well, as many of you dont know or care, my pc died. So I just picked this up. Should be here next week.
HP A6700Y Desktop 1.8Ghz 500GB 4GB AMD QUAD CORE X4
My old pc started shutting off randomly, So i thought it was the PS, So I took it out and swapped it. still no joy. So i took th heatsink off to clean it, and the chip came with it..so whatever, i proceded to wash it off in the sink, being caefull not to get the chip wet, when it falls off the heat sink into the sink. whatever, So i stick it back in, it fitghts me a litle, turn it on and nothing...btw, the heat sink fan also got the sink treatment, so its flinging water around for a few before it dies too. So i take the fan, heatsink and chip out again, and noticed that I installed the chip upside down. I bent a few of the chip prongs in the process. So I get the tweezers and get them straight. reinstall every thing. great starts working like normal. Then shuts off. So I figure now its a OS prob. Do a reformatt on C, Start to rload windows and it would never finish. got about 1/3 done then it would shut off. So I bought a new one.
I looked and played with the macs, but i just couldnt get the feel for it. I sopose if I got one I would like it just fine. My biggest worry is running the MS Vista. If I dont like it, I will upgrade/downgrade to XP
lol...vista blows....i m using windows 7 (its trial but its a souped up trial from torrents) and i lub it. Its almost like windows xp and windows vista got together one night and had a baby(windows 7!). btw...that quadcore is gonna be awesome. get a blu ray player - good vid card (if it dnt alrdy have one)- hook it to tv = awesomeness.
so...I hooked it up thursday... Have had nothing but issues with it. I am sending it back today for a refund. The hard drive is messed up, while doing a diagnostics, it would go to 98 percent, drop back tp 70, do that 3 times then it would cancell. Also I has norton on it. Ive got a 30 day trial version of it..Its expirded after 2-3 days? Not that I wanted it..but it seems to cause issues with Vista.
btw, I like vista so far, Only thing is the font size is screwy, It wont adjust to a normal size. Its either super small or gigantic. Maybe a new flat sceen or 2 will fix that as this moniter may be out dated.
Lastly, I blame all my PC problems on Snow for hooking my up with Utorrent and btjunkie.