Before you read, know that I have absolutely no knowledge on car performance whatsoever. My dog and I are on the same level to tell the truth.
As most of you know, I drive a '05 Scion TC. Since I will be done buying car audio here in a month or two, I need something new to waste my money on so why not performance. For car audio we refer idiots to so is there a equivalent for performance? Lol. I know my car isn't exactly the fastest car on the road but I'm embarrassed when a semi accelerates faster than me (exaggeration for you retards). I want to learn so when I start making better money over the summer I will know what I want and need and understand it on a relatively basic level. So link it up fellas
PS, no ripping on Scions. I'm not looking to race my car or anything, just want it to be respectable for lack of a better term.
Marc, there is a Scion forum which I am part of. I just don't like the people over there for the most part so I figured I'd ask my buddies here lol. I'll eventually ask them over there once I learn some stuff.