So I recently bought a system from a guy in my school. It's my first system, and even though I'm posting this, I still think I got a decent deal.
Here's my problem: I bought this system, and listened to it while it was in his car and mine. It hits pretty hard. The thing is one of the subs I bought from this guy doesn't hit. It's blown. Me being a newbie to car systems, I believed him when he told me that the other sub was just hitting "half way" because of some BS reason he made up. It wasn't until I took it to another friends house to show, and we took out the power to the one sub that was working (two subs in one box)and nothing happened.
I bought 3 subs, 2 memphis m1 12s, a sony explode 10, an amp, boxes for everything and the wiring. All of this for 370$.
I guess I don't know what to do. When I see him in school again, I'm going to ask for about 60$ back from what I paid him.
My question is, what do I do if he says no? I mean, I'm not afraid of him, but he's got about 60 lbs and 6 inches on me. Plus he's not exactly right in the head. Is there anything exactly that I could do if he refuses, besides fight him and try to take my money back, or just hope he gives me the money I ask for?
If he doesn't refund your $$ then attempting to kick his azz will only prove embarrassing unless you know something you're not telling us lol. He knew it was blown. You got ripped. Ruining his rep is about the best you can do unless you have some friends to back you up during the confrontation. Most thugs are gutless when alone. In groups they are amazingly brave and audacious.
You may feel cheated and deservabely so. However it's your $$ and choosing to spend it on that miss matched "gear" is your choice. Even if it all worked you should hold your head down and take this as an education.
By ALL means try and get your $$ back. Just don't risk confronting a person who isn't right in the head without protecting yourself.
Well, I guess I should add that the amp is a Digital Audio amp, DA2150HC 1200 watt. Also, most of the stuff is fairly new and is in good condition, besides the blown sub. What I'm thinking about doing is selling the sony explode sub to my friend and heading to a place to have them check out my system. I'll probably end up buying a new sub and after the holidays trying to get my money back for the blown sub.
Is the DA2150HC 1200 watt amp strong enough to power two memphis m1 12's, or do I need to buy a more powerful amp to power them? Also, are Memphis subs/amps of decent quality for their price range? Or is there better stuff out there for my money? I'm not really looking for competition grade stuff, just stuff that sounds pretty good and hits decently, for daily use.