Been sick since last Thursday. Went to the ER Monday and got a IV with a shot of Morphine, followed by another IV with a shot of hydromorphone and a shot of diazapam. Also since last thursday about 6-8 13mg codine tabs daily.
So daily now is, 6-8 codine tabs, 4 tabs of hydromorphone (Dilaudid) , 4 valuims, and mouth wash every 2-3 hours, loaded with lidocaine. Why am i still in pain?
yes, Found out today that it was/is a severe case of infected tonsils. They said I have white ulcers on the tonsils they are so bad. My whole throat was closed due to swelling. 100x worse then a normal sore throat. Just started antibiotics today. Should clear up in a few days now. but ya, it sucks. To have my tonsils removed at my age is not a good idea.
I normal dont drink, but after getting out of the throat Dr. today I stopped by my cousins pub to say hi. Told her what was up, and being Irish, she insisted that a few shots of Hennesy would clear it up in no time. lol. But for the rest of the week, its just 1 vicidine every 4-6 hours as directed. hopefully it clears up now with the Antibiotics.
Damn man I thought I was feelin right. I tore my MCL clean in two and have a slight tear in my PCL and I have been taking 2 Lortab 10s ever 4-6 hours. Amazing how the "high" feeling went away after taking them for two days... I kinda enjoyed that, along with everyone else that was in the room with me at the time. Haha
Hope you get better soon man. A sore throat sucks so I cant imagine having something 100x worse!
thanks, Im on the mend now, but the last few days were tough. I dont mind a few pain meds when its for normal stuff, but I have never had to take that much stuff before at once. idk how junkies can stand that. I realy didnt like being that drugged up, but it was the only way I could make the pain bearable to get water down. I would have prefered gettting IV's daily then take all that stuff. Plus ive finaly been able to sleep for more then 1 hour at a time now.
You know I notice during that period of pre-slumber where you're on your back and you start to drift off when the snoring starts. It's when your body relaxes and the tongue rolls back. A simple roll on the side eliminates it.
I've known some ppl who had (Apnea) and it killed their sleep though.
Ever wonder why during your drift off to sleep you suddenly twitch?
"I've known some ppl who had (Apnea) and it killed their sleep though."
that was me
"A simple roll on the side eliminates it."
That didnt work for me either. My doctor explained that the tissues back in my throat would relax and then partially block my airway which is probably what happened to others who slept on their back too.
I still have episodes even after my tonsils were removed and excess skin was removed but things are much more manageable now.
Yea, Monday morning my whole mouth, throat, tongue were swollen almost shut. Then my uvula (That litttle punching bag looking thing)swelled up, and ever time i tried falling asleep, it would block my air passage, thus waking my up gasping for air. I didnt have more then 20-25 minutes of sleep at a time Sunday night thru monday night. I couldnt even talk cause of the swelling.
I fell 100% better now. The amoxicillian has started and the swelling is alot less. I slept today for like 6 hours straight.
Only needed on codine all day. I will take one more before bed for a good night sleep, then hopefully back to normal.
Well I wasn't implying that rolling on your side would cure Apnea. Not at all. What I meant was, for me, avoiding sleeping on my back ELIMINATED the hard elbows in my sides from my wife due to common snoring. That's just me.
Your toilet has a lil flapper in the tank that opens and closes, allowing water to pass and flush
well in the back of yer throat in neck, we all have a lil "flapper" (not your tonsils or adnoids) that opens and closes too, allowing air/oxygen in...when that flapper don't open FULLY ya snore....and in some cases of just a slight closure, ya can move on yer side or whatever and yer flapper will open more, and ya stop snoring...BUT
and in worse severe cases (SLEEP APNEA) ya actually stop breathing (U ain't "sleeping") and have loss of oxygen to yer brain, heart and and all bodily organs because that flapper may close all the way, only open ocassionally for just 1 second ..varies by severity...( example-.I stop breathing 60 times an hour).... thats why many ppl MUST wear a "CPAP" mask while forces air down yer nose and throat to FORCE that lil "flapper" open so ya don't kick the bucket!...thats why ppl with sleep apnea (NOT TREATED) often are tired, fall asleep at stop signs or suddenly ( but actually ain't breathing) fatigued, weak, gain weight, etc...and "restless leg syndrome" is also common with sleep is, no REAL sleep and not going into deep REMS of sleep.....that CPAP mask is a wonderful life saver for those that have true sleep apnea, but many ppl won't wear, I do, (and feel 20 years younger ever since) who cares what I look like when i'm sleeping..and ya adapt to it real easy, if ya give it a chance....first nite for me I slept like a baby for 14 hours, unlike my normal interrupted 6 hrs of what I though was sleep (sometimes waking up gasping fer air)....and Sleep Apnea has everything to do with yer neck also, meaning long or large necks are most prone for it...its a myth that its ONLY fat ppl have sleep apnea...also, many ppl have sleep apnea, and don't know it or realize it and their symptoms....
Sorry I went off topic thread here...but I seen "sleep apnea" mentioned here, and had to pass on some info...I lost 2 good friends (that I know of) in their 40's with this sleep disorder, that they ignored the symptoms or was not diagnosed soon enuff...I was lucky, took 2-3 years to diagnose, and I knew something wasn't right, but finally did catch it in time...
Southie...good to hear the docs finally got ya under control and yer getting better...sometimes ya got to give these docs a kick in the azz and be persistent and thorough, when explaining yer issues with them..