I just got back from the funeral of one of my good friends, Justin. He was 21 and a great guy. I had hung out with him 2 days before he passed and things were like always. Sitting around talking and drinking a few beers. Little did we know that the same thing, we were doing, was going to lead to his death 2 days later. He was at his girlfriends house Thursday night and from what she said, he was way too drunk but insisted on going home. He hopped in his truck early Friday morning and headed home. All we know is, he ran off a bridge, hit a tree at the bottom, pinning him in his truck which caught on fire. When the paramedics and firefighter got there they knew if he was still in it, he was dead. Sure enough, me and 100+ other people met this morning to celebrate the life of our good friend Justin Armstrong.
The main reason I threw that one out there is, please don't drink and drive. I will have a few beers and drive but I see too many people that leave parties WAY too drunk but wont let someone else drive them. I know so many people that would have drove him home because Ive seen it done before, Ive done it before and had it done for me before. I would rather spend the extra 20 mins to give him a ride than spend those 2 hours at the funeral home. Again, please dont drink and drive and please be willing to give a friend a ride or keep him/her from drinking too much or at all. Even if you go 30 mins out of your way, its worth it just so you know they'll be at the next party you have.
R.I.P. Bradley Justin Armstrong May 1, 1987-February 27, 2009
Yeah. He was great and I know he doesnt want us down here sad. He liked to party but he knew how to keep it under control. He worked 40 hours a week and never had a problem with anyone that I knew of. He was great. I just hope hearing stories like that might make someone change their mind about drinking and driving. Its not he same till you have to bury your own friend but maybe a story will change someones mind