legit state considering about 10 percent of baseball players have more then 4 triples a year
as far as throwing money .. let me know id be down
I hear ya on the cash thing Brad. I guess if everyone wants to, we can go for it, if it's not unanimous or if some people are kind of indifferent, we should probably just skip it.
As far as the scoring, I don't care for triples as its own category. They just don't happen often enough, and half the time that they do, they are the result of a funny bounce, or a fielding error. No one REALLY hits for triples regularly. The 2009 leader had 13, so it just makes for wayyy too fluky a category IMO. Having speedsters on your teams has its benefits even without triples, as they'll tend to put up better avg, obp, steals, and doubles if you have that as a category.
IMO, ditch triples and add strikeouts. Mark Reynolds struck out 223 times last year (HOLY F@#$ING SH!T), and he deserves to be punished for swinging at every pitch. Maybe switch AVG to OBP too, since we gave no credit for walks last year. I think those changes level things a lot between the power guys and the rest. Gives due credit to guys who work counts and walk to get on base.
On the pitching side I'd ditch wins, losses and hits. Instead I'd do home runs, quality starts, and holds (makes relief pitching way more interesting).
Good ideas Ehren. We'll all have to think about it and whittle them down. No hurry.
As far as the money thing goes, maybe we could all drop a Jackson and then have the winner get $140 and the second place guy get $60. That is if we get 10 teams. Fuck third place, I hate when they win something.
Yeah Mikey I know you are down. Zero worries about you hanging in.
I remember Reece telling me he was in a baseball league one time where the scoring settings were perfect. I am not against modeling ours after something like that and then tweaking slightly if we needed to. But then again, I don't think we're far off. Just a few changes and I think we'll be great.
ERA, WHIP, K, HR, QS, Holds, Saves. (NOTE: It is crucial in this setup to have a minimum innings pitched per week requirement, as there are two categories specific to relievers, and only one to starting pitchers)
We can't go wrong obeying the wisdom of Reece Brassler though.