Yo douche bages and douche nozzles I am drunk!!! Big suprise right? lol! Steele Reserve FTMFW!!! Also little white pills marked "512" FTMFW!!! So how is urybody? I been busy as fawk lately so I have not been able to post here or chat. Got me a legal job and been livin with my girl so not much time for you losers!! Sorry yall!! Happy very late Thanksgiving and early merry Christmas and Happy New Years if I dont post til then!!! I wish I could have been a part of secret santa but Im a cheap basterd so f*ck off! I did pretty good in FF this year,I made the playoffs for once! How I did that I dunno. Julian is a f*cking bean dip and Berny is my nikka even though he stopped chattin like a year ago. Well I got some more 211s to drank and a couple more pills to eat so Ill catch you all later.............maybe. Peace out E homies!! Im not goin anywhere Im just takin a break so Ill be back,like it or not hos!! Later fegs!!!