A few snap of fails I seen today.. First is blurry, due to passing it at like 65.
The ppl in that one were like wtf..Why is he taking my picure? The started pointing and yelling at me as I drove away..lol.
The other day, i was driving and some guy in a mitza gt300 was driving like a race car..in and out of lanes...almost fished into a gaurd rail... Lost sight of him, then I come around a corner and he had skidded over a curb and into a tree. Lotta front end carnage.lol. Thats what prompted me to grab the cam today. I see alot of interesting things driving around.
Free Pimpin Fan -- You want this fan bro -- Insta laid (Chelmsford)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2009-12-03, 9:44PM EST Reply to: sale-j8z2m-1494028126@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Hey bro, you want this free effin fan. I mean look at it, its white and glass, whats more money than that??? That right, nothing. You may piss excellence, but this fan spins excellence. This fan isnt for the faint of heart who arent ready for mad poontang, you're just goin to get hurt, so honetly stay away. However, if youre hung like a horse and ready to show your lady a great time than this is your fan. If you're ready, and you want your dreams a reality, then let me know...I will put this next to my big trash barrel..with your name on it. "This fan is for (your name), because he plans on gettin mad laid".
Location: Chelmsford it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests