I was at a party last night and my sister called me up just to see where I was and chat a little. She had just left her boyfriends house and said she was headed home because she was really tired. We talked for a good two or three minutes and all of a sudden I her her start screaming and loud noises in the back and then the phone disconnected. I called her back twice and when she didn't answer I jumped in my truck and tore off... This was at 10:50 when she called me. There was only one way for her to get home (unless she decided to go the extra long way) so I knew I could find her. I started at the end of her boyfriends neighborhood and started the drive home, doing 80-90 M.P.H. the whole way. About time I hit a 45 M.P.H. zone I passed a cop. Needless to say he turned around. I called 911 to tell them why I was speeding and that I wasnt going to stop till I found my sister and as I grabbed my phone I came up on her trailblazer, on the side of the road with a half ton horse laying dead in front of her. I jumped outta the car and ran over to her. She had caught the steering wheel in her face and had a busted up mouth and nose. The cop jumped out and ran over. We called EMS and they arrived and treated her at the scene. When I finally looked at my phone again it was 11:18. She had been knocked out/severally dazed for almost 30 mins and couldn't think enough to call anyone. I called my parents and got them out there and we tied the horse to my truck and my dads truck and pulled it off the road. By this time the owners got there and told us they had been getting out a lot and yadda yadda. I told the officer my story and he didnt write me a ticket. Apparently he had turned off a road about a half mile past my sisters wreck so he didnt pass it...
If you look at the horses back left leg (the bottom side) you can tell she broke it because it is bent the wrong way but I didnt think to get a picture of the bones hanging out.
I hope no one ever has to go up on a wreck like that and see a family member unresponsive bleeding from the face. The cops said if the horse wouldve been shorter or standing a few feet to the left or right his stomach or legs woulda set off the air bag and probably hurt her even more.
I thought the same thing too but he said he had been to accidents where the airbag deployed and burnt the skin off of the inside of the drivers arms because they still were holding the steering wheel. My sister said, "Id rather look like I got my /\s$ handed to me by some macho girl than no be able to have my arms touch my side."
I'm glad your sister is okay, man. I would be so upset if something happened to one of my family members.
Anyways, when I go in my wreck the airbag deployed, but i usually ride with my seat laid back a decent bit so I didn't get rocked by it. Gangsta leanin' FTW.
Glad she's ok, Capps. That would have scared me too.
Here you go yanks:
I'm curius as to what 911 said when you told them why you were speeding and that you weren't going to stop.
I called 911 to tell them why I was speeding and that I wasnt going to stop till I found my sister and as I grabbed my phone I came up on her trailblazer, on the side of the road with a half ton horse laying dead in front of her.
Yeah. I don't think there is any cop that could be a big enough d|ck to write me a ticket for it, especially if I woulda called and told dispatch what was up. If so, oh well. It would be worth knowing my sister was ok. We live out in the country and at 11 at night there is no telling how long it would take someone to pass her.
I tried to snag a pic of her face to post but she wouldn't let me, shes embarrassed. Its pretty busted up but funny, now that shes OK.
WTF ! - car wrecked but glad to hear ur sis is ok , good thing u were on the phone with her that time but i hope it wasnt the phone that distracted her too ...