And I mean snow lol! Going to be a long night and a tricky day for us up in the northeast. My area is expecting 8"-12" with Marc in Mass expecting up to 15". Schools are already closed. Can you believe some people around here went to the home centers and bought up every last bag of salt and are now asking for double the original price??!! The stores are completely cleaned out. There's a douche on Craigslist who claims to have 35 bags and he'll sell them for $20 a pop. ($9.95 original). That's just wrong.
Well considering when we got 3/4" 2 weeks ago and my son's school was delayed 2 hours because of it, I can safely assume he'll have off tomorrow. I have over an inch easy right this minute. Not supposed to stop until tomorrow afternoon.
ya, should be a fun day. Gotta drive 50 miles to fix a clothes dryer first thing tomorrow. then i will probly call it a day. May grab a few pics of the storm coming in off the ocean at New Bedford.
I'm a lil north of you Paul and im expecting the same thing...i doubt i will get half of it...but even half would suck All day at work and college tomorrow gona suk!
Listen to you little pansies! I hate the winter-weather complaining! I wanna go somewhere where it's warm year round, not to avoid the winter conditions, but to avoid the whiny winter conversation! I don't even have a snow-blower... get out your gear, get out your shovel and GET TO WORK!
With that said... I have tomorrow off ... I'll probably get up around noon, hop in the jeep 4x4 and go shopping... need some new jeans n' stuff.
Yes I agree it's insane. I'm originally from Western PA and grew up with heavy snow. What's annoying is living in an area where ppl are NOT used to the snow. Everyone drives like a grandma and you can double the time it takes to get anywhere because of it. Schools close with the hint of a dusting and the state shuts down.
I LOVE the snow. My STATE doesn't.
Growing up I remember going to and from school tromping through it each way. Where I live now they treat it like a disaster.
Paulie I love it too. Chicago's known in particular for the ridiculous unpredictability. We had days early in February in the mid 60's and within 48 hours of that, back down to 20's and snowing, good times. I just laugh on those days when people who have lived here forever are actually surprised saying "Do you believe this weather!? This is ridiculous! Unbelievable." ... I'm like, "You must be new in town..."
Got about the same as Paul. 5-6" right now and another 5-8" tonight.
Went to start the van this morning, Nothing. Just cranks over with uot starting. Tried a new coil, starter fluid, nothing. It has gas, spark, so idk wtf is the matter. Waiting on a tow truck now to get it to a shop. Crappy way to start week. Notice wire going into hood? Thats the bat charger in there, killed the battery trying to start it.
Funny, I started it yesterday with my remote no problem. Fired fight up. Hope its not the ecm again. That will put me out for a few days waiting on that. Always somegoddammthing.
"Question. Is the license plate on that Dodge "69 WTF"?... cuz that's hilarious to me"
No, its been modified for this post.
Good eye.
Ya, poco doing ok. Ive got him on pain meds still. But hes getting back to normal. Honestly, if I knew it was going to be this big of a wound, I wouldnt have done it. He is 11 now, so another 2-3 years with a bump wouldnt have killed him. Its not like it was bothering him. I was under the impression it was gonna be like a 2-3" cut, not half a dogs worth.
So after many hours of messing with the van, I got it started. Replaced the coil to cap wire, and it eventually took. Not sure if that was the cause.. Still going to have it checked out tomorrow. Hopefully it starts in the morning. what a royal pita.