Maybe it is just myself noticing this....but why is everybody around here so quick to get there feelings hurt and turn defensive or start flaming??
it used to not be this way on ecoustics. over the last 3 weeks i have noticed more flaming and arguing than i remember back in the day when i used to frequent this site a lot more.
that suprises me. b/c me and Rob get along better than me and you. j/k
but i just get tired of seeing people constantly arguing over stupid sh1t. they need tojust beat their wives or girlfriends or something. have a drink. beat off. relieve some tension before you get online to be social. LMAO
If only I could beat my wife, beat my girlfriend, have a drink, beat off, and be social online all at the same time... I'm doing at least 3 at the moment...
Word muddy. When you come to ecoustics, leave your heart behind, because you might just get hurt. Don't be bringing your big azz heart here. Leave that sh!t somewhere else.
i don't understand why people get their feelings hurt either. i feel like i can say what i want on this site without everyone getting their p/\nties in a wad, but that rarely happens. this is the internet and most of us are strangers. it should be treated accordingly.
ive officially been on here past 2.5 yrs & never had anything with any1 but last 2 mths i got flamed 3-4 times for no good real reason - well at least i got an apology & have forgiven & moved on like normal , no hard feelings....