Today I stopped by 7-11 wearing an Orion shirt and some guy behind me says all cocky: "Whatta ya know about Orion?". I didn't know what else to say to something so dumb, so I said: "Everything".
Then he kind of looked at me all funny and said "Oh really?" as if the great quiz would soon begin. So he asked me some noob questions to I guess see what I knew about brands and things. Long story short... 10 minutes later, after I facted him on pretty much every principle of audio, and he went from king kong long dong audio Lord to a speechless and nodding little bitch -- he tells me he has a new PPI amp and two 15L7's. LOL.
It would have taken too long to explain the demise of PPI and why Kickers arent all that (he talked them up like they were ultra rare DD 5HP's), so instead, I took him later to my buddies house who has a system I built and installed. He has two LMS 5400's in my ported cabs each driven by a Mmats 3500.1 in a Trailblazer. It hits hard and is very clean and accurate.
We had talked about the low SQ of the L7's -- he had no clue they were SPL drivers -- and I wanted him to witness something both loud and clean. I think he shit himself a little bit. I saw right there his audio virginity being taken from him, and he crawled home with a whole new world in mind. My work there was done.
And it just proves what I have always said.... the people that really know about something keep quiet about it, and the guys that don't -- love to flap their gums with their extremely limited knowledge to anyone who will listen. Sometimes they run into someone like me and their whole power trip comes to a screeching halt. But then again, tomorrow at work he will be schooling people on all the new things he learned.
"You guys don't know about Digital Designs and AudioPulse??? Kicker subs are overrated. You're all stupid"
Good to see Brad. Education is a far better moral than humiliation. It's better to help ppl grow than cut them down. They too will appreciate the gesture.
"And it just proves what I have always said.... the people that really know about something keep quiet about it, and the guys that don't -- love to flap their gums with their extremely limited knowledge to anyone who will listen."
^^^I'm on key with THAT! Why talk when you can listen and learn?
"A stupid person should keep silent. But if he knew this, he would not be a stupid person."
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something."
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.-- "