Nickelback sucks


Gold Member
Username: Shortysetnies

Andrew Capps, NC US

Post Number: 3021
Registered: Mar-06
No fans ever believe that all their songs sound the same but....

Am I the only one here that thinks they suck?

Gold Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego, California

Post Number: 4955
Registered: Dec-06
No you're not Andrew. There are even sites about how much the blow:
How You Remind Me was a decent song and I can appreciate the songwriting but...they aren't heavy and they aren't melodic... so what's the point? For instance I dig this new Lily Allen song below, it has great melody and is catchy as f!ck. It doesn't hurt that she is cute either. I love Paramore for the same reasons. And on the other side of the coin I love extreme metal because it takes incredible talent and has heaviness and energy. I have left some shows feeling like I could tip over a car. Nickleback on the other hand does nothing for me.


Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Philadelphia, PA

Post Number: 9254
Registered: Jul-06
I like nickelback..... I like the new song also

Most metallica songs sound the same to me...... and lots of people like them so.

Gold Member
Username: Andrew571

Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA

Post Number: 2160
Registered: Oct-05
lol me and friends always joke about how all the stupid frat boys ride around town in their jeep wranglers without doors blasting nickleback and drinking natty lite.

Classic D-bags lol

Diamond Member
Username: Bestmankind

Post Number: 23112
Registered: Oct-05
no wonder brad is always complaing about my ringback tone. lol.

i just like one song from nickelback. never got to listen to others.

btw jonas>>nickel back.

Gold Member
Username: Redliner

Wilmington, Ma

Post Number: 4804
Registered: Jun-05
i like nickelback i do agree they sound the same on every song just diff lyrics but songs like rockstart i dont know i like them. But then again i like linkin park and they sound the same on every song so lol idk

Gold Member
Username: Bonhamd

Traverse City, MI

Post Number: 1631
Registered: Nov-07
i cannot stand nicklegay

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

COD4 Addict

Post Number: 2816
Registered: Jan-06
they get to be pretty annoying at times. especially when they over play the hell out of them on the radio...

gotta admit they have some funny lyrics lately but they're just writing them for attention

Gold Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego, California

Post Number: 4959
Registered: Dec-06
Nippleback rofl:

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Philadelphia, PA

Post Number: 9263
Registered: Jul-06
LOL, just so happens on my local rock station today the DJ was complaining on the air about how he doesnt like nickelback, but the station plays them all the time b/c everyone else there likes them.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

I compensate...

Post Number: 9089
Registered: Jul-06
"LOL, just so happens on my local rock station today the DJ was complaining on the air about how he doesnt like nickelback, but the station plays them all the time b/c everyone else there likes them."

That's crazy haha. I hate when coincidences happen like that, they almost freak you out.

Bronze Member
Username: Armykyle1

Ms Us

Post Number: 43
Registered: Dec-08
i like that new song 'sex' by nickleback, and for chik singers check out hey monday the song 'homecoming' but i think A7X is on top right now

Platinum Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 10140
Registered: Aug-05
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