Vitamins and Supplements


Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes...

Post Number: 10774
Registered: Aug-05
bored as hell so i figured i'd make a thread for listing what Vitamins, Supplements, and anything else you take (minus drugs and alcohol) to help support your overall health.

This includes anything you might use while working out, rehabilitating, or just general everyday use.

List away!!!

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4287
Registered: Mar-07
A daily dose of MJ keeps me healthy.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes...

Post Number: 10775
Registered: Aug-05
read the first post very carefully

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4253
Registered: Oct-06
Fish Oil, Multivitamin, BCAAs, Whey.

Standard casual bodybuilder stack

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes...

Post Number: 10777
Registered: Aug-05
yes sir

you know, i think me and you were best friends in a previous life. lol
that doesn't mean i believe in reincarnation, for that isn't Christian, and i want to be a good American.

I take a multitude of things. lol. i will list them if anyone's curious.

you know what though, if everybody took just those things and understood why they were good for you, they might change their lifestyle just enough to help get America away from being the fattest country on the planet. lol

i can dream, can't i?

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

York, Pennsylvania

Post Number: 13387
Registered: Jun-04
fish oil flax seed and multivitamin skipping whey protein to go with whole foods instead

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes...

Post Number: 10778
Registered: Aug-05
your cutting right now aren't you, sean?

cutting in the sense that your trying to drop weight, not that you are attempting to lose that extra 5-10 lbs for a comp. lol

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

York, Pennsylvania

Post Number: 13388
Registered: Jun-04
yeah im cutting

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Central Florida

Post Number: 10780
Registered: Aug-05
I take a lot of stuff.
I have a pill organizer for AM and PM to keep everything organized. lol

Fish Oil
Flaxseed Oil
Krill Oil
Acai Berry Extract
Pro-biotic (Acidophilus)

Fish Oil
Flaxseed Oil
Acai Berry Extract
Glucosamine & Chondroitin w/MSM
Pro-biotic (Acidophilus)

I also supplement with a Protein Blend, and Glutamine powder.
Used to use Creatine, but i didnt like how much water i had to drink. That stuff dries ya out, and puts extra strain on your liver.

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

York, Pennsylvania

Post Number: 13389
Registered: Jun-04
quite the list....I have creatine now but I dont use it because of the type of diet im on

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

COD4 Addict

Post Number: 3055
Registered: Jan-06
ON multi.'s daily. whey for after pt, gym.

tried creatine for awhile, gained a few lbs., lost as soon as i cycled off. saw a nice stamina boost for the most part. it's hard for me to gain being lanky as i am. 3 large meals a day (usually) + supps + 4 days of gym + 3 pt days and can't break 184 to save my life being 5'11".

thinking about a gainer but i don't feel like drinking straight powder haha.

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

York, Pennsylvania

Post Number: 13398
Registered: Jun-04
eric do it the smart way eat clean whole foods and find you caloric needs and bump it up 500 calories from consider your situation a blessing if it was me

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4254
Registered: Oct-06


skipping whey protein to go with whole foods instead

Whey protein certainly isn't a substitute for whole foods. Eating whole foods is probably the single most important thing someone can do to be healthy. Whole foods however, cannot accomplish what whey can post workout, so whey is very useful in that sense.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4255
Registered: Oct-06


you know, i think me and you were best friends in a previous life.

I cannot comment on this due to fear of ridicule from my peers.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Central Florida

Post Number: 10783
Registered: Aug-05

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Central Florida

Post Number: 10784
Registered: Aug-05


Whey protein certainly isn't a substitute for whole foods. Eating whole foods is probably the single most important thing someone can do to be healthy. Whole foods however, cannot accomplish what whey can post workout, so whey is very useful in that sense.

Indeed. The difference between whole foods and a protein powder is that whole foods have more weight and substance to the calories they carry. Which makes them better to eat if you want to feel more satisfied while on a diet and cutting calories. However, the protein in a powder has been separated and filtered to make it extremely absorb-able as soon as it hits your system. This makes it a better alternative than eating a chicken breast after you workout, because your body will take a lot longer to break down the chicken breast and extract the 20% of protein calories out of it.

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4288
Registered: Mar-07
Ahhmmm.... I meant OJ then. :-)

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

York, Pennsylvania

Post Number: 13402
Registered: Jun-04
valid points and I have thought of this....thanks guys But like you said its more about being satisfied while being on a low calorie diet like I am

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Central Florida

Post Number: 10787
Registered: Aug-05
hahaha staven!

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

York, Pennsylvania

Post Number: 13411
Registered: Jun-04
now thats better than alcohol

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

I compensate...

Post Number: 9570
Registered: Jul-06
Ugh, bro science alert in this thread! Don't make me call Alan Aragon in here to silence your bro science.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Central Florida

Post Number: 10793
Registered: Aug-05
or you could simply contribute your knowledge to the thread instead of childishly pointing out what you don't agree with and making it a point to try and demean others because of their lack of acute nutritional science knowledge.

just my .02 :-)

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

COD4 Addict

Post Number: 3056
Registered: Jan-06
^ not gonna lie he pretty much nailed it.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Central Florida

Post Number: 10802
Registered: Aug-05
Rob's a f*ckin douche, andi firmly believe he is tolerated more than liked on this forum, and if i knew him in real life, i would have cleaned his -gotta lose every ounce of fat and look as good as i can to comfort my deep seeded insecurities- clock a looooong time ago. Every time he posts it rubs me the wrong way, and he never has anything valuable to add to any conversation. He can't get along with anyone if their opinion or knowledge base doesn't match his endless knowledge about everything including computers and movies and anything related to looking good, and he is the first person to point out when someone is slightly misinformed by childishly making a mockery of them, instead of maturely and respectfully correcting the information. he tries to be a d1ck about it, every time. go f*ckin die. FAIL

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Central Florida

Post Number: 10803
Registered: Aug-05
some people may not agree with me, and thats fine, opinions are like a**holes, and mine was starting to itch.


Platinum Member
Username: Nyyfan13

Northern VA

Post Number: 11810
Registered: Jul-06
^ Wow lmao. Deep breathes Muddy, deep breathes.

PS, the ghey tension between Pit and Mud grows day by day. They make Snow and Steve look straight.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Central Florida

Post Number: 10804
Registered: Aug-05
either way, i went to the gym tonight and got a personal best!

i was able to do 3 sets of 225-5 reps on bench. new personal best.
the most i have ever been able to do since the last time i did 225 was 225-4 reps. After that i went heavy only doing 1 reps with my max and under for a while. seems like it paid off.
also, i was able to to over the head tricep extensions with a 100lb. weight, up from 85-90 when i first started a while back. w00t

gotta love it when you can reach a few goals. progress baby!

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Central Florida

Post Number: 10805
Registered: Aug-05
hahahaha Yanks!!!

i was wondering what i could classify that tension as. hmmmmm

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 22119
Registered: Jun-06
Nice progress dude!

When I wanted to start an exercise program myself I started out at 10 pushups and 10 situps a day. (Had to start somewhere.) Not long after I was able to do 20, then 30 and about a month after starting I was up to 100 pushups a day easy. For those in the 100 - 150 lb range it may seem like nothing. For me, 200+lb and out of shape it was a chore and an accomplishment. Not to mention I'm almost 40. I don't take supplements or micro manage my diet either. I know those in shape and super thin will say big deal, I can do 100 pushups in 30 seconds. I'm 220lbs and can do 10 in a row with my 10 year old son on my back. I know because I've done it and he loves the ride lol.

Does that mean I'm in shape? No. I won't ever claim to be, especially since I love beer too much lol.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10808
Registered: Aug-05
thats awesome Paul!

i started that way too, except my story is a little more embarrassing. lol

i started by doing push-ups in the bathroom at work. it is a single toilet and sink, so you can walk in and lock the door behind you. and i got up to being able to do like 90 or so. it makes you feel so accomplished when you can set a goal, even something minuscule like doing push-ups, and reach it. It must be awesome to have your son involved in that exercise, that will instill long lasting values in him that he may associate exercise with having fun, and not ever let himself struggle with his weight like soooooo many young kids do now. its a damn shame, and i blame it ALL on the parents. maybe i shouldn't but i do. but thats another story for another time, or perhaps we will get a quality post from you, Pauly, on the subject matter. I always do enjoy reading your rants. lol!

BTW, i love Google Chrome's spell check. saves me so much time. lmao, those little red squiggly lines are a blessing. :-)

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4256
Registered: Oct-06
Rob, elaborate please.

Johnboi, I agree it has gone too far, which is why I chose not to comment. It's funny a couple times, then it's just repetitive and trivial. Comparing us to snow and steve though? Lets not be ridiculous. Two guys blowing each other while wearing leopard print vests and watching project runway couldn't make them look straight.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10810
Registered: Aug-05
wow....*walks away jingling change in his pocket and whistling.*

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

TC Sounds/DLS

Post Number: 2985
Registered: May-04
"I take a lot of stuff.
I have a pill organizer for AM and PM to keep everything organized. lol"

Wow me too! Except mine is usually filled with 80s,40s, perk 10s,perk 5s,weak a*s vic 10s,suboxone/methadone for the desperate days,and for PM xanax :-)

Good night!

Gold Member
Username: Wolf_hound

Phoenix, AZ

Post Number: 1152
Registered: Sep-05

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 4290
Registered: Mar-07

F U Yanks.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10813
Registered: Aug-05


Wow me too! Except mine is usually filled with 80s,40s, perk 10s,perk 5s,weak a*s vic 10s,suboxone/methadone for the desperate days,and for PM xanax.

Intervention? LOL

Gold Member
Username: Snowball123

West Allis, WI

Post Number: 3435
Registered: Oct-07

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

York, Pennsylvania

Post Number: 13444
Registered: Jun-04
"i was able to do 3 sets of 225-5 reps on bench. new personal best.
the most i have ever been able to do since the last time i did 225 was 225-4 reps. After that i went heavy only doing 1 reps with my max and under for a while. seems like it paid off.
also, i was able to to over the head tricep extensions with a 100lb. weight, up from 85-90 when i first started a while back. w00t"

Good job Josh I used to be able to do 225 for 5 as well hoping to get back up there after my cut.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10817
Registered: Aug-05
yeah i was super-stoked. when i used to attempt 225 before, i could do it 4 times fresh, then 3 times the next set, and barely 3 the next set. i am still so proud to have been able to do that. i was never involved in weight lifting before, and i have been working out for almost a year. started by repping 135 and then once i got comfortable i moved up heavier, and heavier until i was at 185 which was at my peak for 5 reps at one point on bench. i love progress and reaching goals!

Gold Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego, California

Post Number: 5606
Registered: Dec-06
A couple One A Day high potency vitamins and some fresh pussy and I am good.

Bronze Member
Username: Cinco_ocho


Post Number: 24
Registered: Feb-10
Well then...The heck with the Vitamins just double up on the fresh p#ssy

Platinum Member
Username: Nyyfan13

Northern VA

Post Number: 11814
Registered: Jul-06
"Johnboi, I agree it has gone too far, which is why I chose not to comment. It's funny a couple times, then it's just repetitive and trivial. Comparing us to snow and steve though? Lets not be ridiculous. Two guys blowing each other while wearing leopard print vests and watching project runway couldn't make them look straight."

Rofl. That's awesome lol.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10820
Registered: Aug-05

Gold Member
Username: Freezeman_7


Post Number: 2540
Registered: May-06
I just started p90x 10 days ago and can already see results, im completing it with daily multi-vitamins, and ive also stopped eating fast food as well as sticking with either water or fruit juice. I take a pre-workout pill from GNC that helps me get my blood flowing, and low calorie whey protein, around 200 cal per serving with 60 grams of protein.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4258
Registered: Oct-06


200 cal per serving with 60 grams of protein.

Fact: 1 gram of protein = 4 Calories ; 60 grams protein = 240 calories.

False advertising maybe? What kind of whey is it?

Gold Member
Username: Freezeman_7


Post Number: 2541
Registered: May-06
Its wheybolic. Im just reading what the label says on the side of the of the bottle lol.

Bronze Member
Username: Mohammad_ali_jinnah


Post Number: 43
Registered: Feb-10

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Box Designer & Builder...Dustin

Post Number: 5359
Registered: Oct-05
I am a heavy weight lifter and some in those forum are too it seems. I take the normal, WHEY, bcaa's, fish oil, multi and creatine. I cycle on/off with creatine> right now I am on the new size on max performence and superpump250. My lifts are pretty good right now.

flat bench = 225 x 15 reps
245 x 8 reps

incline db = 95 lbs x 8 reps

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Box Designer & Builder...Dustin

Post Number: 5360
Registered: Oct-05
and I weight 180 lbs

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 12884
Registered: Jan-08
False Nalin on post above!

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Box Designer & Builder...Dustin

Post Number: 5365
Registered: Oct-05
haha. and why is that?

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 12885
Registered: Jan-08

Look his real post count!

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10859
Registered: Aug-05
the Sat Section seems to be spillin over into the off topic section.
soon you won't be able to post in any thread without a bunch of middle-aged jobless lunatic immature douchebags wrecking your thread.

Nice lifts btw, Bassman, thats awesome!
what is your max on bench?
you should get off that creatine stuff, man.
it blows ya up and puts extra work on your liver.
I know a kid who weighs 135 that can't bench his own weight yet. and he has been working out for about 10 months.

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Box Designer & Builder...Dustin

Post Number: 5376
Registered: Oct-05
nah muddy. It doesn't hurt your liver. I have done plenty of research on supplements and creatine has been widely accepted as the staple for any serious lifter. I have yet to see any studies showing it has any negative effect on the body. Yes, if you overuse it or soemthing, i would assume there would be some type of problem but not when its taken like its supossed to. I don't get blown up too big, well i dont think so :-) I stay pretty steady at the same weight whether im on the cycle or not.

bench is 300 max

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Box Designer & Builder...Dustin

Post Number: 5377
Registered: Oct-05
if there were studies on that it is bad for your kidney or liver i would be off of it. but i have a 100% kidney and i have been cycling on/off for about 2 years now

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10877
Registered: Aug-05
i used to take it, and i didnt like how much water i had to drink to stay hydrated. also, when i got off it, i lost like 4-5 lbs. of water weight, and my arms and legs looked smaller within a week, from all the excess water being gone. lol

i did like, however, how much more lasting energy i had and that i was never sore no matter how hard i hit it. :-)

i didnt say it hurts your liver, i said it puts extra work on your liver. just like consuming more protein or pills of any kind put more work on your liver.

edit: Nice on bench man!
i am only 25 lbs. behind ya. lol
my friend has been stuck at 385 for like 3 months. he hasn't maxed in a while tho, i think he's itching to try again.

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

York, Pennsylvania

Post Number: 13550
Registered: Jun-04
"i did like, however, how much more lasting energy i had and that i was never sore no matter how hard i hit it. :-)"

it does do that i agree

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10883
Registered: Aug-05
never tried any of that Nitric Oxide stuff though, i just think it's a cop-out. I guess i just feel if you need an extra boost to lift more, your just not that into it. That, and that stuff has a TON of caffeine in it, and i quit soda a loooooooong time ago. i don't want all that caffeine in my system. When im trying to go big on a lift, i just go someplace in my mind and psych myself out. Get almost to the point of tears when i max, it just helps you to get unstable. lol

as long as you practice good form.

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Box Designer & Builder...Dustin

Post Number: 5385
Registered: Oct-05
Yep. I only go on NO's once every 6 months and it REALLY helps to get past plateau's... For example, my first week on it last week i gained 2 FULL reps on my 225 flat bench. I maxed out today and actually got out 310 :D

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10884
Registered: Aug-05
ballin dude.
maxin is THE best way to grow.
i try to max at least once a month. if not twice. if you get it, and even if you don't, your muscles won't experience anything as shocking to help them grow.

310 is beast. WAY TO GO!!!!

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Box Designer & Builder...Dustin

Post Number: 5391
Registered: Oct-05
Thank man! You up there too! keep it up man

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10888
Registered: Aug-05
i think im gonna max soon. gonna try for 280 i believe. not sure tho, might give it a FEWWWWWW more workouts of going heavy.

Dead-lifted today, haven't done that in a coon's age. With the combination of being sick in the beginning of January to recovering from an arm wrestling injury, i haven't been deadin. but its ok, i got my old max tonight, and then 30lbs under it too.

feels good to get back into the gym.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4295
Registered: Oct-06
What kind of programs are you guys running? Or do you just sort of wing it?

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10890
Registered: Aug-05
programs? i just go to the gym and workout whatever isn't sore. :-)

i have seen tremendous results doing so.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4296
Registered: Oct-06
That would fall into the "winging it" category.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10893
Registered: Aug-05

i suppose you follow a program? do tell

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4297
Registered: Oct-06
Scroll down to where it says "Another rotation that hits each bodypart once every 4-5 days but using a little more volume."

How long have you been lifting? I never had much success lifting until I started doing more well thought out programs. But I also don't have great genetics for it. Before I started I was 120 lbs at 5'9", 20 years old. My body's natural desire is to be SKINNY!

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10894
Registered: Aug-05

i am 6'1" 235 lbs

my bench has gone up 70 or so lbs in 11 months
my deadlift has gone from up over 120 lbs. (prob has more to do with being comfortable with the lift and having proper technique, which i am a stickler about)
my squat has gone from dunno, haven't maxed. ever. on squats. thats a hard lift to go heavy on. you better have somebody cornfed standing behind you to help you get the weight back up. or be in a squat rack.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10895
Registered: Aug-05
i guess you could say there is a method to my madness.

i use more of a triangle effect with every thing that i lift. at least 3 sets, and not including warmup.

for example, on bench i will do
1 x 5 - 135
1 x 5 - 185
1 x 5 - 225
1 x 5 - 225
1 x 4 to 5 - 235
1 x 3 - 245 and thats it

and i pretty much do that with everything i do.
1 warm up set, one set getting heavier, then a couple sets in my working load, maybe another set at that same working load, or 1 set of heavy minus 1-2 reps and im done. has worked GREAT for me in the 11 months i have been training!!

edit: NICE FIND EHREN!! everybody that is starting or is working out period should read that page.

i focus on the core lifts, they are my favorite to do, and are exactly what i want, overall mass and strength. toning and all that definition sh1t just isnt my thing. i don't really care what my biceps look like. i do bicep curls MAYBE once a month, and my bicep strength has jumped tremendously since i started working out.

if more people understood that working out their back would increase their bicep strength faster than doing bicep curls....every gym would be a better place.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10896
Registered: Aug-05

no one posted in the ENTIRE off topic section all day? wtf

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 22258
Registered: Jun-06
It's all the ads and BS because of them. They're like mosquitoes.

Forum in general too.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10918
Registered: Aug-05
got 280 on bench last night. w00t!

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Box Designer & Builder...Dustin

Post Number: 5398
Registered: Oct-05
nice muddy!

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

York, Pennsylvania

Post Number: 13667
Registered: Jun-04
Good job Josh.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10932
Registered: Aug-05
thanks brotha!

I was going to go to the gym tonight, but damnit, three days out and i am still sore in my legs. shouldnt have gone that heavy on squats. Me and my friend had a CRAZY workout after we both maxed on bench. lol

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4318
Registered: Oct-06
Josh? F@#$ that, I'm callin you Muddy.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10935
Registered: Aug-05
Ehren? F@#$ that, I am* callin you Pit.

* - I wrote "I am" because of this:




Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

I compensate...

Post Number: 9573
Registered: Jul-06
More bro-science from Muddy I see but this time on creatine, good laughs. Pit, you seem to actually know what you're talking about though. The biggest problem with fitness and nutrition is that you have a bunch of people spitting out B.S. and confusing/misleading others into what they believe or their opinions instead of FACTS. I have nothing but a scientific approach to just about everything. I don't believe something works because this guy is more "jacked" than that guy and he took X supplement instead of Z. If the information isn't a proven fact then I don't put that info out there for others to follow blindly.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Fck your sht

Post Number: 11006
Registered: Aug-05
Edited: No need to be mean in my huge post, instead, just give me knowledge instead of attitude. :-)

nuff said.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Fck your sht

Post Number: 11008
Registered: Aug-05
I don't claim to know it all, and if i slip up, just help me get it right. I want to do the best thing for me, and after being on for a couple weeks and readingreadingreadingreading i have learned that 99% of the supplement industry is hype, and worthless powder.

Waxy Maize is no more effective of a carb then white bread.
Glutamine is scientifically proven to NOT affect strength gains.
And BCAAs are overpriced for the amount you get, even though they are somewhat beneficial.

Protein (if you don't get enough from your diet)
Multivitamin (same)
Joint Supplement
and Fish Oil (if you don't eat enough fish)
and determination is the general consensus on those boards for what you need to "supplement" when lifting weights. lol

The biggest uproar now is the supposed bill that could go into effect and regulate the unregulated supplement industry, personally, i think it is just what the doctor ordered. :-) but i'll sit on the fence for this one.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 4340
Registered: Oct-06 is a great resource, and I personally have recommended it to many people who were looking for info or advice on fitness. I must say however, the forum is not impervious to bro-science, and trendy philosophies or ways of thinking.

A couple of the things that bother me on

The hoards of meat-heads who seem to think that everyone should have the same goals and standards. GET HYYYUUGGGEEE BRO!!!

Members who literally disqualify other peoples opinions on things based solely on that person's weight. So many times I've read things like "Yeah, coming from the guy who weighs 155 pounds!!!" As if him being 155 pounds means his level of fitness and fitness knowledge couldn't be very high. I swear it could be Manny Pacquiao or Tim Lincecum and some people would act like they don't know sh!t just cause they aren't gigantic.

Gold Member
Username: Andrew571

Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA

Post Number: 2349
Registered: Oct-05
this thread is pretty entertaining...

BTW guys... where's the pics of all you meat heads


Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Fck your sht

Post Number: 11012
Registered: Aug-05
I agree with you entire post, Ehren. lol

I see a lot of that over there. In fact, just last night, a member disagreed with the OP and the OP says something to the likes of "yeah i'll listen to you when you can lift as much as me." All i could think of was what ignorance! There are way more people over there that do not know wth is going on, and it takes time and a great deal of focus to sift through all the b.s. and still come out and know wth you just read and how much of it is true.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Fck your sht

Post Number: 11013
Registered: Aug-05
hahaha Andrizzle, not my style.

I'm not like the guys on that forum who have 209128703821039212312432 pics of themselves flexing showing all their beefy muscles and tats and supplements in the same pic. lmao

It's more about the knowledge i can gain than showing people how swole my bicep is. LOL

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes

Post Number: 11023
Registered: Aug-05
ya know, after reading through this entire thread several times, i have come to realize that what i said about Rob was inappropriate, and totally not necessary.

So, i would like to apologize to you Rob, sorry man, my bad. I will try not to come off as a douche like that. The more i read this thread, the more i realize i was wrong, and that what i said was hurtful, and immature on my part. :-)

i should have followed my personal quote in my bio more closely. lol

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 9577
Registered: Jul-06
Well it's not like I take the internet srs anyways. Besides when you act like a douche you should expect to be treated like a douche so I just brush it all off :D

Note to everyone, soy protein is disgusting in it's powder form but it's cheaper than anything else out there that I've found.

Macros are as follow-

Protein 25 grams
Fat 1 gram
Carbohydrates- 0grams
Calories-110(rounded up as listed on the nutrition facts)

I scored 4 pounds of this stuff(equates to about 64 scoops) for $17.00(off the top of my head) shipped.

I'd only recommend this stuff if you don't care about taste because it's disgusting. Like mentioned, for the's tough to beat even if it is an incomplete protein. l-002660?NewPage=1 l-002660?NewPage=1

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 9582
Registered: Jul-06
I'd just like to touch upon soy protein a bit-

There are a thousand "studies" about it being very dangerous and causing all sorts of side effects(estrogen being a scary one or cancer).

There are also a thousand "studies" about how safe it is and how it's better for you than just about everything.

That being said I don't think I should recommend the stuff anymore since it's an on the fence product. I'm sure in small doses side effects wouldn't exist.

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3119
Registered: Jan-06
so what, if any, is everybody using for a pre-workout?

i started on Jack3d about 2 months ago an am pretty satisfied with it thus far. starting to cycle back on right now. lot less filler than most other products as well.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes

Post Number: 11132
Registered: Aug-05
My preworkout is stress and anger.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 9600
Registered: Jul-06
Eric, what exactly do you get from Jack3d? Out of all the supplements I've used in the past 6 years I've found caffeine to be the common ingredient in most of the crap out there and it can be purchased for far less in it's pure form.

Muddy, stress is bad for test =/ Reductions in test lead to reductions in gains =( If you're a pessimist try switching to being an optimist, life ends up being so much better in every way.

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 13903
Registered: Jun-04
the only thing you could say that I use pre workout right now because I take it early in the day is ephedrine hcl 12.5 and 200 milligrams of caffeine then later in the day about 6 hours later I take the same dose again...I do think the stack speeds up my metabolism and definitely curbs hunger case in point one day my stomach was literally growling yet I had zero hunger

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes

Post Number: 11134
Registered: Aug-05
Yeah stress sucks. Lol. Thankfully I don't have a ton of it. Mostly anger. lmao

I have tried a couple different preworkout supps, and they made me feel bad. I don't consume any soda or caffeine or energy drinks ever(I get sugar from stuff I eat obviously, but i avoid sweets). So when I take that stuff i can feel my heart pounding in my chest. and i get lightheaded and nauseous.

Funny thing is, people who suck down soda all day(some of my friends) say it gives them a slight boost of energy.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 9603
Registered: Jul-06
Sean, on the EC stack nice. You can't beat it for the money. It does raise your heart rate but barely at all as far as I know. It's when you combine it with cardio and 2-3x doses of the stuff your heart rate really increases and then people die sometimes =/ I may actually jump on the EC stack myself, thinkin about it.

A lot of people experience that with caffeine and I've never been one of them, that's probably because most of my life as a fat kid I drank 6+ cans a day and always drank sh1t loads of kool-aid. I could dose caffeine now and not have bad side effects unless I took ridiculous amounts. You build a tolerance to the stuff pretty fast that's for sure.

Sean, Muddy, you guys have any good gains lately? I'm getting close to hitting all my records for lifts after not having heavy weights for quite some time.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes

Post Number: 11136
Registered: Aug-05
I deadlifted 495 two nights ago.

Getting ready to get 290 on bench, I can feel it..

Constantly pushing myself harder with squats and mill presses and well...everything!

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes

Post Number: 11142
Registered: Aug-05

i love skim milk.

that is all.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 9606
Registered: Jul-06
I've been slacking on deads that's for sure =/ I train doing too many rows and such, I was planning on working on my deads again but I'm tired of these nasty calluses and during of my days of heavy deads I'd have bl00dy hands from busted calluses(nasty).

I beat you on bench yesterday, tossed up 295 so of course I went from 300 BUT failed =/ I was like 2'' from locking out but eh, 2'' short is the story of my life ^_^ I'll get it on Friday that's for sure.

Skim milk was my best lover and most people hate it in comparison to 2%, whole or whatever but it's like beer, an acquired taste and you grow to love it. I know I do.

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes

Post Number: 11153
Registered: Aug-05
I want 295 very badly. So it is in my tunnel vision right now. LOL
Congrats on getting it man. That is no small feat.

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 13918
Registered: Jun-04
good job Rob didnt you do 300 fine with skim milk also

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 9608
Registered: Jul-06
Yea Sean but back then I weighed in the range of 195-200 and was much bigger. I'm a much smaller form but nearly as strong as I was then. More muscle, less fat, lighter weight :D

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 9609
Registered: Jul-06
And Muddy, if you only train chest once per week try twice. It's helping me to regain lots of strength that was lost from not having access to heavy weight and at a fast pace.

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 13924
Registered: Jun-04
what weight are you down to these days Rob

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Box Designer & Builder...Dustin

Post Number: 5520
Registered: Oct-05
I did the opposite rob, i was stuck on doing chest twice a week for a while and my strength was not gaining. So ever since about 4 months ago or so, i started doing it once a week and my strength has been skyrocketing. I hit 295 on bench the other day 2 full times. pretty proud :D

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Box Designer & Builder...Dustin

Post Number: 5521
Registered: Oct-05
and my metabolism is freakishly fast

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86

Steady as she goes

Post Number: 11158
Registered: Aug-05
yeah. i only do bench, squats, and deads once a week. i try to only do deads every 2 weeks, but i forget. lol. it has helped my strength tremendously. I do very heavy reps on all exercises. 1-3 reps usually. then i work down into less weight unitl i am barely able to do 5 reps. so twice a week doesnt work for me.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 9614
Registered: Jul-06
Sean, you should be asking what weight I'm UP TO these days =/ However, a new cutting phase has begun.

Bassman and Muddy, recovery rates differ from person to person so of course what I do for gains may or may not work for the next guy, I was just tossing it out there. Oh and I came extremely close at 300lbs again today but failed =/ I sucked it up and tried again anyways and REALLY failed lol. No spotter either, stupid as always.

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Box Designer & Builder...Dustin

Post Number: 5528
Registered: Oct-05
spotter is very important lol you never know if you are on a good day or bad day until you lift that heavy @ss weight lol

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 13943
Registered: Jun-04
Ok what are you up to Rob? Im down to 157.0 carb depleted and im going for a 10 pound loss to 150 even then ill probably take a small break for like 2 weeks and go to maintenance calories then go for another 10 pound loss to 140. By the way this ec stack is great for cutting appetite and making carb cravings disappear.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 9615
Registered: Jul-06
I weigh 182 pounds fully clothed with shoes on but I'm loaded with carbs right now. Of course by the end of the week I'll probably near 170 after I drop this glycogen off. Anyhow, can I ask what kind of meal timing/frequency you're doing? Intermittent fasting is probably the best thing anyone can do that is into physical fitness. In short what you do is fast 16 hours(8 being sleep, 8 awake) and then you have an 8 hour window where you get all your calories in AFTER training. Best gains can be had and you can also get VERY lean and maintain your body easily this way. I'll post more info on this if anyone is interested. As for E/C, yea it's the best you can get for your money and most effective.

Gold Member
Username: Tanmanfosho

Post Number: 1202
Registered: Nov-06
Used to take a little muscle milk every now and then, our weight lifting staff gives us chocolate milks to help speed of recovery rate. Has a lot of protein and sugar or something, and it's cheaper then supplying the whole team with protein shakes.

Lot's of guys I know supplement from protein and creatine, all the way to pro hormones like deca, trend and phero. Depends on what they are trying to do. I also take fish oil to help my joints and heart >.<

What are everybody's maxes if they know them? Bench, squat? Cleans if you do them?

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 13945
Registered: Jun-04
I just checked my fat loss on the scale and it says I lost 3.2 percent fat but it also said my lean mass went down so im increasing my calories an extra 300 a day which should put me at a .8 pound loss a week instead of 1.4. Im guessing a 26% deficit is as far as I should go for just fat loss. Im going to do this for a while and see what results the scale gives me.

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 13947
Registered: Jun-04
with more water in my system and a little bit of food now its saying I lost 6.8 % body fat hmm.... If I go by my weight as of today before food and water id have two pounds unaccounted for that brings the total with those two pounds to 18 pounds lost....from 173 to gonna keep testing the scale to see how accurate it really is

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 9616
Registered: Jul-06
Ugh lol, Sean body fat scales are trash and so are the hand held resistance testers. They're so inaccurate it's ridiculous. Only go with what tape tests say, calipers or bodpod/dunk testing. For example, those scales put me at 20% body fat while my calipers said 5.5% and I was at 142 pounds. Calipers and tape tests can be off too though but not nearly as bad as those crappy scales.
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